EINSTEIN(2 ano-II Bim) 2011 He was a modern magician. His
EINSTEIN(2 ano-II Bim) 2011 He was a modern magician. His
EINSTEIN(2 ano-II Bim) 2011 He was a modern magician. His astonishing notions of space and time changed man’s perception of the universe forever. He fathered relativity and intruduced the atomic age with this formula E= mc2*. Yet his formidable reputation never spoiled his simple humanity. He spoke courageously against social injustice.In his later years, dressed in loose clothes,his white hair untidy, he helped youngsters with their geometry homework.He was na old man who still loved to sail, play Mozart on the violin, and write poems. He died about half a century ago, but there are few people who do not recognize the face or name of Albert Eistein. The magnitude of Einstein’s theories was not the result of his invididual work. Others had worked before him and contributed to his formulations. One example is Copernicus, from whom we learned about the heliocentric theory. Kepler who was a German physicist, provided a geometric description of the movement of planets. Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation * E=mc2 : energia é igual ao produto da massa pelo quadrado da velocidade da luz VOCABULARY Astonishing: surpreendente Copernicus: Copernico Fathered: concebeu,criou Heliocentric:heliocentrico Dressed: vestido(verbo) physicist: físico(o cientista) Untidy:desarrumado ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ACCORDING THE TEXT 1) How did Einstein’s ideas change the world 2) How did Einstein’s spend his time in his later years 3) Who else contributed to Einstein’s work RESPONDA AS PERGUNTAS DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 1) O texto afirma que a imensa reputação de Einstein nunca alterou seus valores humanos simples. Por quê 2) Diz o texto que o trabalho de outros cientistas, anteriores a Einstein, ontribuiu para a formulação de suas teorias. Quais são os exemplos apresentados. INSTRUÇÕES 1) SOMENTE MANUSCRITO 2) EM FOLHA DE PAPEL ALMAÇO (FOLHA DE PROVA) NÃO SERÃO ACEITOS TRABALHOS EM FOLHA DE CADERNO 3) INDIVIDUAL 4) ATENÇÃO PARA O PRAZO DE ENTREGA