ths of the Pas - NYS Historic Newspapers
ths of the Pas - NYS Historic Newspapers
PACE TEN ADVANCE-NEWS SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1968 rs, ivi. Homnger Died Wednesday AtMrs.Age Of 84 Maude Hamel Hollinger, ths of the Pas '84, widow of Charles E. Hollin'ger, died unexpectedly at 4 MARCH 1—John G. Ward, president of t h e Ogdens- p.m., Wednesday iMarch 6, b u r g Trust Co., has been named as Chairman of a special 1968) in the Long Term unit at committee to "Keep the Scenic Highway Scenic", by Allen Hepburn Hospital, where she L. Smith, vice president of the St. Lawrence County Cham- had been a patient since last b e r of Commerce and vice president of the \ a t i o n a l Bank December. Th,? of Northern N e w York, Massena, w h o is in c h a r g e of this funeral was Saturday a r e a activity t o keep billboards and unsightly signs off t h e a t Vf?' a t the McLellan Fur rai H o m e a n d a t 9:,J0 a t S c e n i c Highway from Alexandria Bav to Morristown. "' Notre Dame Church. Burial was R i c h a r d Marshall, who was appointed as City Highway Forein Notre Dame Cemetery. m a n by Mayor John F. Byrnes at t h e meeting of the City Friends may call at the fuCouncil on F e b . 21, assumed his new duties todav. - - - neral home this evening and W e b b J. Devor has b e e n appointed trainmaster for t h e P e n n Central Railroad in Massena, a company spokesman announced today. He had previously served as trainmaster in N o r t h Plains, N. Y . - - - M r s . Mabel Hobin King, 70, wife of R o y King. 927 South Water St.. died at 4:10 p a n . Thursd a v . -'--Miss Bertha Mae Dailev, 91. Prav Rd., Lisbon, died at 11:20 p.m. Thursday. - - - Donald S. Corey, 46, Waddingt o n . died at midnight Wednesday. A. Clark Cook, 6 3 . T o w n Clerk o f the town of Massena for the past 16 years, d i e d about 10 a.m. today - - - State Police and B. C. 1. investigators a r e continuing investigation of t h e dynamite f o u n d Sunday under t h e Ogdensburg arterial bridge that s p a n s the us\\ ./uatchie Ri\ei but !uvo m> new leads. • - Specialist Fifth Class Lawrence E. Wright, 21, son of Alton W r i g h t ol Binghamton and Mrs. Alton Wright of DePeyster, w a s awarded the Purple Heart. F e b . 12. in Vietnam. - - T h e Laloncie-Briggs F u n e r a l Home will be located, after t h i s coming Sunda.\. at MM Caroline St. The m o v e is being m a d e from 8 1 3 State >t . because of the anticipated trafficon t h e arterial highway, planned fur State Struct, made t h e m o v e to a quieter section ot the eit\ imperative for d i e business, Mr. Briggs. seeretary-treasuier ot Laionde-Bnegs F u n e r a l Home Inc. felt. Friday afternoon and evening. Surviving Mrs Hollinger are one sister. Miss Stella A. Hamell, a retired teacher in New York City, who is also a patient in the long term unit at Hepburn: two nieces, Mrs. Clark (Mary) Alclrich, Philadelphia, Pa., and Mrs. R. A. i Helen i Timmins, Montreal; and one nephew. William Hamill, South Bend, Ind. Mrs. Hollinger was born in Norfolk. X.Y.. April 13. 1883, a daughter of Henry and Matilda Gilbert Hamel. After thenmarriage years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Holinger lived in Honolulu. Upon his death, she returned to the States and made her home with her sister at 213 St. Lawrence Ave Mrs. Hollinger was a member of Notre Dame Church. George Lawrence (Andrew Brown, 75 Mrs. Hugh White Aged 51, Died In jWasKilledTuesday :Dies At Age 77 In Canton Hospital Crossing Highway jLakeland, Florida THE LATE FRANCIS W. RYAN ! Lisbon — George E. Law- DcKalb Junction — Andrew Mrs. Agnes Watson White, M. Brown, 75, a retired farmer, 77, wife of Hugh P. White, 'rence, 51, a farmer on the iTracy Road, died at 8:25 a.m., who lived on the DeKalb June- 914 New York Ave., died at 'Sunday (March 3, 1968) in the tion-Richville Road, was killed 8:20 a.m. Monday (March' 