j - NYS Historic Newspapers
j - NYS Historic Newspapers
•.. I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1933 | Annual Supper T j p Y ! At Presbyterian J1IVI Church Feb. 21st Soon to ion The woman's Missionary society of the first Presbyterian church, Ford u r e e t . are preparing for their annual Washington hirthday sapper which will take place Taasday evening, Pep. l i n t , front S to 7 with them o'clock. The menu "will consist of roast iliaaUoa of potato mtness and turkey, dressing. Slashed and ave n o place and brown gravy, cachago pineapple salad, brown and white recognised bread, pickles and Jelly. Waahiaa. medical and ton cream pie and coffee. T h e tickers are 5* cents and! the eoaM not any admin- j public is cordially invited. reqairedj 2 Trials Marked for Later Dates called rorj admlajstra-) eompensasioner apTrial of the case of Edward R *r aader the T h i s ree- Knecnt, maaager of the local silk heen acted • i l l . on a charge of violating the labor law in permitting women opAbuses | e z a i l v e s to work overtime, has against been postponed until Peh. 2?. Mr c l i n i c s ' Knecht s t a t e s that it was a techniice carriers eal violation, a s the women had workmen's , volunteered to do s o m e extra •d declared ' work on a rush order the day the >cUos with iaspector arrived, hty against j The case of 'Edward J. Dawson; af the com- i Milk dealer, charged w|th viotatktj | of* the business law. has heap post* tactics em- j aoaed 10 F t b . U. * often re-: • - arrtars. in: Seizure Reported it weii-njgh iBy Customs Office red work-! e f < of an- j The customs aathoritiea Thursoo his in-1 day art-ported the seizure at a Stew1 art truck with 144 bottles of a l e . JOBS ia t h e ' two cowhides. *wo horseaides and ese: ! lw# bnrlap bags from George T e l e s and com- of Massena at Westville Feb. 14t r e a t m e s t , The seisare was made by inspect!©rs E. £ . Flynn and D. H. Matteecial panel son of Port Coviugtoo. This was to do com- t h e f i f c t seizure reported in several ; dayK « e commit- j .' against j Stanley Guv, 47. native of Polation prac-. and. w a s brought to the Hepburn i hospital Wedneadar night from lifting** of j Massena to receive treatment Tor > h o s p i t a l s - a n injury to hib head, which h e a! pracli- ( sustained in falling down a flight of a "su- j of stairs last Saturday, review** to : mpsnsation, _ , EDWARD STREETER BURIED i Edward St-eettr. 44, of 325 De| vilier street died Wednesday night jat the Hepburn hospital where be of a city ! w a s admitted for treatment far ©lice thai j heart disease. He suffered from .the ped by an- ailment for some time wast Surrnoon. He rivLn& are his wkjow and two ci.ilt m e k and j dneo. Mary and Lawrence. The when tue funeral was held yesterday at St. machines Mary's cathedraL Rurial was i n tged. ' Sw Mary's cemetery. '_ AGED SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1», 1933 THE OGDENSBURG ADVANCE AND ST. LAWRENCE SUNDAY DEMOCRAT * - — * PAQE FOTB GYM. CLASSES */ I H o t R n t t l p K)PUURHERE n p A BUny Ladies Receiving In IT Udiet Keceivi» 1,1 strnctioii from Jotepli UMOOL 0.F.A.GIRLS Ingramis ST. LA WHENCE PLAN IP. J. Murray Laidlawls CHAMPIONS OF REPORT FAVORABLE Passes Away ! Speaker At Speaker at \}VCT KjUSLTu COURT LEAGUE Club Meet Full Committee Indicates Findings to Be Ap- Aged82Yrs. P. T. A. Meet In the Jail Sheriff Edsoii Martin Win* Gives Interesting Address on Out in Contest With Sup Lame Duck Session and erviaor Hajumr. the Ajnendments. proved Next Wednesday—Senator Wagner to Lead Opposition. _ « «• ~ZI ". * - !