Module 4: Conflicts
Module 4: Conflicts
Module 4: Conflicts Autor: Joachim Jurecka Didaktisch-methodische und inhaltliche Hinweise zu den Materialien Gegenstand des Moduls: Konfliktfelder im Zusammenhang mit der Thematik Ziel: Auseinandersetzung mit der Sichtweise Anderer, Übernahme verschiedenster Perspektiven. Dieses Modul fordert die Schülerinnen und Schüler verstärkt zu Interaktion mit anderen Mitgliedern der Lerngruppe und zu eigenverantwortlichem und kreativem Umgang mit der Thematik auf. Die Aufgabenstellungen sind offener gehalten als in den vorherigen Modulen und eröffnen Perspektiven für Projektentwicklungen. Zugleich wird vermehrt auf die Möglichkeiten des Internet verwiesen und dessen Nutzung nahegelegt (z.B. mit der Einbeziehung von Weblogs etc.). Übungen und Übungsformen: Exercise 19: Exercise 20: Exercise 21: Exercise 22 Exercise 23: Exercise 24: Role Play: I want to drive a car! Role Play (Arbeitsblatt mit Anweisungen und role cards) Reading a Weblog (Auszug aus einem aktuellen Weblog) Creating a Radio Play: An Accident Creative group work (Arbeitsblatt mit Anweisungen und ’role cards’, Einbeziehung des Internet) Joy Riding1 Research on the internet; no specific assignments for group (Arbeitsblatt mit Hinweisen) Hit and Run Accidents Reading a newspaper article; Research on the internet; discussion; Bob Marley’s song ’Running Away’; no specific assignments for group (2 Arbeitsblätter mit Anregungen und Auszug aus ’Running Away’) Making a Board Game Creating a board game (Arbeitsblatt mit Anweisungen und Hinweisen) Interview Workshop Questions for interviews (Anregungen für Fragestellungen aller Art, Nutzung des Internet) 1 Zu dem Thema Joy Riding enthält das Lehrbuch Notting Hill Gate, Textbook 3A, Frankfurt (Diesterweg) 2001, einige Seiten (Textbook S. 40 – 43, Workbook S. 24 – 27); dazu gehören auch einige Hörtexte. Die Bausteine für den Nachmittagsbereich der Ganztagsschule sind Teil des Angebots der Unfallforschung der Versicherer (UDV) und des Verkehrswacht Medien- & Service-Center (VMS). Informationen: und © UdV, VMS, 2010 Module 4 - Conflicts Exercise 19 Role Play: I want to drive a car! • • • • • • Read Alex’s contribution1 and the answers he gets. Form groups and decide on who takes which role (see below). Imagine2: After having read the answers to his/her question on the web, A. decides first to talk to his/her sister/brother and then to his/her parents. Discuss how the conversation between the four members of the family might end: Will they reach an agreement3? Take notes of the arguments you want to use in the conversation. Practise4 your role play a few times before you present it to the whole group. Role Cards: Alex or Alexa Reeves (16) The conflicts with your parents made you ask for help on the web (cf. p. ). However, you ”forgot” to mention5 one or two further things that caused your parents to distrust6 you. Sometimes you think that your parents prefer7 your brother / sister to you. In fact, he/she is not the goody your parents seem to believe8. David or Debora Reeves (19) You are A.’s brother / sister. On the one hand you want to support9 A., but on the other hand you know about what happened in the past. You were allowed to have your own driving licence when you were 17. Exactly one week later you smashed up10 your parents’ car. It was not your fault, but you could not prove11 this because it was a hit and run offence12 and there were no witnesses13. Peggy Reeves (42) You are A.’s and D.’s mother and extremely worried14. You just cannot help imagining what might happen if your youngest child were allowed to drive a car. You think your husband often drives recklessly. So, whenever you go with him, you prefer to drive yourself. Roger Reeves (41) You are A.’s and D.’s father. You are not as strict as your wife and basically you think it is good to learn driving as early as possible. On the other hand you do not really trust A. because of what happened in the past. You enjoy driving fast, but you do not think of yourself as a reckless driver. You are annoyed15 about your wife’s opinion of you. 1 contribution – Beitrag to imagine – sich vorstellen 3 to reach an agreement – eine Einigung erzielen 4 to practise – üben 5 to mention – erwähnen 6 to distrust – misstrauen 7 to prefer – vorziehen 8 to believe – glauben 9 to support – unterstützen 10 to smash up – zu Bruch fahren 11 to prove – beweisen 12 hit and run offence – Fahrerflucht 13 witness – Zeuge 14 to be worried – sich Sorgen machen 15 to be annoyed – verärgert sein 2 Exercise 19 Web Address: Yahoo! Answers question by Alex : My parents just don't listen... help?1 im 16 and its just about the time that i start driving my parents say no because of my passed2 they know i party, but ive matured3 a lot and dont drink at parties anymore...they know that ive been getting good grades4 too.. but the reason i want to start driving is due to5 insurance6 i kn0w that if i start driving at the age of 18/19 my insurance will be higher how do i get this through theyre heads and whats your opinion on me driving at 16??? 