4, | E.J. Noble Hospital, Canton, here at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, a s 1968) in Lakeland Memorial i where he had been a patient he was crossing Route 11, onHospital, Florida. She sufJ for several weeks for treatment j foot from his home. He walked fered a stroke last Saturday of emphysema. into the side of a tractor-trail- evening at the trailer home in The funeral was Tuesday'er, owned by Clark Transfer Lakeland where she and Mr. White were spending the winat 2 p.m. at the Fox Funeral!Inc. of Philadelphia, Pa. I Home here, with the Rev. Ray The driver of the trailer., Ed- ter. H e r daughter, Mrs. R o y . Morgan of the Morley Wesleyan.ward Oremus of North Wales, (Elizabeth) Billings of Ogdens|Methodist Church officiating.!Pa., told police h e saw the m a n burg had been spending a few 'Burial will be in the Lawrence'crossing the highway and tried weeks with h e r parents a n d :family cemetery in the spring.!to avoid striking him. T h e was with h e r mother when i Surviving Mr'. Lawrence are i tractor-trailer, traveling at aishe was stricken 'one son, Conrad, of Water town; ifr 00/,1 ,rate T. h e fiuUn.vw^ eral w „ a s . , ,of, speed, , . skidded , 2251 . .^ „ u Friday (five daughters, Mrs. Daniel feet while the driver was trying ! a t 2 p j l h a t s t J o h n > s C mv a d j (Diana) Demock, tuwa, x , e » ^ , , lHeuvelton, , l h e " a n o t h e r i Church, with t h e Rev. J o h n K U I u W „ , ° f V,\ Melodv and Dawn, both o f j % ? e \ ?*. " i e h I g , f y ' , t , 'R. Ramsey, rector, officiating. HiIi Utica and Beverlv Ann and' ? e J S H n ^ n ? n f p a ,1 l B u r i a l w a s i n P i » e J N C e m e t Eel Darlene, both of W a t e r t o w n ; } f , p r p ° ^ 2 ° T n t t ^ T ^ ^ Weir Road, two brothers, Wilfred of C a n ^ h e ^ , w s p r o n o u n c e d d e a d | Surviving Mrs. White, beon arnv£ ,sides her daughter, are two :ton and Clifford of Lisbon brought granddaughters, Mrs. Thomas, ! Mr. Lawrence was born in No charges were against Oremus. 110 the town of Canton Nov 23,j^The"shel-iff's'Office investiga-!" /!? 6 ' r f T ' ^ ^ 6 1916, a son of Edward and J e n - j ^ .and Mrs. Charles lAnn) Wilson nie Lawrence. On July 25, 1948, T ' l i e f u n e r a j f o r M r Brown i ' Castleton-on-the-Hudson; he Leona Losey r X w " ^ai" 7J. ,-T™' / iine,^, wand two half-sisters, Mrs. i married i m, • of Og-:,..„"" was iriiciav p.m. rai ^ ,, . , r T ,, T.T , densburg. The marriage w a s | F o x F u n e , : a l H o m ( f i n H e u v e l . : G e o r g e (Ruth. Walker, Wales, terminated by divorce m 1967.; m_ T h e R e v E d d j S i z e . B.I., and Mrs. Fred (Gladys) Mr. Lawrence workedplant at thei ) a n d _ p r o t e s t a n t chaplain a t i R o g e r s ' I ^ n t - E n g l a n d Cleveland Container in Two sisters and three halft h e St. Lawrence State Hospital, seve Ogdensburg for for seven y e a r s , ^ l h e R e v > w m j a m Masters ^ brothers died some s W v years eaiYalo died 8 and then on construction on the. o f D e Pevster officiated. Burial' °Dthers - " White ' " J born -1S da :t Mrs. was Seawav for two years. H He had .„„,; ;„ Qm,th nn,.-^ ramai-w ' „ V—, •—---••-since farmed on theTracy; was m boutn Gowei C e m e t e n , , , \ r b r o t h , Scotland, May 16, Province of Ontario. j 1890 _ daughter of John and Road, town of Lisbon, j Surviving Mr. Brown are h i s i A n n i e McGregor Watson. She MARCH'.16, 4 — The u o i h c r n e u r Fair group elected o i f i e e r s and set the dates >.