Comparison and harmonization - Energetische Biomassenutzung
Comparison and harmonization - Energetische Biomassenutzung
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH (DBFZ) Comparison and harmonization of dust measurement methods: outcomes of a national network project (SuB) Torsten Schröder, November 13th 2012 DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Torgauer Str. 116, D-04347 Leipzig, DBFZ Its just “dust in the wind”? Where does it come from? What's that? MEASURE Can we reduce it? Graz, Österreich, 2008 Is it dangerous for me? 2 DBFZ Working basis DBFZ Working Group Particulate Matter Emission • • • • • • Measurement of PME from biomass combustion particle counting gravimetric methods Toxicological investigations PME mitigation measures PME influences (fuel, combustion, air staging etc.) 3 DBFZ Why do we talk about domestic biomass combustion? 4 DBFZ Share of biomass in the energy system Energy consumption in Germany in 20111 (preliminary) Solid, liquid and gaseous biomass (67 %) Domestic biomass based heating is an important element in the Total heat production from renewable energies renewable energy system Solid biogenic fuels Solid biogenic fuels 2 (household) 44.8 % Solar- & Geothermal energy 8.6 % (industry) 17.5 % Liquid, gaseous, other mostly biogenic fuels 29.1 % 1 Erneuerbare Energien 2011, BMU Vorläufige Angaben der AG Stat, 03. 2012 F. Musiol, T. Nieder, T. Rüther, M. Memmler, S. Rother, S. Schneider, Erneuerbare Energien 2011, Vorläufige Angaben, Stand 08. März 2012, (Ed.) Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) Referat KI III 1 2 5 DBFZ Small biomass combustion in Germany In Number Total number of small furnaces for solid fuels: app. 14 million3 Small central heater 5 - 7 %4 Single Fireplaces 93 - 95 % 4 In Energy Total produced heat: approx. 60 TWh2,3 Small central heater approx. 30 %3 Single Fireplaces approx. 70 %3 Domestic biomass based heating is very diverse Variety More than 20 different technologies4 More than 30 different kinds of solid biogenic fuels5 3 Struschka M., Kilgus D., Springmann M., Baumbach G., Effiziente Bereitstellung aktueller Emissionsdaten für die Luftreinhaltung, Forschungsbericht 205 42 322, Umweltbundesamt UBA-FB 001217 Texte 44/08, ISSN 1862-4804, 11. 2008 4 Schröder T., Viehmann C., Bienert K., Wazula H. (2012) Domestic biomass based heating in Germany, determination of the number of single fireplaces for wood fuels by an all-German data collection, 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 5 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2010): Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes- Immisionsschutzgesetztes (Verordnung über kleine und mittlere Feuerungsanlagen - 1. BImSchV). Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 17/74, vom 25.11.2009, Inkrafttreten: 22.03.2010 6 DBFZ Reasons and approaches for measurement of PME from domestic biomass heating 7 DBFZ Cause and effect Atmospheric processing Toxicological evaluation Condensation… Immission Emission Exposition Different approaches for PME measurement Graz, Österreich, 2008 Deposition Formation 8 Reasons and approaches / Emission source DBFZ Control of legal regulations • PME measurement by: • Notified bodies • Chimney sweeper Basic research • Formation of the dust • Determination of influencing factors (Fuel: origin, chem. composition, preparation, boundary conditions: air staging, fuel feeding, implementation etc.) • Burnout • Chemical dust analyses substantial differences Dipl. Ing. Dirk Weisgerber, Chimney Sweeper: • • • • • • No time to waste Different circumstances in the field Limited scope of influence Is not the expert for hundreds of different technologies Only one trial Simplified gravimetry Type Testing: • • • • • • Research: • Various standards to consider Same conditions Enhanced measuring instruments Skilled personnel available (expert for each technology) Several trials Gravimetry VDI 2066 Free of constrains depending on the aim 9 DBFZ Evaluating PM Emission Central Heaters: • • • • Type testing according to EN 303/5, DIN 4701 Chimney sweep measurements according 1.BImSchV Legal limiting value 1.BImSchV Benchmarks Ecolabels Single Fireplaces: • • • Type testing according to several Standards (En 13240,13229 …) Legal limiting value 1.BImSchV Benchmarks Ecolabels Standard procedure according to VDI 2066/1 (“Outstack”, heated filter) Filter preparation Insert filter Furnaces are evaluated addording to the PME mass concentration [mg/m³] Sampling weighing No distinction between harmful and less harmful PME 10 DBFZ Verfahren nach VDI 2066 Isokinetische Teilstromentnahme nach VDI 2066 Blatt 1 (Outstack, beheizter Planfilter) Filter vorbereiten Filter einsetzen 1. Isokinetik In der Praxis: Probe nehmen 2. Sauerstoffbezug - - Normierung (13%) variierende Bedingungen (Mittelwertbildung) Messunsicherheit 3. Strömungsmessung C2 4. Normzustand Nachbereiten / auswiegen Gesamtstaub in mg/m³ (i.N. 13 % O2 trocken) C1 11 DBFZ 150 mm Planfilter – TFZ Methode Vergleich Filtergrößen