-.. . - The O. F. A. girls baskeMuU team won the lea«ue champioiLahif .. The physical training class for Well Known Retired Locomo-; District Attorney Ingrain Also bv defeatiug Makme at the Lincoln todies at Marsh's new gymnasium Assists in Observing Foun- school gymnasium last night X2 to tive Engineer 8uccnmbs on \m the Prager asjlMing are proving St in a sharply contest game. ders' Night. very popular and an increasing Wednesday. . The ssore at the haK w a s *1 to 11 number are availing themselves of . ; W A S H I N G T O N . Feb. 18 — j burton treaty of 1842. guarantees fights in the opportunity to receive this in- I One of the hottest Founders* and fathers' night was ; in favor of O. F. A. but in the next Peter Joseph Murray, S i . retired The February werting ©I « * » » * - Though railing to arrive at a vote j to the United States every right of struction. The classes are held { years occurred during the specisl can Women's d a b was • * « ' * * * * on the St. Lawivnce treaty, the navigation of the St. Lawrence and locomotive engineer, died Wednes- observed at a jfent meeting of the , period the visitors braced and tne ! Blue and White speedsters had io each Tuesday and Friday evenings session of the board of supervisors court room of the city hall Fri- ; f t | U B^ai^ersnjp ^ S e n a t e Foreign \*u caxala conn«cUag boundary wa- day night at IS o'clock a t his No. 1. No. 2 and West Side Parentfrom 7:*»s to 8:30. Joseph Marsh, | at Canton last week. T h e question day evesuar. w m . U. Ingram, «nv , niehuiona committee tadicated af- i lers now existing or which may home. 1024 Ford Ureet. after a tew Teacher associations in the Gram- ) do their beat. With three minutes proprietor of the gymnasium and ; at issue was the re-employment of triet attorney, g a v e a very inter j ter i U exeeutivc e«aaWeratioa dar-J hereafter hacoiue constructed oa days' iHness. He w a s born in mar school Monday night. There ' left to play Malone Jumped into the lead. 29 23. but Just before the a widely known boxer and physical an extra guard ia the county Jati. testing address on the lame duck ing t h e favorable report oa the J either side of the line." Rouses Point Jan- S. 1852. son of was a large attendance of parents. final whistle St. Louts sunk the eulturist. ia in charge of the class- Supervisor Hanmer of Massena led • s e s s i o n of Congress, and he also treaty submitted by the sub-corn j Mr. and Mrs. Elias Murray, and j the assembly hail being neatly Source Unknown winning shot for the champs on a es. H e states that the exercises j the battle against Sheriff Erisor* (talked oa various amendments to mittee that it will act in accord j "Mr. Thorn, a lawyer of recog- ' entered the employ of the Ogdens- filled. Prof. Wilii*m Blake, eirhta Marney led the O. F. A. with 12 I Martin and the latter won out 13 are not only adapted for building {the constitution of the Uuited with that report a t its next meet- j nized ability.** he retort continues j burg * Lake Ckamplain railroad grade teacher, p.esided and the i points and lsncbeUe McGowaa wus • P one's strength and add lag to 15, which m e a n s that the guard ' S t a t e s . Superint. ; ing Wednesday. Oppoaiioa in the I wiih biting irony, "declined to ex- ' when IS years of age. He w a s la- principal speaker w a s high for Malone with 1*. Pat Lago weight but on the other hand prove will get his job hack. Observers Mr. Ingram explained » » i for « ^ ]i eoaamittee is listuted to Senators! press