>: August 5-10 for tins year's fair a t h e annual meeting held :>aturda> nrticors re-elected were: B l i a h A. Dodd.?. presiden*-secreian.. Roy T. Alien, treasurer a n d Race secretary. Le>ter D " \ c r a c k e r and Roy T. Allen, 10 w h o s e terms expired as Directors :'o'- :hree yea; -. were reCathedral the less privileged, with no Marv' A/T T^L B I T ' ! ; » T : , l r ° , S0 ^ S ' ? a r n e i « ' a s married to Hugh P . e l e c t e d Directors \\lv<e terms d'ain t e •.cure a r e Robert G. nearly filled Thursday morn-thought, ever, of personal M r S . M f i a K O g e i ' S °J l h e B l a c i ; L a k e foad- f n d ; W h i t e . July 15, 1911, in TrmL uan e H a y : Waiter C Best, i i i e n n v S t r e t ' e i and A s h u m E. Lismg with hundreds of persons,;gain. His interest in people - j ^ - t o t t j , \, . , , ; s ^ V 1 a , g e ' T v v 0 ;ily Presbyterian Church i n CUJT • • • Franklin P. L i n If flew !•-• Rome. Italy, from Monsaddened by the death of was never confined to any 1 ) 1 6 ( 1 b l M K i e n l y \iWylie ^ ^ J of ' ^ Brier ! ± ^Hill ^ , i Land ^ a ! ;Mrs. B a r r o w - i n - F u r n e s s . Scotland, Francis Ryan, whose last rites age group, but rather extend- * i * £ where she had worked as a t r e a l last rhursdas uhe-re he ha*, iv-fti named news editor 'Audrey Morrison of Mornswere concelebrated by Msgr. ed to all who needed encour- A . I A g e O l governess. The couple emiot * h e Home American. 'u»iie>i Eit_' •'i :^a'iuare newspaper | n w n ; a s sler Mis S x\ ' - Elizabeth grated to Montreal in 19112 Joseph G. Bailey, rector of tne agement. He was a friend t o Hammond — Mrs. E t h a 3 m Southern Lumpe and the Medre •ant-an. Mrs Lime and Cathedral, Msgr. Flovd J. hundreds, young, old, rich, Thornton Rogers, 60, of Ros-j ™™ o f ° , t t a ^ ' a ; f o u r •""others, and. the following year, came t h e i r four ehi;dren plan :•• sail frorr Montreal March 20 for Brown, rector of Wadham's : poor. Catholic. Protest ant,, sie. widow of Edwin Rogers, " a i ? e - v °l ' ^ a n a n 0 1 u e - "nt., to Ogdensburg to make their : Genua, Italy, and <v;ll .turn Mr Lit: :• V-i Home '.'.here ihey Seminarv College, Msgr. Noel Jew, agnostic. suffered a fatal heart attack 1 7 ' ™ of Heuvelton R.F.D w\,. make t h e i r ivj'ue Mr Lit:!* r ; cd.tor n'; t h e <igdt-n5Mrs. White was a member < i M m i l - • - The three b u r j ; Journal jH'ore a>: Md S T S T r , ? Iabe^nTS He loved beautiful art objects *™* f " ^ t a g evening ^ t l ^ ^ S S S . ?2 grand of St. John's Church and St. :dents. .: wint Rue;iester ln~*;tute »' "• Agnes Society of the church. ongri abeth's Church. Elizabethtown. ,.rae Wa.- i.nztun from t h e theft of tie .Muar' She was a member and Past haH n n e Mr. uBrown mi iu„„. o „ r . i t ™ . ". " " A : He iloved u ^ e u ntravel a \ e i aand n u oone n e of u i _lHbSi. . , . ,She , ., , . to. , the .ML. ruwii w a s DOl'll a t was rushed TT The Most Rev. Thomas A Matron of Maple Citv Chapter 'cleased • n •? KKKi had •ia:i CUrkson i.'o J l h e Most Rev. Thomas A. uhis „ _ , _ ,...„.„ . , ..„„ E. J , Noble Hospital at Alex-; . _ _ 1893, "71, : : J H ndmaili 0nt March 4 earliest jaunts abroad was andria Bav, where Donnellan. o f the Dio O.E.S. she died llCL M , t 1C e a e i i from '. e St Ld\\ Francis W . l ount m-PdrWl with his brother on an auto- " " " ' I * """•- " l ' " "" a son of William J. and Rachel f n-.i™,h,„. ff ee R-. i n . 717 C •niiress >; d a heart -'•ack Sntur^ H B S f , S v g M o n - S n S mobile trip deep into Mexico. a l « ; 3 ° P- m - M r s - R o g f " h a d ;Kennedy Brown. He married > T . ~ ~ In la u . i i .••ritiida • e' eniin '."••ml it ion '•-['.? iiinrning P -,1 0 H \1 hf-Vnlo« ' « - « a r s . after his broth- been in her usual good h e a t h , A n n j e M a e B a r k l e v n f H a j n s . JJ T0hnQOn 72 J untimeh • mi 1> Yar K e i ' i l l e n w i t . i at I lep'ourri . r.i-i.,ia: - - - .''.'• »ru" ^ n S ™ : « ' ' ' d^h- 1« m a d e b e J £ r V u t l e " n g t h ^- f 3 ^ ' v.He, Ont.. May 4. 1911. at ^ l l c J J « I i l ^ " " i ^ un ierv.ent 1.3 ,ur -u: i- !-• ttt lli-or. :n e-arh la.sT Also piesen.m the s a n e t u a i y „ , «^ ^ ^ t^SS " ' ^ t n D i e d Unexpected y { were many Monsignor p m d J WieK. is rep -ed to i>e recnu-ii' longesi being a vear fl " : ' l . i , T , ' , ! They operated a farm in On- ^ , * . .