2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference
2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference
2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference Costão do Santinho Resort - Florianópolis, SC - Brazil 10-13 November 2009 Image: Courtesy_NAVATEK_LTD PROGRAM Sponsors: ® ® accelerang results TM 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference uu WELCOME Smart Engineering Simulation exchange of ideas about Structural Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Simulation Driven Product Development Dynamics (CFD) in South America will include this year the benefits of using is increasingly present in the daily Ansoft tools for Electronic Design life of engineers, designers and researchers. Based on reliable methods Automation (EDA). of mathematical modeling, ANSYS technologies help these professionals At this conference you will discover how innovative companies, universities to improve products, optimize processes and reduce development and R&D centers have been using cycles and costs. simulation to improve their engineering designs resulting in better products and processes. The most traditional forum for the 10-13 NOVEMBER - FLORIANÓPOLIS, SC/BRAZIL Technical Speakers • Walter Rauen de Souza President Ciber Equipamentos Rodoviários Ltda. • Donizete C. Santos President SKF do Brasil • Luiz Carlos Largura Jr. Equipment Engineer CENPES/PETROBRAS • Arnaldo Camarão Product Development Manager ArvinMeritor • Miguel Mattar Neto Research and Technology Deputy Manager IPEN-CNEN/SP • Fernando Toste Equipments Engineering Coordinator Technip International Speakers Management Tracks uu KEYNOTE SPEAKERS • Paul Galpin Chief Technologist, Fluid Systems ANSYS, Inc. • Markus Kopp Senior Application Specialist HF Products ANSYS, Inc. • Nader Fateh VP Business Development ESTECO NA • Sriram Ramanathan Sales Manager, Americas DEM Solutions • Martin Faber Sales Manager CEI 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference uu conference at-a-glance uu NOVEMBER 10 7:30 Registration Open 8:30 advanced training 10:00 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 10:20 advanced training 12:00 LUNCH 13:30 advanced training 15:30 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 15:50 advanced training 18:00 end of 1st day uu NOVEMBER 11 8:00 advanced training 9:50 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 10:00 plenary session 12:10 lunch 13:30 plenary session 15:30 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 16:00 technical sessions 18:00 end of 2nd day uu NOVEMBER 12 8:00 advanced training 9:50 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 10:20 plenary session 12:10 lunch 13:30 plenary session 15:30 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 16:00 technical sessions 18:00 end of 3rd day uu NOVEMBER 13 8:00 technical topics 9:50 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 10:20 technical sessions 12:10 closing lunch technical topics 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference uu ADVANCED TRAINING - November 10 - 12 The Full System EMI/EMC Methodology using Ansoft Tools ANSYS CFD - Turbomachinery Flow Modeling A student will learn which tools are needed to perform EMI/EMC analysis, and what part they play in the methodology. Additionally, a student will gain knowledge in how to properly create the necessary simulations and how to incorporate multiple simulation results into a final full system simulation. To accomplish the above, a student will obtain a basic understanding of how to create and solve simulations in SIwave, Ansoft Designer and HFSS. Additionally a student will gain knowledge of how to dynamically link different simulation together and how to use the “push excitations” function in Ansoft Designer. Instructor: Bruno Contessi, ESSS Date: November 10 - 11 Fee: R$ 1.200,00 (30% off for academic students) Specifically, a student will learn how: to import a board file, setup, and solve an SIwave model; to dynamically link an SIwave model to Ansoft Designer, apply time based excitations to the linked model, and use the push excitation feature; to create an EMI plot in SIwave; to import a board housing and/or create an HFSS model and what the various excitations and boundaries are; to link data from