any view of the soundness ter advanced to the position of en- e n d e n t of Schools Arthur J. Lsid- i was the r e f e r « \ that also henefteial for thoae who desire I of county politics ie&ard the vote | law. who gave an address on. "The gineer and continued in the serother, under oar U T ^ M and Lewi*, of Illinois, and of the contention he presented a s In the preliminary Miss Waua's t o reduce. There Is nothing atreu- j a s a considerable setback tor u c j original constitution it was providProgrees of Educaiion ~ \ Wagner, of New fork. thus coming from some source un- vice until twenty years ago. He room team defeated Prof. Liver• o u s about the system and anyone ! Massena leader. Supervisor Not «~a 1 ed that members of Congress. ele&, was a member of Notre Dame I District Attonte-v William D. In- more's room team 24 to 1*. The report, stressing particular- known." ! nsay take the course without over- ' rap voted with the Hanmer faction ed in November would not take church. St. John's society and the .' gram officiated at the annual canly the advantages of the seaway Going on to touch Mr. Thorn's j while Supervisors Quinlaa. Hand exertion or fear of physical straini d l e lighting ceteaaony. A large j office until a year from the followreport .Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginoppose? ; ing December, and the members | to the grain growers of the north- economic arguiaeais. the Mr. Marsh has mapped out a course I and Fox supported the l cake adorned v i t a a single candle i eers. | west, atacks the opposition argu says "of coars*he adverted to the that i s i n no sense fatiguing and j aide. The vote in detail was: : defeated at such November ei-«- I m e n u of Alfred P. Thorn, general unfortunate condition of the raillJlr Murray is survived by his'"*as brought iu by Patricia La at the end of the lesson the stud- i Yes. James C. bantry of Brasiu r. i tian held over until March of the counsel for the Association of road? at t h e present time and the 'widow: three sons. Frank. Elmer ['Fountain and Jud»on N \ w e ! l . b»ta j After a aesxed « n j a t e the As| John Harngan of Canton. Clifford ents f«el fresh and invigorated by ; following year. These saemboi I Railway Executives, with sarcasm necessity of prefect ving them a s an a n d Loais R. and t w o daughters, garbed a s pages. Mr. Ingram lit the ! s m W v Monday eight passed a Mil ; M. Lamson cf Clare. James H. ! have been called **tame ducks" uethe eaercises. M r s Leonard of Clifton, William H. Icause of the fact that they mere and irony. Especially does it ridi- integral part of the national s y s - ; I e v Frank Grenier and Mrs. Stan- 'candles and read a short article on I sponsored by Assemblyman Aherthai tern of transportation, but that • Measaw. all of Ogdensburg. tad significance of the observance. i man. Democrat, of New York, par, Schwartz of Cotton. D. Ashton I defeated and served only far a jcnle Mr. Thorns contention A musical p r o a am w a s present- i ing the way for a iawx-er. disbarred are t w o brothers and a sisi Moore of Dekalb. Harve Badger oc I short period of time after their «*- Great Britain would deny the use presents the same question a s Jt eThere United arose whew, the railroads w e r e ! r > A n ^ * ^ of Syracuse. Elias of e d b y the children of the grades by the Appellate division, to carry DePeyster. Gay lord T. Chaney of , teat. It h a s been almost aniweisal of t h e seaway to the themselves new and untried. They^ Western Canada and Mrs- Jennie ' under the direction