-,"u:ih. - - Diocese. , u . p r p a x o this spring. He was plan- Home here The hev. Johnlialt t a n o until February, 1940, when X i u e S O a V MJimmil ommO" Ge< «r2e LH\ •ie - 1 .j 1IJ L . I M V . - ' H P i t'lnainr? ill CUt l e a l Also present at theallrite m-e h ning to go'again next tall He % th,e ff R oss.e Presbyterian t h , 0 St_ L a w r e n c e ^ ^ t> moved c o r -j it ion j : ieptiiri if- -pita! '.vh -' - - '-X3 - tv-iKell ' . a s t l Miss Nina S/Sgt. fxerald J. Martel many priests from all oxer the ^ ^ * ^ Church otticialed. Burial was m C o u n l v a n d f a r m e d < s u c c e s s i v e . «"»»« m w^-r- •: at'c: - ff-r nz i -f -.-re n-'a. .^.k at .i •• h u m e - - Dioceseh„„H,-H- whn »ttPnded friendships with three or four the Redwood Cemetery. ', i n t h e ogdensburg, Lisbon j " " ! " 1 6 J o h n M , n <^, a reWith U.S. Combat Air b e - r s e E l.c .'renee. "> t j : jr'"i:"r ';<: J'.a... K d . L i s i i o n . B schoolteacher in the Th. e hundieds who^attend^d / Surviving^Mrs. Rogers are tiled Fitrci's, Vietnam — Staff he funeral Mass l a m i ] ( e i n Hnl]and a)]d ]n and Heuvelton areas di.-d a' flJ.i oi "und„ . - . M'~ t ' T h e ! ;i four sons. Cecil of Redwood, " T h e y l ^ ' boughTand opera^ S V S l ' ^ m Un°Xped" Sergeant derald J . Martel, mourners of passing of Francis Austria. Ejjrywhere h e „n t tK> D a y i d of iV o fL ' " " " ack at 9-35 ti't -lassie. " I'IUU- .if F c .a ll:>:<J-Iercd , his ebullient spirit, ^> " yere.vMer. u a u u u i . , e d t h e D a v i e s farm on thea m atdi ncart whose w ite. Bethel, is the Tuesday i March 5, 1963) ^ " ^ V of BBtack"Lake" Road'." which which' thev they ' a r a d : Sund; e. H: : r, _ * ciiurch • -', ice;. She daughter >>i Mrs. Maude Tail- Ryan, by his exemplary good ^ \ictur, .\. Y.._and \„ and Thomas ot l c tur, X. i a c k L a k e Road, of her niece, • Tjital un •/ -~iie de?d tun ot 2H i irciiard Road. Mas- lite, his understanding, " " "home i , lU ' brought him into fascinating Harrisville: H a n i s u l l e eight daughters,,, s o l d l a l e r a n d p u r c h a s e d the "atI , ' the L 4. w a~ rushed -. generosity had won the hearts/contacts with many sirangers. Mrs. Clifford .Ida. Hamilton F nkCi Virginiai . p o " v S T ' I S h Skipka, S at .-: -"-to -, T. M a y h e n g e n e r a l s t o r e a t D e a s-'na. .N V.. is a member of an of these people during his many , ' R e t u r n i n g home, he was a de- T e r e s a Mrs William Lois) P e y s t e , , w h i c h t h e v r a n f r o m Pope M! 1 l a w whr ran R v j - i I'.M in Vietnam w a r s in this city. MARCH i —Fran.. lied jr > a rn '(ldo -'' oriianizatum lighttul raconteur ot his widelv- ?"™ s - .Philadelphia. X. \ l f l 5 2 to 1961. In that year, t h e y ^ 1 1 * ! i a d e h c h n m e l he full ' : i . .in, * si!' ".as know n winch li^s earned the U.S. in ilepuurn ii "'-p.'dl Tl t'g a n e a . warmiv-numan expen-•••Mrs ™™ 'Berthai Marcel-: so id the busine S s"'and"moved' p a s t s e v e r a l m o n t h s FplIlri, w Rvan w h 0 h a d v varied to i"iuridi't-d.- .n Uit COI'I. " '..'V. i.i.. *.di- ui -ivh dt ,\:i' Foie-i Uu'standmg Unit e n , in „ ! • , ! ; f h r o k P r h e r e ences abroad. His zest for life ]his. « s - , R e ( i w o o d - M r s - Virgil to their present home on the The funeral was Thucs: »l gun,e ahr.nt do- A" aid. kindnt'w and ^em-re;;! " " ^090 a n H who onlv a few never diminished and m a d e . ' ^ 1 " 0 ' 1 . ^hampme. Antwerp. Richville Road. day at 2 p.m. at the Fox Ful n c gnud. naf -huck-o ! e colli •''"• i.init' S.'c^ jiit Martel. a com- smce who. the onh WaW tew _ . _ , _ _ _ and _.., oe.,_ Mrs. Richard Hva. Mover and Mr. Brown was a member neral Home here, with t h e weeks 1922. ago and received ' s uh i m_ a m_o s t_ welcome Mi.rS .Nina Pjuim..