1 • answer by Apollyon If they don't want you to drive then you won't drive. I started driving at 18, and honestly7 there's really no difference other than your parents telling you when you can drive....Besides8, I highly doubt9 you have a job to pay for your own gas and insurance. BTW10, try going to Driving School first, you get a discount11 that way. • answer by Lauren uhhh , thats kinda a tuffyy12 :/ uhh make a list of allll the reasons why it would be helpful to them an not just youreself to get it now. i meann pretty much they dont have to take you anywhere you could go pickup or do stuff13 for them if youre willing. maybeee you could do a curfew14 thing with them for a while so they earn youre trust15 an no youre basically not out just getn drunk. hope i helpeddd. All the following contributions were written by North Americans and refer to American circumstances: You can have a driving licence at 16. Do not copy the faulty spelling and grammar! 2 passed; correct: past – Vergangenheit 3 to mature – reifen 4 grade – Note 5 due to – verursacht durch 6 insurance – Versicherung 7 honestly – ehrlich 8 besides – außerdem 9 to doubt – bezweifeln 10 BTW = by the way – übrigens 11 discount – Nachlass, Rabatt 12 tuffyy; correct: tough – schwierig, unangenehm 13 stuff – Zeug; hier: Erledigung 14 curfew – Ausgehsperre; hier: Vereinbarung über Ausgehzeiten 15 trust – Vertrauen 1 • answer by Charlene Webb you shouldn't have any privileges if you are the young and have been drinking. you should have to get a job and pay for everything yourself, that will teach you to be responsible. I think if they let you drive now you would drink and drive. you are a terrible child and deserve to get beat • by matcat92 well cuz they think u might go to parties. but they r looking out for u so u wont get in trouble. im going to start driving here to and 16 yrs old too. • by LIvestro My parents didn't let me drive until I was 18. I hated them for it then, but I get it now. You said you have had some drinking problems in the past... You might be over it right now. But if you had your license, the opportunity1 and temptation2 to drink or party will be 100 times what it is now. If you have given your parents reason3 to doubt you in the past, You have an uphill4 battle5 gaining6 their trust. They might trust you at the moment7 because they know where you are, who you're with, etc. But throw a car in the mix and they have no idea where you are and what you are doing. They probably8 just don't trust that you'll make the right decisions9 when you have so many more opportunities to make mistakes. Oh, and your insurance won't be higher because of your age, it's based on the number of years experience10 you have driving. So if you start driving at 18, your bill11 won't go down until you are 23 rather than 21 if you start driving now. And it's not a huge12 difference until you are 25 anyway, that's when insurance companies consider13 you a "mature" driver. Meaning 90% of mistakes made due to inexperience or being young and careless are out of the way by the age of 25. IF you take a driving class outside of school or what's required14 in your state, your rates15 will be much better. Oh and keep up your grades... insurance companies have discounts for good grades, responsible16 students are generally responsible drivers! opportunity – Gelegenheit temptation – Versuchung 3 reason – hier. Grund, Anlass 4 uphill – bergauf, mühselig 5 battle – Schlacht 6 to gain – gewinnen, erlangen 7 at the moment – gegenwärtig, jetzt 8 probably – wahrscheinlich 9 decision – Entscheidung 10 experience – Erfahrung 11 bill – Rechnung 12 huge – riesig 13 to consider – betrachten, ansehen als 14 to require – erfordern 15 rate – Satz, Tarif 16 responsible – verantwortlich 2 Module 4 - Conflicts Exercise 20 Creating a Radio Play1: An Accident • • • • Construct the map of a town centre with a traffic junction2 (including traffic lights, names of buildings, etc.). Outline3 the scene of an accident: What happened? What were the persons involved4 doing? What were their positions at the moment of the accident? Create scenes for a radio play about the accident and the following events5 (possible scenes: accident, events immediately6 after the accident with ambulance and police, conversation between the persons involved - who possibly disagree7 and even have an argument8 - , one of the persons involved tells a friend about the accident, at the police station. How to write a radio play: click on ; here you can find lots of useful links). Record the scenes. Role