of Prof. Hsrold j JJ 8 ^ ^ ^ t h ^ Court ^o7 A^peais\ Hermon. J. Mark Harran of Hop- j belief of people welt informed m • S t a t e s ia case of war. e the bitter op- ° * N e i l »f Rouses Point. i C Jf *JO. It consisted of selections T f t € T < ( t e wms I J » ^ 4. k-inton, Sherman R. Hamlin of j poll tic* 1 science that such a Con- « "He read a eomtrioutlaa. the au- had to overcome The funeral w a s held at the . o a t h e piano, violin, clarinet and Lawrence. Leo R. Martin of Louis- gress d o e s not work out for the j thorsMp of w a l c i was not disdos- position of cartecs. the truckman. ville. Charies H. Hand of Ogden» best interests of t h e people whom • ed." the report s t a t e s , "advancin? the stage lines, t a e canals. Every house Saturday morning a t 7-S« \ by a string ensemble. While the transportation must and a hall houx latei at Notre 'roll was being called to determine burg, 1st ward. Floyd H. Fox of they represent- In some C*J«-». ; t h e perfectly fantastic idea that if I variety ot TUme «**»r' ° Burial w a s in Xo- fthe award of the attendance banOgdenaborg. 2nd ward. Alien -u. these defeated members have tact ; t h e Briuah Empire were ax war. give way t o chewier and more c o o - ' txe Dame cetnetrry. Mr. Murray : | «er a silver collection was taken Qulnlan of Ogdeasburg. 4th ward, their intereot and because of the j Canada could, aad unquestionabl.. j veaieot s y s t e m s . ' George G:>ilins«<r. - I . of Massena best up for the extension fund of tae died Thursday night a t the A. BarCarl J. Hosaner of Pitoaira, Chai- fact that many of them are to **e !I would, forbut the shipment of Am-1 "Every dollar *pen4 unnecessar- was one of Osdensburg's national and state associations. / known and roost esteemed citizens ericaa guous t o an enemy country > ily on transporiaiion is an economles A. Barker of Rosaie, Charles succeeded 1»» newly elected m e a ton. Hepburn hospital. H e entered r3a the St. Lawrence.* Some other l i e loss.** the report continues. *The and his death wiH b e regretted by Edgar L. Schwartz acted as sec re- •'• the hospital Feb. l a to undergo an Cameron of RusselL toml 19. bers. it i s difficult ia man? cases tar>of the meeting. j **• ***** witnesses vestured the same no- j price of wheat ia Montana, gener- numerous friends. He made a fine operation. Surviving are the widow No. Alton C. Sera ton of Fine. ] to hold them- In line so that confaithful •yteNe.400 uon. T h e treaty before us, taken j ally speaking, is controlled by the record for efficient and I and two children. : Bar! Laidlaar of Gouverneur, Ai structive legislation c a n be o n - ! i s connection with other treaties j Liverpool price. If t h e cost of s h i p service during his many years' emchie L. BiQisgs of Hanrrnond. FreC acted. ployment on the railroad acu posFOR SALE—Tea black legharu ; beginning with the Webster-AshtContinued on P a c e 3) EL Turner of Macomb. Edward P Realising t h e s e facts, a proposed sessed the confidence and respec; 1 heas and a rooster, good layeu Martin of Madrid. Andrew J. Han- amendment known a s t h e Ta-euof h i s employers and associates. Fifty c e n t s a piece. Ogdensburg. mer or Massena. Charles B. Sch.r- ticth amendment to the constitu, X. Y. R. D. 3, m<?rhor» of Morris town. William tion, w a s subsnitted to the vai uu> E. Browa of Norfolk. Walter HL s i i t e s by act of Congress, and this T h e town board of Lisbon i u i j SALESMEN WANTED Mulholland of OswegatcWe. Gilbert amendment has been ratified by a appointed Robert Becker town MEN WANTED—To conduct i U Korthrup of Ogdensburg. 