- ,!or. •t:.vd ! i u f'aehet munications equipment tech- Distinguished Citizenship Award "ghttul visitor in the homes ot M r s - L a r r > ' < Sheila I Groff, 0 t the Loyal Orange Lodge of Rev. Albert Cameron of the 11 '•.peel t h e Maeomo y r e . i , <)>• a h<-.-M a'tael; b o nman in a unit ot the lf>64th .-„• imrman v —,ds. t -, m lues»» — * °f Waterlown, and Etha Canada. DePeyster Lodge 573, St. Lawrence Valley Parish " riiPri died flat 5aa.m Tues->s . friends. r ti'if 9 j . i d.l'li t n e i" .. Mr- Frank \"ir- ''uii;iimri ..Mtiuiis Group at Il0lI V a n d B r e n d a Z M m h t fofis, K p o b u r a ' r• . . , , ' a t h o m e : F ' & A M ' a n d t h e DePeyster officialing. Burial will be i n P n p e \] g i n id S k i p k f;a •il :-'l.e- n a d rfsici_ J Irnn Raiu AB. will wear a |the oldsville Cemetery in t h e da\ 'March o, 19H8i m Htpourn had been, one sister. Mrs. George Methodist Church. Francis Ryan th»-"- paMft"•}." d ; l i i u i i t i -. Wat-iin Wlnii. 7 , . rjisuiictne service ribbon (o Hospital. | spring. u> through the years, welcomed in (Sarah. Cummings, Syracuse; w i f e ot Hug P W i n k A..- eiied at 8HO ma'k in.^ aiiiliaiion with the Only survivor, besides h e r He was stricken with_a n e a i t , omes of wealthy and promone brother. David Thornton, MISS CAROL RTTCHIE h e h attack the previous S a t u r d a y . i n e n t c i ) j z e n s o f Ogdensburg, Canastota: and 33 grandchil- A . f ; „ „ p^rrA Di+nU'm niece, are four grand-nepha r n . M'"nirt.->". .1"! L..ikei,a n d Mi'n'i'H'i.j • - p it a!. ;- i.i ^l,e ..ind unit. night while at the home of a s w e U a s i n t h e h o m e s o f t n e d r p n «» iVIlSS Kj&fQl KltCllie 1 e r e'l"l a i r . , t h e \«. i Mr White • at LaKe-LuHJ - - - As the Air Force Conmiun'ews. friends, and rushed to the hos- l e s s a f f l u e n K B u i < f o r a l [ l h a t , T\l^A A 4- U^U„..„ rri lii'.<i"n Ail-itar lea.ion.s si-rvice's major unit N a m e d tn ti • i i r - t r.- . . l i . •>! * l i i ' V-." 1 He was 69 years old. Another son. Warren, died J L i i e U A t f i e p D U i n An only sister. Mrs. Vera h e r e m a i n e d throughout his life are Die,-; S e u i e e i r . u . V i e t n a m t h e 1 9 6 4 t h , With P " ^ ' . t e a r n in tne *.•-.>tTn<*i 1 1 ' I U ; 1 I ij-'J The only survivors are dishumble in 1936. * , * ^ r Q J iBlackburn of Watertown, died S ( m a 5 i n c e r e l v m o d e s t a n d • it M M a n , - \«-jd- li'-aiiijuartfis at I a n G e r aid Kroe _;-• jnd '.ill A i i d e . ^ n r . to Mrs. Rogers was born in t h e / \ l A g e U I Oi± Nov. 14. 1967. r f ant cousins here and in Otta- m a n _ H e seemed a i W ays -"---"hut Ab. is responsible ior eiTi^ here. . \ J -O trmn N M A IS i-H'u'-'ttier. narried te , ii<; wa. have had a fine sense of human I town of Oswegatchie, June Heuvelton - M i s s Carol M s e c o n d team - • l'">,-:] L O U r , ! \ W " ! Johnson was born i n e and rn- dicaid pay- i.-Hinimnncations and air trafAn only brother, Msgr.• p i . o p o r t i o n j n his relationship, 13. 1907. a daughter of Thom-jRitchie, 84. died at 1:30 p.m. t h eMiss lit cuntr-H in the combat l o w n of r n e n t s fu phai-iiijeies in diiil near ~ ,3>vreiH:(; C oum> ;or as and Ida Kirby Thornton.!Tuesday iMarch 5, 1968' ) i n ! Macomb, July 29, . _. . zone. It e a r n e d the award ior John C. Ryan of Detroit, to with every person he met. 1 9 6 7 equaieej >-4I7.f)7 J iJ!i ho-,piia! , She was married to Edwin 1 Hepburn Hospital. Ogdensburg.' 1 8 9 5 - a daughter of William 'K;es t u T a i e d Sl,(jji:> ' . whom he was deeply devoted, ji-m-un-i." an exceptionally H and Elena 4Ui.ol - - - Lienti;-,K • • ; , - • ,-d ?MII:, Wright Johnson. 7"- M ' - ' l u . a l d ' l e ' n r - . riicnturiuus rating in support died of cancer eight years He was a member ot St R o g e r s 0l< Rossie, May 19, where she had been a patient ' S -h e w a including bi'^n .ur^ m - .pei • '.