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Journal of Coastal Research 1560- 1563 SI 39 ICS 2004 (Proceedings) Brazil ISSN 0749-0208 Numerical Modeling of the Hydrodynamics in the Coastal Area of Sao Paulo State Brazil J. Harari†; R. Camargo‡; C.A. S. França†; A. R. Mesquita† and S. S. Picarelli† †Dept. of Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ‡ Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Inst. of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, [email protected] ABSTRACT HARARI, J.; CAMARGO, R.; FRANÇA, C. A. S.; MESQUITA, A. R. and PICARELLI, S. S., 2006. Numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics in the coastal area of Sao Paulo State - Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39 (Proccendigs of the 8th International Coastal Symposium), 1560 - 1563. Itajaí, SC, Brazil, ISSN 0749-0208. A numerical model was implemented for the whole coastal area of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, based on the Princeton Ocean Model. The model grid has 150 x 450 points and 11 sigma levels, with uniform resolution of 1 Km in the horizontal, and time steps of 180 and 6 seconds for the internal and external modes. The main advantage of the implemented model configuration is the possibility of using nested grids in estuarine regions of interest and subsequent use of dispersion and sediment transport models. Numerical experiments consider the coastal circulation driven by tidal, meteorological, density and river effects, separately or combined. A simulation with all the forcing effects shows the importance of the coastal channels in the amplification of the circulation, particularly in the Cananeia Iguape estuary, where surface currents reached 84.6 cm/s. In general, river effects are not very significant in Sao Paulo State coastal areas but, in the central part of the shelf, the low salinity induced by the rivers flows produces surface currents towards the open sea and strong deep currents towards the continent. The results of the model runs may be used in several applications, such as navigation operation and security, sediments transport estimates, monitoring of beaches evolutions and water quality control, especially in nested grids covering the estuaries and internal shallow regions. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Three dimensional currents; tidal and general circulation. INTRODUCTION Numerical models have been used more and more in studies of oceanographic processes, giving basic information of the hydrodynamics and the properties distributions in areas of interest. Nowadays, these models may be used with linear or curvilinear grids, constant or variable grid spacing, several axes orientations (EW - NS, parallel - perpendicular to the coastline), etc. Usually, the model and grid configurations are defined aiming to optimize the use of computacional resources, for instance by minimizing the number of grid points in land and maximizing the number of oceanic points in sub-areas of interest. Additionally, the access to modern computational resources allows the processing of extremely refined grids, with large number of mesh points, small spacing and, consequently, very small time step. These characteristics of the modern modeling techniques make possible their intensive use in many fieds, practical / applicative as much as scientific / academic (HARARI and CAMARGO, 2003). Most of the practical applications are in studies of the dispersion of substances and / or properties, such as tracers, nutrients and oils (AHSAN et al., 1994; BANG and LIE, 1999) and in the evaluation of the transport and deposition of sediments (WANG, 2001; WANG and PINARDI, 2002). On the other hand, the use of hydrodynamical numerical models in coastal applications depends on the quality of the currents simulations, which in turn depend on the horizontal spacing. In the coastal area of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, that has been reached through the progressive decrease of the grid size from 10 Km (HARARI and CAMARGO, 1994; CAMARGO and HARARI, 1994) to 1 Km (HARARI and CAMARGO, 1998) to below 100 m (HARARI, CAMARGO and CACCIARI, 2000; HARARI, CAMARGO and MIRANDA, 2002). The latest researches on the circulation in the coastal region of Sao Paulo State deal with the implementation of models considering three subregions of the shelf: the northern, central and southern parts (HARARI, TONIN and CAMARGO, 2002; HARARI, CAMARGO and MIRANDA, 2002; HARARI, PICARELLI and CAMARGO, 2002). Special interest has been considered in the tidal circulation of the central part area, named Baixada Santista (HARARI and CAMARGO, 2003a). This publication shows the implementation of a model with a single grid that covers the whole internal shelf of Sao Paulo State, with an horizontal resolution of 1 Km. The present version of the model allows simulations of the circulation due to tidal, meteorological, density and river effects, combined in several forms, in order to evaluate their relative importance. The main advantage of the implemented model configuration is the possibility of using nested grids in estuarine regions of interest and subsequent use of dispersion and sediment transport models. Another advantage is concerned with studying the propagation of dynamic systems along the shelf through coastal waves, such as the ones generated by cold fronts. METHODS The numerical modeling is based on