3rd sufficient number of states so tha* supervisor to fill the vacancy world renowned Rawleigh Hotsc Comes this i ward. Warren O. Daniels o£ Par- it will become effective Otto!*wT caused by the resignation of Sup. j Service Business in c i t i e s of Og[ishviUe, Frank Crary of Pierrt. t » t h of this year. ervisor ^ v ! . . . r . i n . 1 1 1 v T 1 * i r% i T"T*" f""i "s\ IT A . t r m s o r Milton w i u o n G. u . Hall, n a n . elected elected densburg. densburg. Canton. Canton. Gouverneur Gouverneur anJ an ; j pont. Edwmrd E. Wright of PotsThe amendment begins the ter ciftrk of th cmtnty bo rd Mr K U C o o B t ; dam. Leon L. Gibson of StockhokJ. of H nea- president on the 2*th u^»> Frederic H. .Martin of Wadding Ion. of January instead of t h e 4tn »>': of. years, Becker wintwenty-four serve tht Reliable #w*rsifir> A r l m i i a i n t r a f i r m U i l i l t X A s }m% jnpejriso,. hustlc«r n start earnla $2S weekly cnad c aincrease rapidly b e eMr. n total l i . March. It provides that the t e r n s j : R e m a i n i n g A r t i c l e * t o b e D i s - balance of the year. The biennial Write immediately. Rawleigh Cc. i t Jf G e n u i n e imMilton G. Hall of Lisbon did not of Senators and Represent stiver , A ylec,ie . . , « . . ^ • ^ J , coacerted drive »>• railway T The new .effort. will _. ._ seek .« to re-! posed of at B i n g o Party * ^ i n ** h e l d 8 n t h e { > n „ Dept. N Y-254 S. Albany. N\ T. vote. ported Martin's shall begin at once on the 3 r d J U J { u a J O M w p ^ r t < r i hy t h e A m e n c A a ^ ^ , 1 9^c^at w W c h TO%rkcd Tomorrow Nigiit Leon E. Gale of Piercefield w a s of January- The most important'. Federation of Labor to bring about simiiar enterprise under the Wi. w » ! Scotch Gro-n— WSMSM A l l WILD ABOUT I absent. part of the amendment isiSection • ^ ^ , ^ 0 ^ MJCtion tOT ^ administration, resulting in the j adop. lung of wmler The Ladies' Auxiliary of St. "SILK SAVER" t. which declares that Oongres^ 5 d f t a ^ 4 &x.homT ^ v ^ ^ ^.passage of the Adamson eigM-1 Vf l e a t h e r s ! The shall assemble at least once in e v - , ^ ^ ^ u ^ 81IG1HAL—C£BU«E hour law for railway workers. I*. Mary's academy held a very sucxatA^iUken mfter ery year and such .meetings shall j M a r c f t 4 l t W M r e v e a I e d wednes- i s the hope of the railway uuious cessful penny bazaar l a i . Wednes*"Ho«g" s one. be?in at noon on the 3rd day u. I | d a y b v ^ F W a ! t T O y president of that adoption of a six-boar l a * day evening in the school audi'.or j o f the smartest Jstmary unless they shall by ia.w ; (hB B r o l k e r b o o i o f Railroad Ti-a^i- will be one of the achievements of ium. Many nseful and valuable i?- ' Save jiiik" |kt<v«uu> ruo>. snag.. ..: silt h o s i n r -»&d lingerie after ooe appoint a dtfferent day This wil: 2 m e n U | ] c h f c i r m m n O I t h f . Ra,Hpay labor in t h e administration of t i d e s were donated by individuals, s h o e s of t h e inuntacTried, tested, prorrn and end the gap which now exists, aK^,. i^ecnttTca- Association, wholesale houses and merchants I President-elect RooseveiL fr»ckrd by t a iron clad hi w i n g uacacW o i d w a s received here of the season Andorvw i n also end w h a t w e new call tl»e ' •• •.' • .., . • and the society i s very grateful to j Wash vocr silt hosiery in "Save death of Mrs. Leland S. Barney, long term and short terms. We | h/ five doHersi ihem and to everyone who h e l p - d i Stik.' Draw jresr ttngrr nmfl ttmux^i ! 