<T<-. a u.iai n ( , n ., , s r n i s s i o n i n ago. M a r y s Cathedral parish all 1 9 2 8 , in the Hammond'Pres- since last Oct 15 s graduated from OgViet. Of il 654„'>.7 To Francis W . Ryan was born his lite and one of its most d e - : b v f e r i a n church, with t h e . The funeral was Fridav a t ! d e n s b u r g F r e e Academy and nam. in Ogdensburg, Feb. 11. 1899. voted and active parishioners.: R e v _ D r . w < A l b e r t C a m p b e l l MARCH H — Ma ••<: l u b n f J; I •;!:•- s n f i " meed ilu.,! p.m.. at the Fox Funeral 1 then attended t h e Potsdam ' fins u the third consecu- the older son of Frank S. and He was a member of the officiating. State Normal School. S h e ; ,!i ••.ill he h .ing at halfinornin,; tlia* 'he tijv. a tr-..- . . n i - w n r period jor Catherine Conway Ryan. In Nocturnal Adoration Society, The couple farmed in m i s t .in Ihu;-;.<la-. d u r i n . n v imur- "i *i":f f u l l e r , ; ui Fran. j ~ mih th."l!iK4th was so hon- 1-.-H7. after his graduation the Catholic Serra Club, the |o w r i o f Redwood an<3 the V. B.'.aii - - Linn i i-ultifr '-IU4 V. i - t i : n ' j ' u n -•• . a n i ' - r i . - u r i ! The three Xb (Jutstand- from St. Mary's Academy, he Third Order of St. Francis and ^ f o r2 g y e a r S j j n f h et o w n w 1 i j ' j - n s b u i . f::k, I l u b b* r 'if t h e - u j . i . j t i i i i i j i -i • : : . 4 i|-eMethodist d-d D \w aid> eu'.ei die imned the stiff of fhe Frank- was a charter member ol the R o s s i p - Mr _ R III'1 !l. Churcn years ago. W S r . n a m e d K I r l - o l - t l H - ' J e a ; .it i u . ' - ' l , ' i . h t " - , i. i u - ' ! i n . - - 1964 lin Simon Co. in New York St. Vincent de Paul Society. ' officiated | 1 5 ) 1961_ A f l e / h i s d e a t h > t h e . ^ irom July pi'I'I'Kl Burial will; Miss Johnson was a mem2 - > e , p e r s o n - . irated ','•••'• K i u i d n . ' . i r . i i^-r,. 'i.c-.-da,. u 2 1 ^ interval R e w g s a m e m b e r o f t h e 0 g . , f a r m was sold and, for the b e ' City. After a brief interval; thl'UUL'f'l J u n e 11)67. m _Kendrew Cemetery in ber of St. Lawrence Chapter p i n t s Were •-'»i|eeti-d - - - i r'lii-1 re.j Ri.i.kejelii i ,-Hii'iiHirii. e d there h be came so ia a iiieiuuci ui mc ug-:™' t "" fu '^~" " " ' " " ' " * ^ "•"•- oe mQ ivenarew cemeiery in r..^nt MtcnriPri - ^. . ™ f ^: d e nn~eb uwas r ~ Yiwanis" Club" forPast three years, Mrs. R o g e r s ^ 'PSW8 The i i , t o d a y a Pur<- A,iter; pru-'rarn -;ra'"r "t .•i."i8 044 10 the V i l " "lived " ™"~Road, '60, O.E.S. of DePeyster. attended w i ( h t h e N a t l 0 n a l Surety C o . . m a n v ^ on the River a n d n a d - S e"r v e d a s has laE'e of Edwa ed.-. si. La \ r< nc- < uuiii. i-o-sewa j< .'reatinent (urnwall Canada. Collegiate a n d also _ 1 h e G l o b e ; T , m many vears anu nau. serveu as ••"" - " - " " " >•"*• ^uvcx nuam Indem-, j t s s - e c r e { : a r v a n d a s a d i r e c t o r . j n i h e t o w n of Rossie. Surviving Miss Ritchie are. facilities, - - - 'reiii-Je i.j\'ii''n'-', 51» L,.l:i;ette T. is report- and Vocational School and n j ^ . p 0 of the club.'He had been very Rossie _ She was a memberChurch. of the. one .Mabeli _ sister. Knapp Mrs. of this village;' Charles . j y l.f S . . J O _i l l l r l f l n i e ed to be improving at Ilepourn Uu-pifal. • - Tne Federal completed requirements for "' the Senior Citizens Presbyterian In 1922, Mr. Ryan returned active m and a half-brother, Millard Size-j J j J g Q [ U e S Q a V Deposit Insurance ' orpotaimn .-.