Cards Christine North or Tony North (19): You sometimes drive your parents’ Mercedes. However, you are an inexperienced9 driver. Whenever there is a tricky10 situation you tend to panic11. Pamela Hughes or Peter Hughes (13): The bike is your means of transport. You enjoy riding very fast, even overtaking cars, if possible. You have been told to wear a helmet, but you refuse12 to do so. Mary Davis or John Davis: You are convinced13 you can tell exactly what happened. You are prejudiced14 against young people. Carol Bates or Robin Bates : You are slightly15 disabled16, so you cannot walk very fast. Sally Gibson or Brian Gibson (27): Some people say you are a ruthless17 driver, but you do not agree. You think you can handle18 any speed. 1 radio play – Hörspiel traffic junction – Kreuzung 3 to outline – skizzieren, entwickeln 4 to be involved in – verwickelt sein in 5 event – Ereignis 6 immediately – unmittelbar 7 to disagree – unterschiedlicher Meinung sein 8 to have an argument – sich streiten 9 inexperienced – unerfahren 10 tricky – schwierig 11 you tend to panic – du neigst dazu, in Panik zu geraten 12 to refuse – sich weigern 13 to be convinced – überzeugt sein 14 to be prejudiced against – Vorurteile haben gegen 15 slightly – leicht, ein bisschen 16 to be disabled – behindert sein 17 ruthless – rücksichtslos 18 to handle – umgehen mit 2 Module 4 - Conflicts Exercise 21 Joy Riding1 • Do research on the topic ”joy riding” on the internet. • Decide in your group how you want to deal with this topic. Some links which could be helpful: By Nancy Wride, November 09, 2004 The three youths killed in a Compton joyriding crash died of multiple traumatic injuries, a Los Angeles County coroner's office spokesman said Monday as schools announced the news to their classmates. "The principal called me this morning from Verbum Dei High School and told me they'd gathered in the chapel for a prayer for Derrius," said Donetta Johnson, whose 15-year-old son died in the crash. Derrius Johnson had recently transferred from the Catholic school in Watts to Westchester High, which also announced his death over the public address system. "It was nice that they remembered him," she said. "He was a sweetheart everyone liked." Also killed in the crash were Clydnesha Lindsey, 12, and Ricky Ward, 13. All three victims were from Compton. An investigation will continue this week into how the driver -- a pajama-clad 13-year-old girl -- was able to get her mother's car keys, and whether she had taken the four-door white Mazda on previous joyrides, as several friends reported. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Sgt. Ralph Miller said Monday that a decision on whether to file criminal charges against the driver or her mother was not expected until late this week, when the results of the probe would be presented to the district attorney's office. "The traffic investigator on the case is not in today," Miller said, "so nothing is likely to happen before Friday." The collision occurred about 6:20 p.m. Saturday after several youths had gathered for a slumber party at one of their homes, said authorities, who reported that at least two of the victims were wearing pajamas. The Mazda crossed over the center line of Alondra Boulevard, authorities said, and the passenger side was broadsided by a black SUV. The driver of the Mazda, who was not named because she is a juvenile involved in a potential criminal case, suffered minor neck pain; two other passengers sustained a broken arm and a broken leg, Miller said. The driver and a passenger in the SUV were not seriously injured. Miller, who was among the deputies at the scene of the crash, said some of the youths were not wearing seat belts, including Clydnesha, who was ejected from the car. She landed on a wrought iron fence, said deputies and residents near the crash site. 1 joy riding – Spritztour mit gestohlenem Wagen machen, as to the spelling: you find ’joy riding’ ,’joy-riding’, ’joyriding’ – anything is correct! Module 4 - Conflicts Hit and Run Accidents1 Exercise 22 An internet article: Bicyclist Hurt2 in Hit-and-Run Accident Updated: Monday, 03 Aug 2009, 1:41 PM CDT Published : Monday, 03 Aug 2009, 1:41 PM CDT Police are looking for the driver and vehicle involved3 in a hit-and-run crash4 which severely5 injured6 a west suburban7 man as he rode a bicycle Sunday night. At about 10:50 p.m. Sunday, Aurora, police responded8 to the 800 block of Ridgeway Avenue, about 1/4-mile west of Woodlawn Avenue, after a 911 call reported a man lying on the side of the road. Officers found that the 52-year-old man had been on a bicycle when he suffered9 serious injuries to his legs and head after being struck10 by a car, according to11 a release12 from police. The victim, who was airlifted13 to a suburban hospital after