44. formerly of this city, at h v elected the H o u s e of Represent, J any namber of times and tre tu*x*u~ in any way. I tee home in Springtown. Pa.. Monday. t i r e s for a bwo year term in N*>-j that tne silk vUl net break. The beautiful applique quilt tie-' At ga DrnggUZx and Women's Sham* She was a native of Merrickriiie. vemlber. Umler the amendment. \ signed by l l r s . Win. Northnrj", SILK SAVER CO. Canada, and w a s employed at Si these two r e a r s will coincide WIL* j John ftapert was a v i s k e r in Morris street, was won by T o m : MX 28* MKlSBtiSG. M T. Lawrence state hospital here be- the t w o following calendar year«. Potsdam Friday evening. McLellan, who held the luckv numfore her marriage. Surviving a t e j SYRACUSE. Feb. 1 8 — Handcufexcept for the first two dsys of Harold J. Frank has returned ber 2»S. \ her husband mod two children. A j fed a s d guarded by a s u o a i of January. T h i s p r e s e n t Consrcss (rrom N e w York A nuaaoer of valuable aKicfc*' number of relatives Itve ia Ogdeus- will be the last to expire oa Mai Hi W dfiputy sheriffs, seven men were Joan N'icoteon returned yester- 'taken to Auburn prison yesterday were left wheat the bazaar cios^u • burg- The funeral and interment 4th. . day from a •business trip to New ' afternoon to begin sentences pa&£- at 11.30 ip. m.. and the committee were held at Springtovn Thurscf which Mrs. Joseph Needle i* 1 It seems also t o be inferred trota j York day. ed upon thent earlier in the day b. Wat. the field milk antrket ia tts Nothing m o r e dischairman win conduct a bingo the reading of t h e amendment t e s t ' Beginning Monday the K+wanis; county Judge Barntun. present eand^tion. a good many farmcouraging than faulty er* have found It to their odrsataae game Monday evening. Feb. 20, at President-elect Boosevelt w»U A daughter. Shirley Ann, was club will baud its weekly luncheon h W i a m i n (Chick) Cohen z». of plumbing, is there? to wporote their milk, sha^rtnc the 8 p. m. t o dispose of them. A large ; t eraaai ta us and krepine the skimborn to Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- come to the end of h i s term o a meetiags in the Hotel Seymour. , S 1 g I r v i n g a v e n u e » „ sentenced Even though e v e r y crowd is expected to aUend and t mi! fc on the laraa for feedisx calves [cock or 212 Albany avenue at the January 20. 1187. which will short thing seems to be in Mrs. "Edward Stlckney of Troy : to serve 20 years and Jack Broun: and bogr good order now, it j A. Barton Hepburn hospital Sat- en the four rear term by 43 days. is rlr.Ung her mother. Mrs. JOUP etein. n . c l S24 Westeott street re- compete for the3e prizes. Up t o Crecni shipped ta as is paid for isadate the report of the bazaar i s a s ! madtetelr apon arrival and cans are Mr. Ingram -spoke of t h e attempt Arnold. Lafayette street. would be well to have I urday at 11-15 a. m. The infant • eeivsd a six to I s year term and a } 7'^T. returnee? prosaptrr. to assassinate President-elect the entire plumbing Buy Good Shoes—!t Pays weighed 8 1-4 pounds. based VC; I• „ >,. Bacgsce rotes on the sfear Tork CeaA meeting of the Ladies' Aa. \t$ fine upon convictions system carefully e x Roosevelt, and said there was trol hove been reduced, the present l M n f t B t k A iZm^A « . . „ . u-. : DonaUotos received, U S ; at var i&ary will take place this amined for d e v e l o p rote being Sac per con in the 100-mfle much conjecture as to just what aXter. upon the grand jury1 s 1 white tted sane Cream may be shipped this «rar i n g defects. Inspec* d m is.ar-, 1 -^j S^i . boath8 *">; t ^o t ^ a l T cTo Ul eic t4 e^( ,^ M ^^. would happen had the attempt becu noon « t I o;clock at the 8. M. A. ,i- l ^ J ^ ^ ^ J * ? 