SIwave into HFSS; to create an EMI plot in HFSS. Instructor: Markus Kopp, ANSYS, Inc. Date: November 10 Fee: R$ 950,00 (30% off for academic students) Optimization Techniques using modeFRONTIER This training is recommended for engineers and analysts (both numerical and experimental) interested in learning the fundamental concepts of optimization techniques applied to engineering projects. Topics to be covered during this course include: introductory concepts such as design of experiments (DOE), sensitivity analyses; advanced techniques such as multi-objective optimization algorithms, Robust Design, and meta-modeling. Practical examples are used to illustrate the different course topics, as well as the coupling between modeFRONTIER and other well-known CAE tools. Instructor: Ana Paula Curty Cuco, ESSS Date: November 10 Fee: R$ 950,00 (30% off for academic students) Using EDEM for Discrete Element Modeling EDEM is the world’s first general-purpose CAE tool to use stateof-the-art discrete element modeling technology for the simulation and analysis of particle handling and manufacturing operations. EDEM has a user-friendly GUI including a portfolio of tools for model set up, solver control and analysis of results. Complex models involving irregular particles and complex equipment geometry can be implemented without any programming required. A fully customizable API enables coupling with external models and ANSYS tools. Focuses on the understanding of the phenomena associated with the turbomachinery flow modeling and the appropriated use of these resources in the ANSYS CFX software. ANSYS Mechanical - Advanced Contact and Fasteners This course is recommended for engineers who want to use ANSYS to perform analysis on contact models that cannot be readily solved using default settings. Advanced Contact and Fasteners covers themes from contact stiffness and friction to surface-to-surface, node-to-node and bolt pretension elements on ANSYS Classic and Workbench platforms. Instructor: Luiz Lima, ESSS Date: November 10 to 12 Fee: R$ 1.450,00 (30% off for academic students) ANSYS APDL Programming - Integrating Workbench and Classic This course is designed to professionals who want to use the ANSYS advanced resources on the Workbench platform through APDL Programming (ANSYS Parametric Design Language). Instructor: Giovanni Teixeira, ESSS Schedule: November 10 to 12 Fee: R$ 1.450,00 (30% off for academic students) ANSYS Mechanical Workbench - Rotordynamics • Coriolis Effect and Reference Systems • Stationary reference system (Modal Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Synchronous Force, Asynchronous Force, Campbell Diagram, Whirl Orbit, Transient Analysis) • Rotatory Reference System (Modal Analysis, Harmonic Analysis) • Bearing Instructor: Fabiano Nunes Diesel, ESSS Date: November 10 to 12 Fee: R$ 1.450,00 (30% off for academic students) Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell Topics: • DEM (Discrete Element Modeling) • Creating and importing geometries • Setup, solver, post-processing and basic simulation • Contact models, adhesion, cohesion and body forces • Import particle templates and moving plane models • Using API to write, build, and include a new contact model Maxwell is the leading electromagnetic field simulation software used for the design and analysis of 3D/2D structures, such as motors, actuators, transformers and other electric and electromechanical devices common to automotive, military/ aerospace, and industrial systems. Based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), Maxwell accurately solves static, frequency-domain and time-varying electromagnetic and electric fields. Instructor: Daniel Nasato, ESSS Date: November 10 Fee: Free Registration - (Limited Availability). Instructor: Mateus Bonadiman, ESSS Date: November 10 to 12 Fee: R$ 1.450,00 (30% off for academic students) 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference uu technical sessions - November 11 - 13 Users will present how they have applied ANSYS software to reduce development cycles, improve processes and obtain lower costs in following fields: • • • • Oil & Gas Marine & Offshore Industrial Equipments Civil Engineering • • • • Electronics Appliances Aerospace Automotive • Power Generation • Optimization • Biotechnology uu technical topics - November 12 - 13 The Technical Topics provide an inside look at the latest simulation technology and how this technology can be applied to help ensure success. These 25 minutes presentations are offered multiple times during the last two mornings of the conference to offer you flexibility in scheduling your time. uu November 12 technical topics Pre and Post Processing ANSYS Mechanical I 8:00 CAD Integration and Defeaturing Nicolino Foschini ANSYS Modeling Tools: A Better Way to Improve your Structural Analysis Fernando Amaral 8:25 Hybrid Meshing using ANSYS Meshing Henrique Monteiro Parametrization and Optimization on Workbench 2: Working with DesignXplorer Maurício Pacheco 8:50 ANSYS ICEM Multizone Bruno Contessi Considering Friction Heating Effects on a Coupled Thermo-Structural Analysis Daniel Boeri 9:15 ANSYS CFD-Post Bruno Contessi Parallel Processing for FEA Users Roberto Silva uu November 13 technical topics ANSYS Mechanical II ANSYS Fluent ANSYS CFX Electronics Optimization Discrete Element Modeling 8:00 Solving Large Deflection Problems using ANSYS Explict STR Ivan Thesi ANSYS Workbench 12 for Fluent Users Victor Souza ANSYS CFX Solver Manager Henrique Monteiro Using HFFS to Design Antennas Mateus Bonadiman An introduction to Design Optimization with modeFRONTIER Ana Paula Cuco Chute Transfer Simulation Using EDEM Daniel Nasato 8:25 Introducing the New Workbench / LS-DYNA Interface for Preprocessing of Explicit Dynamics Analysis Ivan Thesi Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Fluent Armando Souza Using MultiConfiguration in ANSYS CFX-Pre Bruno Contessi Designing Electric Motors using RMxprt and Maxwell Leandro Percebon Design Optimization using Experimental Data and Response Surfaces Ana Paula Cuco Chute Transfer Simulation - Cohesive Material Daniel Nasato 8:50 Reducing Analysis Time with ANSYS Rigid Dynamics Fabiano Diesel FSI 1 way Fluent ANSYS Workbench Victor Souza Basic Scripting in ANSYS CFX Henrique Monteiro EMC/EMI Design Using ANSOFT Tools Markus Kopp Solving Engineering Inverse Problems with modeFRONTIER Ana Paula Cuco EDEM-ANSYS Coupling Daniel Nasato 9:15 Best Practices on Modeling Contact Problems Luiz Lima Poliedric Meshes (Comparison in CFDPost) Armando Souza FSI - 6 DOF with ANSYS CFX Bruno Contessi Using the Multiphysics Approach to Design Electronic Devices Silvia Firmino Coupling Multiple CAE Tools in a Single Optimization Study Ana Paula Cuco EDEM-CFD Coupling Daniel Nasato 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference uu NOVEMBER 10 - Pre-Conference Training 7:30 8:30 room 10:00 registration open advanced training Faial Corvo Flores I Flores II Graciosa Santa Maria Cruzeiro do Sul I Cruzeiro do Sul II EMI/EMC Analysis Methodology using Ansoft Tools ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Rotordynamics Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell ANSYS CFD Turbomachinery Flow Modeling ANSYS Mechanical Advanced Contact and Fasteners ANSYS APDL Programming Integrating Workbench and Classic Using EDEM for Discrete Element Modeling Optimization Techniques using modeFRONTIER REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 10:20 advanced training room Faial Corvo Flores I Flores II Graciosa Santa Maria Cruzeiro do Sul I Cruzeiro do Sul II EMI/EMC Analysis Methodology using Ansoft Tools ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Rotordynamics Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell ANSYS CFD Turbomachinery Flow Modeling ANSYS Mechanical Advanced Contact and Fasteners ANSYS APDL Programming Integrating Workbench and Classic Using EDEM for Discrete Element Modeling Optimization Techniques using modeFRONTIER 12:00 LUNCH 13:30 advanced training room Faial Corvo Flores I Flores II Graciosa Santa Maria Cruzeiro do Sul I Cruzeiro do Sul II EMI/EMC Analysis Methodology using Ansoft Tools ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Rotordynamics Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell ANSYS CFD Turbomachinery Flow Modeling ANSYS Mechanical Advanced Contact and Fasteners ANSYS APDL Programming Integrating Workbench and Classic Using EDEM for Discrete Element Modeling Optimization Techniques using modeFRONTIER 15:30 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA 15:50 advanced training room Faial Corvo Flores I Flores II Graciosa Santa Maria Cruzeiro do Sul I Cruzeiro do Sul II EMI/EMC Analysis Methodology using Ansoft Tools ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Rotordynamics Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell ANSYS CFD Turbomachinery Flow Modeling ANSYS Mechanical Advanced Contact and Fasteners ANSYS APDL Programming Integrating Workbench and Classic Using EDEM for Discrete Element Modeling Optimization Techniques using modeFRONTIER 18:00 end of 1st day uu NOVEMBER 11 8:00 room 9:50 advanced training Corvo Flores I Flores II Graciosa Santa Maria ANSYS Mechanical Workbench - Rotordynamics Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell ANSYS CFD Turbomachinery Flow Modeling ANSYS Mechanical Advanced Contact and Fasteners ANSYS APDL Programming Integrating Workbench and Classic REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA Plenary session room pico 10:00 OPENING SESSION Clovis Maliska Jr., ESSS 10:20 International Speaker ANSYS Corporate Updade Paul Galpin, ANSYS, Inc. 11:00 Sponsor Mark Ihimoyan, Microsoft 11:20 International Speaker THE MAGIC OF MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS Markus Kopp, ANSYS, Inc. 12:10 lunch 13:30 Management Track THE SUCCESS OF SKF BASED ON THE TRIAD TECNOLOGY x PROCESSES x PEOPLE Donizete C. Santos, SKF do Brasil 14:00 Technical Speaker THE ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE IN CAE ANALYSIS Arnaldo Camarão, ArvinMeritor 14:30 Technical Speaker ANSYS SOFTWARE USAGE IN STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT Luiz Carlos Largura Jr., PETROBRAS 15:00 International Speaker A Multidisciplinary Approach to Design Optimization Nader Fateh, ESTECO NA 15:30 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA technical sessions room Graciosa Santa Maria Corvo Faial Flores I oil & gas I industrial equipments I Giovanni Teixeira civil I electronics appliances Andrés González Mateus Bonadiman Daniel Boeri 16:00 Implementation of the critical velocity boundary condition for particle-wall interaction in FLUENT’s Discrete Phase Model José A. S. Gonçalves, UFSCar Modeling Temperature Distribution in Friction Stir Welding Using the Finite Element Method Mauricio Rangel Pacheco, ESSS Breakout Numerical Simulation Mauro Bloch, PETROBRAS Thermal Numerical Simulation in Telecommunication Cabinet Amarildo Tabone Paschoalini, UNESP Ilha Solteira PC MOUSE REPROJECT USING quasistatic analysis in CAE TOOLS Sergio Antonio Rosa, Instituto Superior Tupy 16:20 Experimental and Computational Modeling of Gas Liquid Annular Flow in Horizontal Tubes Lucas de Andrade Kostetzer, ESSS Numerical Modeling for Mechanical and Thermal Analysis of Residual Stresses from the Welding Process Thiago Vidal Valente, UnB Mechanical Applications of the Drucker-Prager Constitutive Law Jorge Mario Toro Fernandez, IMPSA Wind Electronics cooling applications with ANSYS Icepak 12.0 Silvia Firmino, ESSS Parameter Identification of Stress-Strain Curves at Constant Rate Obtained from Axial Impact Tests of PVC And PP Samples Rafael Beck, WEG 16:40 On the Large-Eddy Simulation: Recomended Pratices and Advanced Post-Processing Raphael Bacchi, ESSS The Improvement of Pressure Vessels’ Design through FEA with the ANSYS Program and the Stress Evaluation Criteria of the ASME Code André Ricardo Beim, Tresca Engenharia LOAD TEST MODELING OF LARGE POLES Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira, LACTEC Development of Water Cut Sensor for Two Phase (Oil and Water) Flow in Pipeline by Microwave in Resonator Cavity Eduardo Scussiato, UFSC Better Visualization of Helicoidal Springs Modes by Coordinates Change Julio Cesar da Silva, EMBRACO 17:00 Test Cases for Variable Density Flow Paulo Santochi Pereira da Silva, Poli USP Effect of Stress Concentration on the Fatigue Resistance of Two Dual-Phase Steels Juliano de Barros Veloso e Lima, UFOP Numerical Modeling of Laboratory Tests with the Anelastic Strain Recovery Method for In-situ Stress Determination Mauro Bloch, PETROBRAS Simulation of power transformers and reactors using Maxwell Anderson Santos Nunes, WEG An Implicit Impact Analysis Approach in Compressor Components Design Raul Bosco Junior, EMBRACO 17:20 Vortex Identification Criteria on