a version of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) adapted by HARARI and CAMARGO. The POM was developed by BLUMBERG and MELLOR (1987) and is presented in details by MELLOR (1998); the main characteristics of the model are: the complete three dimensional non linear equations are written in flux form, with Boussinesq and hydrostatic approximations, and the diagnostic equation of state; bottom friction is represented by the quadratic law; the vertical solution is based on a sigma coordinate, which follows the bottom relief; a second order turbulent closure scheme is used to compute the coefficients of vertical viscosity and diffusion, with equations for the turbulent kinetic energy and the length scale of turbulence; the horizontal viscosity and diffusion have Smagorinsky parametrization; the time evolution adopts the splitting into external and internal modes, with different time steps; concerning the numerical integration of the model, a C grid is employed and the leapfrog scheme is used for the time and horizontal domains, while an implicit scheme is used in the vertical. Examples of recent applications of POM in studies of coastal circulation are found in PULLEN and ALLEN (2000, 2001). Among the alternatives of the POM processing, there are the 2D e 3D versions, the last one having the options of temperature and salinity fields constants or Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 39, 2006 Numerical Modeling of the Hydrodynamics in the Coastal Area 1561 Figure 1 Model computation of surface currents at 02:00 GMT of 20 January 1997 in the whole coastal region of Sao Paulo State (vectors th every 5 line and column of the grid). variable in time. The basic version of this model is of public domain and may be found in http://www.aos.princeton.edu/WWWPUBLIC/htdocs.pom/. The adaptations of Harari and Camargo concerned basically on making flexible the code for independent processing of the ocean circulation contributors: tides, winds (local and remote), density and rivers. Obviously, the correspondent circulations may be combined in several ways (considering, for example, only tides and winds, and excluding density and river effects). Other important adaptations were relative to the introduction of several options in the boundary conditions: the exact specification of tides and mean sea level, radiational conditions, no gradients conditions and relaxation schemes. The grid that covers the internal continental shelf of Sao Paulo State is rotated 62° (clockwise) relative to the EW direction, being formed by 150 x 450 points with constant horizontal spacing of 1 Km and 11 vertical levels, placed on sigma values of 0.0 (surface), -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.125, -0.25, 0.5, -0.75, -0.875, -0.9375, -0.96875 and -1.0 (bottom); the time steps of the simulations are 180 and 6 s. This grid has 54742 oceanic points and 12758 points in land, with maximum depth of 158.82 m. Other important parameters adopted in the model processing are: constant in Smagorinsky horizontal diffusivity = 0.01; bottom roughness parameter = 0.002 m; ratio of horizontal heat diffusivity to kinematic viscosity = 1.0; advective terms of external mode updated at every 5 external time steps; and finally, three points temporal and spatial smoothers were applied to prevent solution splitting and control numerical noise. The model run for the period of December 1996 to February 1997, considering thus mean summer conditions of temperature and salinity, extracted from LEVITUS and BOYER (1994); typical river discharges (for the summer season) are given by FCTH (1997); the tidal elevations at the boundaries are based on results of the global tidal model of LE PROVOST et al. (1994) and pelagic tidal measurements in the shelf (MESQUITA and HARARI, 2003); mean sea level oscillations are given by coastal tidal stations; finally, the winds at the surface are extracted from the global atmospheric model of NCEP / NCAR, available at http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc/data.ncep.reanalysis.html. RESULTS An example of the model outputs is shown on Figure 1, with surface currents at 02:00 GMT of 20 January 1997, when a storm surge during spring tides induced a huge increase of the mean sea level in the coast. This figure shows horizontal vectors th every 5 line and column of the grid, while Figure 2 represents all the current vectors computed in three subareas with important coastal systems: the estuarine area of CananeiaIguape (Figure 2a), the estuarine region of Santos-Sao VicenteBertioga (Figures 2b and d) and the Channel of Sao Sebastiao (Figure 2c). Figures 2a, b and c are relative to surface currents, while Figure 2d represents the depth-mean currents. Note that these results consider all the circulation forcings in the basic grid of the model, but no nesting in any coastal region. Maximum computed surface currents (at the time above cited) were: 88.8 cm/s due to tides only (at the grid point of column, line = 27, 46 see Figure 1 for location); 97.1 cm/s generated by tides and winds (again at the point 27, 46); 129.3 cm/s due to tides, winds and density (at the point 33, 35); finally, 84.6 cm/s due to tides, winds, density and river influence (at the point 27, 46). The Figures stress the importance of the coastal channels in the amplification of the circulation, due to continuity effects, particularly in the Cananeia-Iguape estuary, where the maximum values above cited were computed. In general, river effects are not very significant in Sao Paulo State coastal areas but, in the central part of the shelf, the low salinity induced by the rivers flows produces surface currents towards the open sea and strong deep currents towards the continent (see the surface currents on Figure 2b and the depthmean currents on Figure 2d). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 39, 2006 1562 Harari et al. Figure 2. Currents computed by the model at 02:00 GMT of 20 January 1997: at the surface, in the estuarine area of Cananeia - Iguape (a); surface and depth-mean currents in the estuarine region of Santos - Sao Vicente - Bertioga (b and d); at the surface, in the region of the Channel of Sao Sebastiao (c); all the computed vectors are represented. ANALYSIS The next step on the researches is concerned with the use of the implemented modeling to subsidize several applications in the oceanographic sciences, particularly in aspects where the current systems are important. The main applications are as follows: Navigation operations and security, by informing boats about the sea surface currents and elevations. Support to bathymetry surveys (FREITAS, 2004), giving the surface elevation in the exact position and time of the depth measurement, whose subtraction removes instantaneous sea level variations (effects of tides and winds, for example). Maps of biochemical properties distributions (nutrients, silicate, etc), as measured by BARRERA-ALBA et al. (2002, 2003) in the estuary of Cananeia-Iguape, are analyzed as a function of the coastal currents computed by the model. Measurements of sedimentation and observations of beaches evolutions are compared with residual currents computations for long periods of time (order of months) or extreme meteorological events, as done by ROCHA (2003). Dispersion models are coupled to the hydrodynamical ones, in order to estimate the distribution of properties and the evolution of particles positions (HARARI and GORDON, 2001; HARARI, GORDON and CAMARGO, 2002). This is especially important for oil spills and the operation of submarine emissaries of effluents, contributing to water quality control. Storm surges in the coast are reproduced through the model, by specifying the correspondent boundary conditions: oscillations of the mean sea level (by filtering measurements of coastal tidal stations), surface wind data (generated by global meteorological models) and estimates of the fields of temperature, salinity and river discharges (based on typical standards). After reproducing the observed sea surface levels, the models are re-processed considering combinations of the forcing effects, in order to evaluate their relative importance (CAMARGO and HARARI, 1994). Altimetric measurements of the missions Topex / Poseidon and Jason1 (AVISO, 1996, 2001), correspondent to variabilities of the sea surface level, are processed (FRANÇ A, 2000; FRANÇ A et al., 2001) and subsequently used as boundary conditions of hydrodynamical numerical models and validations of the models results; that allows the determination of standards of sea surface variabilities (considering seasonal, annual and interannual time scales). CONCLUSIONS The applications of the numerical modeling will allow an increase of the knowledge about the oceanographic processes in the coastal region of Sao Paulo and, also, improvements of the implemented circulation models themselves. Among the processes planned to be studied, there are: the effects of cold fronts intrusions in the coastal circulation; the interactions between the circulations generated by meteorological and tidal effects (with emphasis on their threedimensional structure); and the interactions between the coastal circulation and river discharges. About the modeling, there are several improvements to test, the main ones being: better specification of river effects (with formulations that consider both currents and low salinities that penetrate the estuaries); splitting of local and remote wind effects; comparison of the responses of sub-areas of interest covered by grids of different resolutions (in which the same forcings were specified); best choices of boundary conditions formulations; and increase of horizontal and vertical resolutions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To Institute of Oceanography and Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, of the University of Sao Paulo, for providing all the necessary means to accomplish this research. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 39, 2006 Numerical Modeling of the Hydrodynamics in the Coastal Area LITERATURE CITED AHSAN, A. K. M. Q.; BRUNO, M. S.; OEY, L-Y. and HIRES, R. I. 1994. Wind-driven dispersion in New Jersey coastal waters. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 120(11), 1264-1273. AVISO / ALTIMETRY, 1996. AVISO User Handbook for Merged TOPEX / POSEIDON products. AVI - NT - 02 - 101, Edition 3.0. AVISO / ALTIMETRY, 2001. Newsletter n° 8: Jason 1 / Science Plan, October 2001, 148 p. BANG, I. and LIE, H.- J., 1999. Numerical experiment on the dispersion of the Changjiang River plume. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography, 34(4), 185-199. BARRERA-ALBA, J. J.; GIANESELLA, S. M. F.; HARARI, J.; MIRANDA, L. B.; MOSER, G. A. O.; NISHIHARA, L.; PICARELLI, S. 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