3V oar Osdensboxg r epi ese uuttire. tion free. • for carting. S4 cents; net proceed*. Frank J. McPbail. 40C Patterson St.. successful, because under our brary. A fuH attendance is desired a previous convictMfft. a-Ul be glad to make arrangements to Mrs. James Paquette suffered a tinov. present s y s t e m of government it have It picked vp by track. Cohen is a former re: ;dent of, is difficult to determine definitely stroke a t her home on New Yoik II pays ta ship cream and onr marOgnensnnrg. Kat vOl grw «aa satisfaction. Ko canjost what wowU happen, whether avenue yesterday morning and her traot Tcsjatred. contlitirs is regarded a s criUt^J. or not Vice President-elect Garner t»U/atrV>IG-HEATING - PQWUCMrs. Edgar L. Schmartz win reae would succeed President-elect ST. UWIEVCi CRFJUttlT CgHPUIT vtimiATUM sonjots- s i s s S o s s r u Roosevelt for the fall term. It iuu» a paper on "The Family Drama** at POTBikmZl. KEW YORK never really b e e n decided by Lae a meeting af t h e Child Stndy g;*u;> 314 FORD STREET St. Lawrence Creamery Butter" Supreme Court, ami Mr. Ingram I nt the home of Mrs. D J. McCsatOGDENSBURG.M.Y T h e anaaal haxnaet of Ogden said that he w a s of t h e optaiou vOle, Jay straet, Tuesday afle. -Hit •MOMS 9S4. Vtok's Antiseptic. 25c s i z s . - / Lodge. Knights of Prthias. vrin s e that it might have been nece**ary anon at 2.94. .J39e Aqua Vstva, S t c size *JL oe*d next Friday night. Plans for ..3tc to c a a together the re pi tsaaitatii IL Arrstoeeic Balm, lara* t u b e . . . Tne city saservisors are «Lstiir » e s t a t e Hospital bomiirrg te^ua the event are now .*» coarse of; ._3Pc ryf t h e Electssml Col l e t e ut again Milk Magnesia, pint bottfs* Jr oating Lespies of ta* amaaaiilet cooi nucoesrfBl.lT defended the BeuUey preparation and w i n he canapWcd ' vote for their chance wf a Prea.Beef, Iron and Wine, pinflkrrtle within a few days. It i s expected tainicK a report of tke praceetiings CT,^ defeating the LovrviUe Orioles ._4tc deat. There is n o e n satis a ssu Orosal Mouth Wash, pint bottte that-Grand Ghnaeeflor Jodge Kex* tk asi J ..49c what rf the Presjdesrt shssM sue ' ** * ****** •* * * ** Novean- t t the Crescent aUeys last nigkl. 1 Z. L. Antiseptic, pint b o t t l e . . wiH aw present. Grand Vice-Caaa.-2§c ALL DEY AUD SEASONED. UHDEE COVES ^ or ke assassinated tafere the K c . . ! * * * " T m r r o o r e s : Rubbing Alcohol, pint bottle i ceflor Jtohe-n S. W a t e i m a s wui ..The torn) Getter* m e e t s , tfcey « / o O d ' Kae*iaaa1 W . Low is amending: S T A T E HOSPITAL Ctinica; Thermometers, beat grade he the g a e s t of honor. Mr. Water then have t n e poorer to sesset t * e *eeketid arith h i s fasaily i a . stsymo 19s 189 lai—iCf mail m a d e h i s ofTJeml visit t o tbe fEpnevrrn Nose Drops, dropper bottles. ,_., 43s aaan-ajoa> in h i s osace. | this -citF. sir. Imr has aeeeiafied s Mersick iTf sm 217—«>« lodge hast Monday eweaiing wheu Kbpirhn Tablets, 100. best grade . Mr. Ingram said that rthrngti aaaastissi a s s s l s s w a far eeatxai; Loveay ISC 1*1 171—Z0Z he w a s r«cetv«d with da*- soam;.; Cotr Face Powder, «4d style be haat a** . n . j j . j it. b e s e b e r e s 5 i «» r Ttorlt terrraorr wrth Use «*>- Mids*kjtiss . . . !7e 3e« 1M—i*.! A sarge c l a s s of candidatus ««!