Turbulent Flows Raphael Bacchi, ESSS Use of Finite Element Method in the Study of Notch Effect in the Fatigue Life of Plate Mill´S Spindle Luiz Otávio Rocha Peres, USIMINAS Modal & Seismic Analysis of a LNG Tank Sebastián Miranda, Metacontrol Ingenieros S.A. Mode Conversion and EMI in a Telecommunications Blade System Markus Kopp, ANSYS/ANSOFT Evaluation of effective flow and force areas of reed valves using steady state fluid-structure interaction Celso Kenzo Takemori, EMBRACO 17:40 Cyclone Dust Hopper Influence in the Vortex Core Karolline Ropelato, ESSS Using ANSYS in the Development of Milling Drives Rafael Rodarte, SEW EURODRIVE Analytical-experimental comparison of numerical dynamic response in pressures of Fluid80 element Andrés González, ESSS Antennas design in big structures using HFSS Mateus Bonadiman, ESSS 18:00 end of 2nd day chairman Carlos Fontes uu NOVEMBER 12 8:00 room 9:50 advanced training technical topics Faial Corvo Graciosa Santa Maria Cruzeiro do Sul I Cruzeiro do Sul IV Electromagnetic Analysis of Electromechanical Products using Maxwell ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Rotordynamics ANSYS Mechanical Advanced Contact and Fasteners ANSYS APDL Programming Integrating Workbench and Classic Pre and Post Processing ANSYS Mechanical I REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA plenary session room pico 10:20 International Speaker ANSYS Technology Update Paul Galpin, ANSYS, Inc. 11:20 Sponsor Srinivas Kodiyalam, SGI 11:40 Technical Speaker Post Processing and Visualization with EnSight - Update on EnSight 9.1 and an Introduction to EnSight CFD Martin Faber, CEI 12:10 lunch 13:30 Management Track INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN CAPITAL GOODS PROJECTS FOR CONSTRUCTION Walter Rauen de Souza, Ciber Equipamentos Rodoviários Ltda. 14:00 Technical Speaker THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF NUCLEAR COMPONENTS – IPEN DESIGN BY ANALYSIS EXPERIENCE Miguel Mattar Neto, IPEN-CNEN/SP 14:30 Technical Speaker ANSYS SOFTWARE USAGE IN TECHNIP EQUIPMENTS AND ACCESSORIES DEPARTMENT Fernando Toste, Technip 15:00 International Speaker Recent Advances in Discrete Element Modeling Simulations using EDEM Sriram Ramanathan, DEM Solutions 15:30 REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA technical sessions room chairman Graciosa Cruzeiro do Sul I Santa Maria Corvo Faial Cruzeiro do Sul IV oil & gas II marine/ offshore II Nicolas Spogis industrial equipments II Fabiano Diesel civil II/ aerospace Cesareo Siqueira power generation I Rodrigo Tasca advanced tools João Aguirre Roberto Silva 16:00 CFD Helps Open Hole Gravel Packing Projects in the Oil Industry João Vicente Martins de Magalhães, PETROBRAS Non-Linear Simulation of the Umbilical Anchoring Device using Cohesive Zone Material Behavior for the Interface Contact Epoxi/Steel Tube Juliano Lanza Conceição, SUBSIN Valve Certification Fabrication & Design Aspects: A Practical Example Carlos Alexandre de Jesus Miranda, IPEN/Conesteel Válvulas e Conexões Industriais Ltda Static modeling of a low power wind turbine Renato Hunter, Universidad de la Frontera Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Using 3D CFD and its Comparison with BEM Method Mauro Grioni, IMPSA Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of a Pipeline Section Using a Combined ANSYS/ Zencrack Finite Element Analysis Approach Maira Amanda Vargas, ESSS 16:20 Sand Settling Analysis in a Rat-Hole During Horizontal Well Gravel Packing Jairo Zago de Souza, ESSS / PETROBRAS Determination of Stream Efforts in Floating Units using CFD Daniel Fonseca de Carvalho e Silva, PETROBRAS FEM applied to improve the shape of slide gate plate in order to increase performance in continuous casting Herbert A. Dos Santos, Magnesita Refratarios S.A. Ultimate Resistance of I-Girder Web Panels Subjected to Combined Bending, Shear and Patch Loading Asdrúbal Ayestarán, Albatros Ingeniería On the Prediction of Adverse Hydraulic Phenomena in the Intake of LargeScale Pumps by CFD Simulations Otávio Souza Pires, Promon Engenharia / UFRJ ANSYS Explicit STR and LS-DYNA, Overview and Applications Ivan Ivanovitsch Thesi Riagusoff, ESSS 16:40 Evaluation of Momentum Transfer Models for EulerEuler Modeling of Continuous-Disperse Flows Lucilla Coelho de