-id Tuesda.', it had a p - hi- diploma after entering the Air Force " t o Ogdensburg and establish-1 Association. land of Ogdensburg. L . - . £ ,J p r o v e d the application if tne St La'.' tence Couniv Savings ed his own insurance agency. For over 20 years, he had HERBERT L. I-IALI r y ' m i c h ^ ^ b ^ c o V e ' o n e l j F t h e been a most active member of J f e r b e i t L . H a l l B a n k , Ogdensburg tn establish a luanch at ^f;24 Phillips Two brothers, Arthur a n d j ^ ^ * & " ^ 1 O l In the past year, there has ^ city's ""'' committee — « P B for f„r the H d U C l l 1^. l l d H Fred Ritchie died a number j Madrid - Mrs. John (Mary) S t . . Massena. - • • Mrs. John Alar,-. - Finnic, 61. < na-;e Mills, been a 20 per cent increase in.largest agencies in the com the f ears a and anolher 6, 61 chase Mills di d Herald" Tribune's Fresh A d i e d Monday at the Barluv, Nui: : ,n; Home, Canton. - - - student travel in all parts of the munity a Francis Ryan devoted every program, each summer meet |brother, Frank Ritchie, died in'Tuesday (March 5, 1968) a t M i s s Carol M. Ritchie. 84. l!eu\epori died at l:3i> p.m. v.urld, with 1 S. student.- in the Kranns tivan aevo-rea every • K-«s'""*' '-"'-" "";"",'" i-Vi3 n 1 t ™ ' I brother, Frank Ritchie, died in; j theH' Barlow Nursing Home in Tuesday at Hephuin Hn--pital - \ ml rev. M Bruwri. 75, lead. Hiid (lerrnan students in vear. spare moment of his entire ing the impoverished children | ^ | | p - e W O O Q , H a . I January of this •Canton where she had been a D e K a l b .Iun.„'.iuii-l-:lel,. .lie lid. wa.-. killed j t 12 30 pen -ei.'iHld p l a c e . I OP to fhe less fortunate and rived horn New whenor they ar« „ , \ , I , ' Miss Ritchie was born a t patient for seven years. Mrs.' here York bv bus train, Tuesday as n>. «a, cio--sinii UdV'i: 11. mi fuut from his eel w a n t e d 1 lite to me RMS imiuudii anu making fhem f Massena—Herhprt iRmr r West u : . , Winfield, D,-(.„V,;» N.Y., Nov. 29,|Finnie suffered a stroke eight v™ Maude and. Hall, 62, formerly of T.Massena, h o m e . He walked into tin- -ndf m H trartur-li.-jikT, owned uy. died Wednesday at Enslewood. Ida. ' , , loved in his own inimitable died Wednesday (Mar. 6, 1968. j 1883, a daughter of Thomas j years ago. b j ' Clark Transfer Inc , F^iuiadelphid Pa Hamel Hollinger. 84. widow of Charles E. Hollinger, a w-a y in Englewood, Fla., after a long' Jefferson Ritchie and Jennie The funeral was Friday MARCH 7 —- l h e I'.'-.-rrnanerit i-i',. budget, e, as hubinitted unexpectedly at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Long Term Unit ^rBnc^ ° Childs Ritchie. She was gradu-; a ( 2 p.m. at the Fay G.'Mann R r . a r r i e d i n „is iuness; a n d approved b.\ tlie'.'if. Council a' last night s meeting at. Hepburn Hospital. - - - Massena village police are con- ; He was manager of the Alcoa, aled from Rensselaer Falls' Funeral Home, Madrid, with k e t a u through the vears, T h e budget totals SI..i23.f.43 The Mt, tax r a t e will b e tmuing investigation in the theit of more than $500 w o r t h y m n t t 0 h e believed in and'Production Planning Division in;High School and from Albany the Rev. John Perl of the Mad$ 3 5 52 per thousand ot a messed \ilw.. a nuse <>f S6.-W u \ e r of jewelry taken from a saleswoman's parked car, Police vvhjCh he tried, and succeeded, Pittsburgh prior to his retire-:Business College. For 30 years,; r i d Protestant Churches ottit h e city rate for irifi7 Tne fjniiiiti rai' 1 iio', will o e i"rnei' b a l e Wright reported Wednesday. All items are j n living up to. It read: ment in 1963 on account of fail-: she was private secretary to. dating. Burial will be in lhe : lowered from SlO.lMl which -.u, i^aid l,.i.-.t year ?u onh 5i7 HO damped with the ^ara Coventry name. ; "There is a destiny that Tng health. ] Dr. Irwin Walker, a a_ Boston Boston Greenview Cemetery' in in the s r e c He was born in Tarentum,! " g onAfter that, she was,j S p r j n g, fr»r 196R. Th - total nl cit;,-eoiint.y I.J.MS iii.syear A ill be 'sA'.iMARCH 8 - - The breakdown of the City's permanent: makes us brothers. Pa., a son of Nathan H. and Ifor11 years, Executive Direc-| Surviving Mrs. Finnie are her .32 against Ia.?t year's tigure of %'AU 07 pf-r Ihou.i - - - Kobei-t appears in today's publication of the Journal. - - - None goes his way alone. W. Byrnes, .