VDI 2066 – TFZ Methode Entnahme des beladenen Filters Isokinetische Probenahme am Vollstromverdünnungstunnel Zuschnitt mittels spezieller Stanze Identische Teilstücke für Analytik und Toxikologie 12 DBFZ Reasons and approaches / Immission site Monitoring of air quality • • • • • • EU-Directive 2008/50, EU-Directive 2004/107/EG, 39. BImSchV, TA-Luft Particle counting Gravimetric measurements Luftmessstation Chemnitz Mitte [1] [1] Michael Lohberger, Dr. Andrea Hausmann (2011): Luftmessstationen, Modellierung und Entwicklung der Luftqualität 13 DBFZ Reasons and approaches / Exposure Untersuchung zur arteriellen Steifigkeit durch PME aus der Holzverbrennung Nachweis schädlicher Auswirkungen auf das Herz Kreislaufsystem 14 Testpersonen, 3 Stunden Exposition, PME aus Holzofen mit Birkenholz Messung der Herzfrequenz, des Blutdruckes und Pulswellengeschwindigkeit Abbildung Posterbeitrag J. Unosson et al., Exposure To Wood Smoke Increases Arterial Stiffness, Satellite Workshop within the EAC 2011, Manchester UK, 14 DBFZ Status of harmonization 15 DBFZ Dilution Tunnel Copyright: DBFZ / Jan Gutzeit 16 DBFZ Measurements in 2010 compared period First Measurement Workshop in 2010 Particle counting instruments at the DBFZ Dilution tunnel 17 DBFZ Measurements in 2010 40 nm 110 nm Diameter correction? Good matching curves 18 DBFZ Measurements in 2011 Instrumente Prinzip Verdünnungsrate Fine Particle Sampler (Dekati) Perforiertes Rohr + Injektor einstellbar 20 - 200 Pals VKL 10E Injektor 10 fest Palas VKL 100 Injektor 100 fest Grimm VKL Injektor 10, 30 kombinierbar Kreislaufverdünner (BTU Cottbus) Kritische Düse ca. 10 Measurement Workshop in 2011: Small part – diluter comparison 19 DBFZ Measurements in 2011 SMPS / FMPS - 4 Part Diluter DIN Plus woodpellets 20 DBFZ Measurements in 2011 Gesamtanzahl Nges (mittel) Partikel Dichte1,2 FPS SMPS 8,2E+07 4,7 g/cm³ FPS FMPS 7,2E+07 / VKL-mini SMPS 8,5E+07 4,1 g/cm³ VKL –mini FMPS 6,3E+07 / VKL100 SMPS 6,1E+07 5,8 g/cm³ VKL100 FMPS 6,2E+07 / Kreislaufverdünner SMPS 6,2E+07 4,7 g/cm³ Mittel 7,0E+07 Feinstaubpartikel aus Biomasseverbrennung, Aufnahme KIT, im Rahmen des Projektes Wärme aus HolzFeinstaubemissionen 2 Partikeldichte, Literaturwerte: 1,1 - 3 g/cm³ (N. Coudray et al., Density measurement of fine aerosol fractions from wood combustion sources using ELPI distributions and image processing techniques . Fuel 2009, 947-954) 21 DBFZ Measurements in 2011 Different fuels: Wheat straw pellets Wood-pellets Equivalent diameter nm 22 DBFZ Summarization in 2012 Methods handbook To be completed in 2013 Evaluation in 2012 23 DBFZ Gemeinsame Projektskizze in 2012 abgelehnt • Feinstaubmessung mit erweiterter Mess- und Analysentechnik (Gravimetrie, Partikelzählung in Verbindung mit erweiterter Gasanalytik) • Anwendung und Vergleich verschiedener Methoden • Einsatz verschiedener fester biogener Brennstoffe • Unterschiedliche, vor allem repräsentative Feuerungstechnik • Beteiligung von 5 nationalen Forschungseinrichtungen • Messungen an 4 verschiedenen Standorten geplant • Output über die „Energetischen Biomassenutzung“ beabsichtigt Gemeinsame Projektskizze wurde 2012 eingereicht Leider erfolgte eine Ablehnung 24 DBFZ Vision: Online- Toxicity 25 DBFZ B: Human toxicological experiments • Alveolar cells (submerse) exposure of epithelial cells (A549) and macrophages (THP-1) and metabolism with PAH sensitive bioassay (PAH-CALUX) • Exposition at the air liquid interface ALI Compact Cell Exposure System first experiments published in 2012 Epithelzellen (A-549) Freßzellen (THP-1 diff.) + Querschnitt durch eine Alveole © Urban & Fischer 2003 – Roche Lexikon Medizin, 5. Aufl. Co-Kultur = Kompaktexpositionsystem 26 DBFZ Measurements in 2010 Dilution tunnel - gas and PME measurement Hot exhaust gas measurement Continuos heat output measurement Cell Exposure System and particle measurement, dilution tunnel Wood log boiler (50 kW) mounted on a scale 27 DBFZ Compact Cell Exposure System • • • • Compact system: 70x40x60 cm Weight: ~ 45 kg Sample flow rate: 1 m³/h 5 cell culture exposure chambers • 1 online dose measurement by Quartz Cristal Microbalance • ALI - Air Liquid Interface Results will be published next week on Venice Symposium Source: S. Mülhopt, KIT, ITC-TAB 5 cell culture vessel + 1 microbalance Source: S. Mülhopt, KIT, ITC-TAB Source: S. Mülhopt, KIT, ITC-TAB PAH CALUX® bioassay Proven for detection of Benzo(a)pyrene and other PAH Source: University Konstanz 28 DBFZ Conclusion & Outlook • Significant response of combustion aerosol exposed PAH CALUX® • Significant response of B(a)p exposed cells in compare to blank control • procedure seem to be capable no influences of the procedure determined so far • • • • Setup has to be improved (sampling train, tubing connections) Atmospheric processing must be considered for future experiments Batch wise operating furnace inappropriate for first trials Parameter studies are necessary to determine significant influences (fuel, settings, air supply…) • Correlation between response and input variables 29