Almeida, ESSS VISCOUS DRAG DETERMINATION OF A SHIP MODEL AT LOW FROUDE NUMBERS Humberto de Carvalho Nakanishi, Poli USP Best Practices for Development and Improvement of Projects Using ANSYS Tool at CFD and FEA Analysis Wagner da Silva Mariano, CIWAL Missile Nozzle Coupled-field Simulations Guilherme Pinto Guimarães, Centro Tecnológico do Exército - CTEx Analysis of Energy Consumption in Centrifugal Compressors due to the Misalignment of Impeller and Diffuser Carlos Reuther Siqueira, PETROBRAS Analysis of Composite Structures using ANSYS 12.0 and the ANSYS Composites PrePost Module (ACP): an Overview Jean Paul Kabche, ESSS 17:00 Fluid Dynamic Simulation of a Gas Sparged Flotation Tank João Aguirre Oliveira Jr., ESSS A Methodology for the Estimation of Numerical Hydrodynamic and Added Mass Coefficients using CFD Techniques Lucas Froes Cavalcanti, ESSS Assessment of Numerical Models to Represent the Laminated Rotor Core of Electrical Machines Hideraldo Luis V. dos Santos, WEG Modeling and Validation of the Response of Ribbed Panels Subjected to Structural Excitation Using FEM Mario Alejandro González Montenegro, UFSC Transition Process Beginning on a Low Pressure Turbine Blade Rosiane Cristina de Lima, VSE Mechanical APDL and WorkBench Integration Roberto Monteiro Basto da Silva, ESSS 17:20 Improvement of an Optical Oil and Grease Monitoring Device Using the EulerLagrange Approach Clarissa Bergman Fonte, ESSS Fluid-Structural Analysis in Circular Towers Renato Bertolino Junior, UNESP The Application fo Beam Elements to Solve Contact Problems Marcos Giovani Dropa de Bortoli, EMBRACO Aerodynamic Improvements in a Aerodesign Carrier Based Aircraft Using ANSYS’ Computational Fluid Dynamics Tools Sinjin D. Machado Yano, Poli USP Computational Simulation of the Performance of a Transonic Axial-Flow Compressor Su Jian, UFRJ Numerical Coupling Between DEM (Discret Element Method) and FEA (Finite Elements Analysis) Daniel Nasato, ESSS 17:40 Modeling of a Demister Device for Gravitational Separator Tanks João Aguirre Oliveira Jr., ESSS A Methodology for a Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Moonpool structure with Mooring Lines Using the ANSYS AQWA Product Maira Vargas, ESSS ANSYS LS-DYNA PC Modeling of Contact/Impact with High and Low Stiffness Materials in the Numerical Simulation of Nuclear Transportation Packages under 9 m Drop Tests Miguel Mattar Neto, IPEN – CNEN/SP CFD Optimization on FEI SAE Aerodesign Victor Kanehiro Arume de Souza, Centro Universitário da FEI Validated numerical analysis of a water centrifugal pump Edson Luiz Zaparoli, ITA - Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica Advanced CFD Post-processing Techniques using EnSight Daniel Bruno de Vasconcelos, ESSS 18:00 end of 3rd day uu NOVEMBER 13 8:00 room 9:50 technical topics Graciosa Santa Maria Corvo Faial Flores I Flores II ANSYS Mechanical II ANSYS Fluent ANSYS CFX Electronics Optimization Discrete Element Modeling REFRESHMENTS IN EXHIBITION AREA technical sessions room Graciosa Flores I Santa Maria Corvo Faial Flores II oil & gas III optimization automotive Rodrigo Ferraz power generation II Martin Kessler biotechnology Karolline Ropelato industrial equipments III Mauricio Pacheco 10:20 Minimizing Coke Formation in a Distillation Column Chimney Tray by CFD Analysis Alessandra Bastos dos Santos, PETROBRAS Interface to Perform Design of Experiments (DoE) Using ANSYS e Visual Basic Diego Fernandes Rodrigues, Instituto Superior Tupy Safer and more durable transfer chutes Marcio Zerwes, Martin Engineering OPTIMIZATION OF BLANKS USED IN COOLING COMPRESSOR COVER WITH ANSYS LS-DYNA Leonardo Camilo dos Reis, USIMINAS Gas flow simulation inside a deck oven Arturo Barrientos, Universidad de Concepción The Stress Distribution Influence by Using Bone Cement at Fixation of EndoOsseus Femoral Stem Prosthesis Carlos Rodrigo de Mello Roesler, UFSC 10:40 Removing Coke Fines from Bottom of Fractionator Towers and Knockout Drum using CFD Karolline Ropelato, ESSS Genetic Structural Optimization Applied with Tension, Flexibility and Buckling Constraints Rafael Sommer, TMSA EDEM-ANSYS Applications for Mining Industry Marcello Coelho Sousa, VALE APPLYING FEA TO SOLVE A SUSPENSION TRAILER PROBLEM Daniel Luis Boniatti , SUSPENSYS Validation of a Quick Procedure