receiving initial treatment at an Aurora hospital, told police he did not remember what happened, the release said. Traffic investigators14 responded to the scene and recovered15 some evidence16, but as of noon Monday, the car and driver had not been identified. Anyone who witnessed17 the accident or has information that will assist in locating18 the offender19, is asked to call police at (630) 801-6610 or Aurora Area Crime Stoppers at (630) 892-1000. Copyright Sun-Times News Group 1 hit and run accident – Unfall mit Fahrerflucht (to hit – treffen, zuschlagen; run – hier: davonlaufen) to hurt – verletzen 3 to be involved – verwickelt sein in 4 crash – Unfall, Zusammenstoß 5 severely – ernsthaft, schwer 6 to injure – verletzen 7 suburban – aus der Vorstadt 8 to respond – reagieren 9 to suffer – erleiden 10 to strike, struck, struck – zusammenstoßen 11 according to – gemäß, laut 12 release – Verlautbarung 13 to airlift – mit dem Flugzeug/Hubschrauber transportieren 14 investigator – Ermittler 15 to recover – entdecken, sicherstellen 16 evidence – Beweisstück 17 to witness – Zeuge sein von 18 to locate – ausfindig machen 19 offender – Verursacher, Täter 2 • • Find more articles about hit and run accidents on the internet. Have you (or friends, or members1 of your family) ever been involved in a hit and run accident? Have you ever been in a situation where you would have liked to run away or, in fact, did run away (maybe2 because you did something wrong3, or damaged4 someone else’s property5, or felt ashamed6)? Bob Marley’s song Running Away deals with7 the topic8 of ’running away’ in a more general9 or, maybe, different10 way … (complete lyrics: • • ! % " & ## $ #' & ( + + & " #) * " + , , , . + , " #/ , 2 . #0 , #1 , , 1 member – Mitglied maybe – vielleicht 3 something wrong – etwas Falsches 4 to damage – beschädigen 5 property – Eigentum 6 to feel ashamed – sich schämen 7 to deal with – umgehen mit 8 topic – Thema 9 general – allgemein 10 different – anders, unterschiedlich 11 to belong – gehören 12 burden – Last 13 Lord – Herr (-gott) 14 confusion – Verwirrung 15 decision – Entscheidung 16 to leave, left, left – verlassen 2 * Module 4 - Conflicts Exercise 23 Making a Board Game1 • • • • Search2 for and choose a template3 on the net or bring along an old board to be used. The websites below may be helpful. There are a lot more! Think of and write down the rules4 of the game. Some squares5 / points have numbers. and when a player lands there, he/she has to do what is stated6 on the card that goes with it. (e.g.7: Your parents do not allow8 you to do your driving licence – go back 3 spaces). Alternatives: - The cards ask the player to answer a question. He/she misses his/her turn9, i.e. goes back if he/she does not answer the question correctly (e.g. questions on the project “Driving Forces”, words connected10 with it, etc). - The cards contain orders for oral tasks or activities (e.g.: Talk about your favourite pop group; Impersonate11 a teacher / class-mate.). Other squares have orders and tell the player what he/she has to do (e.g.: Go ahead12 two spaces, miss one turn, take the shortcut13, take an extra turn, etc). Templates for board games: Create your own game-board in Microsoft Word or Power Point (The template below can be downloaded here): Examples of further templates (Google: click on “Bilder” and fill in “board games”) G o ST AR Mi ss Go bac k2 G o 1 board game – Brettspiel 2 to search – suchen, durchsuchen 3 template – Dokumentvorlage, Schablone 4 rule – Regel 5 square – Quadrat 6 to state – festlegen, festsetzen 7 e.g. – for example – zum Beispiel 8 to allow – erlauben 9 to miss a turn – aussetzen 10 to connect - verbinden 11 to impersonate – nachahmen 12 to go ahead – vorgehen 13 shortcut – Abkürzung Go ah ea Tak e M is Go ahe E N G o Tak e Ta ke an Ta ke Go ahe ad Ta ke an Module 4 - Conflicts Exercise 24 Interview Workshop • To make an interview you have to ask all kinds of questions. • Make use of the website below. Web Address: Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom. There are hundreds of questions to be found on this website! Some examples: Cars and Driving: • • • What are the advantages of owning a car? Are men better drivers than women? Do you think the age for driving should be raised or lowered? Family: • • • Do you often argue with your mother or father? What about? Do your parents let you stay out late? Do you think your parents understand you? Why or why not? Traffic Accidents: • • • Have you been involved in a traffic accident? Have you been injured in a traffic accident? How do you feel about spending time in rush hours? Transportation: • • • Do you ride a bicycle more than once a week? What kind of things annoy you about other people' s driving? What kind of transportation do you use most often?