Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church


Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church


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Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church

Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church 7:00PM , HR (Spanish) Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes / Segunda a Sexta-Feira 6:30AM (Adoration Chapel), English; 6:45AM, CC English 12:00PM CC English, 7:30PM, HR Spanish Confessions / Confesiones /...

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Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church

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Bulletin August 28 - Corpus Christi Church

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Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church

Salesians of Don Bosco - Corpus Christi Church Christian Ramirez, Ramona (Lidia’s Mother), Fr. Peter Granzotto, Jerrie Cusumano, Marlen Medina,Jose Amarillo, Jaxon Williams, Angela Caracuel, Jennie Armeno,Virginia Drago, Maria de Quespe, Virgin...

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