to Estimate Mean Values in Quasi-Periodic Flows: Application to Heat Transfer in Pin-Finned Channels Paulo L. da Cunha Lage, UFRJ Stress Analysis Models of Human Long Bones - Analytic and Finite Element Approaches Ivan Thesi Riagusoff, ESSS 11:00 CFD Simulation of Multiphase Flow in a Sieve Tray of a Distillation Column Joel Gustavo Teleken, UFSC Optimization of an Electrical Coke Furnace Using ANSYS CFX and modeFRONTIER Ricardo Serfaty, PETROBRAS Cold bending of thermally insulated pipes: numerical simulations using ANSYS Fabiano Diesel, ESSS CFD Study of HVAC System Gustavo Fonseca de Freitas Maia, FIAT Analyses of the Gas Flow in the Inlet Ducts of a Dust Collecting System. Modeling, Simulation, Measurements and Case Study Renata Favalli, ENFIL Controle Ambiental Fatigue Analysis of the Colosso RC Implant - Emfils® Marco André Argenta, UFPR 11:20 Using the Computational Fluid Dynamics to Characterize Permeation Modules using Membranes Luzia Sergina de França Neta, UFRJ Application of MDO techniques using modeFRONTIER at EMBRAER Juliano Machado Tenorio Cavalcanti, EMBRAER Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Multiphase Flow in the Main Trough of a Blast Furnace Ricardo Rezende, UFSC Numerical Modeling of the SHOT-PEENING applied to Automotive Springs Miguel Angel Calle Gonzales, Poli USP Thermo-fluid-dynamic analysis in PCI lances Magno Antonio Calil Resende Silveira, USIMINAS Simulation of The Mechanical Behavior of Biocompatible Dental Cement Using the ANSYS Vanderson Deon, UFPR 11:40 CFD Simulation of a Refinery Double-Fire Furnace Raphael Bacchi, ESSS Routine for tracking mode on an optimization problem Julio Cesar da Silva, EMBRACO Damage Analysis of Thermocouple Wells in FCC Risers Using CFD Jairo Zago de Souza, ESSS / PETROBRAS Cavitation Erosion Prediction in Hydraulic Valve José Roberto Clark Reis, BOSCH Sea Water Biocide Release Optimization at Angra 2 Nuclear Power Plant Roberto Silva de Oliveira, Eletronuclear S.A Structural optimization of crop divider floating/CTC model to chopper sugar cane harvester Jorge L. Mangoline Neves, Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira 12:00 Flow Meter Analysis Using CFD Ricardo Carrera, PETROBRAS A New Methodology of Optimization and Numerical Simulation of the Flow Over Turbine Blades Anna Paula de Sousa Parente Rodrigues, UnB MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF GAS INJECTION IN A CONTINUOUS CASTING TUNDISH Clovis R. Maliska, UFSC Welding process analysis applied to brake chamber support of light duty vehicles Giovanni M. Teixeira, ESSS Simulation of Hydrodynamic Forces that Act In Fixed Wheel Gates using Computational Fluid Dynamics Harley Souza Alencar, ALSTOM Parameters Identification on Stress x Strain Curve of Polymeric Materials – Sensibility Analysis Antonio Carlos Guimarães, UFSC 12:20 closing LUNCH chairman Regis Ataides Fernando Amaral 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference Costão do Santinho Resort and SPA, which is surrounded by crystalline water, which laps upon the shores of the capital of Santa Catarina, is located to the far north of Florianópolis, on Santinho beach. Santinho is one of the most beautiful of all the 42 beaches on the island and is only 35 km (21 miles) from the center. Blessed by the beautiful natural surroundings, Florianópolis offers a fine reference to the quality of life and is synonymous for holidays, sun, fun and beautiful people. The gastronomy in the six restaurants at Costão do Santinho Resort and SPA is a special attraction. The Resort offers a vast choice of culinary options and without a doubt the best restaurants on the island. uu SPECIAL RATES Special daily rate for the 2009 ESSS South American ANSYS Users Conference attendees: • Single Room: R$ 291,00 + 6,15% (tax) • Double Room: R$ 444,00 + 6,15% (tax) uu RESERVATION A limited number of rooms at reduced rates is being held for attendees at Costao do Santinho Resort. To secure a room, please contact Camila Cintra at América do Sol Tourism and Events. América do Sol Tourism and Events Contato: [email protected] Telefone: + 55 (48) 3224-7707 Information and Registration : http://www.esss.com.br/events/ansys2009 +55 (48) 3953-0000 / (48) 3953-0056 Organization:
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