-.rm of Mayor and Mrs J o h n K. lis r n e s is Vale- Word was received Thursday of the death of Pfc. Edward All that we send into the lives Mabel A. Nicholson Hall. He: tor for the ciiy of Cambridge, j husband John, seven children, was graduated from Carnegie:Mass. She retired five and a;Robert D., Chase Mills, Mrs. of others dictorian of t h e 1H68 class at Ovflcnsl>ur» Free Aeaderny Misnita r>n March 1. in Da Xang. Vietnam. He is the youngTech, and came to Massena; half years ago because of uTjj r a ,Ada) Baker, West PotsComes back into our own." w i t h a 3'-i y e a r average of 92.42''< . Kathleen f; Lanrt>>. est son of Mr. and Mis Edward Misiuta of Hialeah, Fla., from the Pittsburgh Office ofl health and, since that time, j dam, Mrs. Joe (Norma) Daudaughter of Mrs. Frances Lanelo, is Salutatonao .vdh a V .t and a nephew of Stanley Lepcio of Riverside Drive, OgAlcoa in 1929. ihad made her home with herjphjnais, Aurora, Colo., William WINNER TAKE ALL y e a r average of 91,3P/>. - - - Ned O'Corman will speak densbura. Pvi. Misiuta was with the First Marines, 3rd BatWhile here he married Miss! sister J., Hermon, Carl W., Cha«e COURTLAND. Kan. 1AP1 : a b o u t his poetry and his work with inner-city rnosements in talion and had visited the Ogdensburg area in September | John Blackburn never fails to Eslelle Scanlon Oct. 21, 1939 i Miss Ritchie was the author Mills, Raymond L., Potsdam, Harlern at C i t y Hall, herp. Sunday at 3 p.m. T h e lecture i s prior to leaving for Vietnam. - - - The President of a rapid-Register tor a door prize or any!He transferred to the Pittsburgh of a book of lyrics and ballads, and John D. at home. Also, b e i n g presented by Mater Dei rvdir-je . -. The appointment ly crowing Canadian industrial corporation visited Ogdens- special drawing. His practice fi-j office in 1944 as assistant man "Rhymes by Chance, which one brother, George Eaton of Malone, 12 grandchildren, and of David L. Powers, Administrative Assistant t o the Presi- burn Thursday to complete details connected with locating| nally paid olf when he cashed injager of the Planning Division, was published. d e n t at St. Lawrence University, to the post ol Secretary of : 3 branch plant in the city to handle its U.S. operations. - - -|Jhree times in one week. When .and later became manager, aj &he vvas a membei ol m eseveral nieces and nephews. 1 t h e University Corporation was announced today. - - - V a l ~ Bishop W. Ralph Ward Jr., of the Syracuse Area of the \ J J * « * ff S ^ * ^ ^ " Sid a S e t d t S f ^ M s S y Mrs. Finnie vvas born in Malone, March 21, 1906, the daughdictorian and Salutatonan at Lisbon Ocntral School a r e Method,^ ,-hurch. has announced the appointment of Rev. : J[P«™.^."Vlater he won a S51 His wife died after they had:School there for many years. ter of Wallacp and Maggie C a r o l J . Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D'-an Marshall, 'lanie F Stevens as pastor of Brasher Falls. North Law- : c e r t i f i c a f e' a t a beauty shop moved to Pittsburgh. Later he ' ~ Hamond Eaton. She was marmd Janet K. Winters, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs William re nee, p. uckton Methodist churches. - - - Mrs. Sarah Sullivan j opening, although he is'almost: married Evelyn Carlson, who dzafions in Massena. He served ried to John Finnie Jan 1, 1931, W i n t e r s . CanM has a 3'.2 year average of 93.93^ and Jarie', 1 armslrong. 85, of Canton, widow of Earl D. Armstrong, died bald. The following day he won:survives. 'as Master of Massena Lodge in Malone. Trie family has always lived in Chase Mills. 8 7 . 7 0 % , - - - Herbert L. (Brudi Hall, 62, formerly of Masse-1 at midnight Thursday at the E. J. Noble Hospital, Canton, la coin display board. I He was active in many organ-1513, F. and A.M. in 1935. Massenan s in Vietnam'. Outstandin :-">:• a ' neraiiviass ^ f Dies At Age 62 In !° y ^ iT™' ' ' ^ I
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