• Cotj Face Powder, new with perfume •hat ander tne new saa.asliiwau ™*-«" ^ n i S conraaar of K«che«tt.i. CemioRF 2«2 m M 4 — i « •»e ad-ained t o t h e lodge wrtkia _ » c Lavoris, large sixe use ssatter of the selection of * Frs*k A. Aag^aary and W. fc. ' !*<. next few wee*3 Mineral Oil Russian, pint bottle. Bsrot^aaw ba ohe r^esaseat wmUd •sTejrtaiaasi leMwned v«rtef)sjar * • * * * • * 3 5 7T!** • Witch Hazel, best grade, pint b o t t l e . . . ..75c be in the hamds af Comgress. Kear T T * -whxnt * — the* *w ^. LOWVIU.E aJVicks Msse Drops, dropper bottles , MOTICE OF EXAMINATION ..75c 1»4 £w» I7R—ifa) I teaated the aamaal ssietasg of ta»•Crushen S a l t s , origmal W 2J» 3**~""-l* Patra>rmsai — Police Oepartmem I a n 1 lean? Paper sad P a l p aasscia- ***aa Jad t s l t a , origmal 606 PATTERSON STREET -J5c Svrthart —•• - in I7P * • • — * S SqtWbbs Tooth Fasts, small wise — (Fare Department ..45c a* ircrTsan Sajtrssbs Tooth P a s t e , latrge suae v>* 1S7 A s*asV«aVassi sf Daughters atf 31c Keeai 2 f t 1M If;- 3 t < : The msnacipal Crrfl Service osssJorgews tvseiosi, svmwmi. ^_. the I s s e r V a a Btrssntisji v e n t ta* mission of the City af Ogdenihar^. fSMtoirae Mun/nuj Cwasn JL . IZZIIIZI_4ar f**nday a^seraaasn to saM M I n t * 4tL£ i i V. Y^ wiB haad a a exaanxnatissi fer Segal Razor and b Btadws, apecial.— fsmera* «f Mrs- Ediah tSmThe far the C3as« B T*ae psrpose of Pstiawmts, P e b o r Cold Creasm, 1 ah. j » "™~rT7« lor this n u t i s a s l>pparcaneBt. and P i u a a t a , Pare OtVan billing Cream. 1 I fiaranear « • SataasJay. Ftsi n» 3 arldfie Hi rings Tubing, f ft. M-Dai> H e MM Ctame Hatr T o n i c . f*caadard Shade rs. ,2Sih. T9S2. is the rissamii Scaawt J.-9t Helen Clam* Ciiimsjai Cr ,ra- oss « MooiLL a f t s » 8 L Lavrreuce Oronpesat Dine/ J Ossjaamaga SQk JRas. • c c Waamjmtssn Street, a t Helen Cla+re Stem sbsaaiUfter 'e'rlark a. m, %m ta- Osanvtr fjiranm aasa* a a * arrer««sl 1 v». TEohw: Parratasw sr». VaJ*ss> Hsstw Clwire ftshjrrts of • < « > a t a asaMttaag of Che sasmaj Praiay. A * P Chrpssea v s . Aa> t^rtf ** r ° h t r recemtly snsved c s 9rra*a7rttt«B • State aaaanajtnl vs 1 - " . TW r*arr*ica! 5 Ur Bass CJTosriestt. snnrr A di<?atr-h ffosm ]C#>ar Tiara: aast Trai is inc. • as* raeajre mad M.* srsaiy asmaed Usat t "T asajni ajaoabfkatiaaas 2 Isswaid C Orarig. wojfl h a w a C*aaV <rfnais.hat «f Oga)eam*sarc aaai S t . WLMTY*% SwoMTfJp* A p p i V f wm tssmatf may he «miwa.asa aanert- xkwmm. a lertnvr ami P a v W ssrrV- emtaaawd a aaarr a; i» a j s e d from the amdfraagaiwd i a use h i e s » » m JSear Tors: rate. Xn,, aff>oe «f t h e Crry CVrTa. and aa«*>. 1 a dawrtr'ier of the St ssaar« a race*-* woman}""* •**• «» Ke.smwd was lu«*r t h a * 11 O A. at. <*rd mao> Mr. ami Wrm PTaa* OTaaasa Peaaamr fsaam avkosi ajTrat at io>e f»Y»c a »r afii sasaajL u u s ebme l»he in a sraasmase of Oajti 1 S M A ay-a> Permits Appeal for j Disbarred Lawyers Massena Man Dies in City Hospital Railroad Men Will Seek Six-Hour Day Law in U.S. Successful Bazaar Held from BONNIE SCOTLAND G E N U I N E SCOTCH G R A I N L E A T H E R m! Objective of the Brotherhoods Under the Uem- -H f i r IS JVI A New Supervisor Named at Lisbon * * ! y <* southa^est st. Lawrence I Former Hospital Employee Expires Run Preventer Local and Social Benny Cohen , Sent to Auburn SHOES FOR MEN elephone # » - % •***••*•+ GASH F3R CREAM Vfout wiiJi Ptide REPAIR ALL FIXTURES Let Vs Put Your Plumbing in Order hyJJWioni BURKES' Brandy's Drug Specials Lowville Team Was beaten in Match for Cup duBHf.SamaJist K. P. BANQUET NEXT FRIDAY Wood! Wood! Wood! 1 i 32 foot Hard Slab* KiiHfiin* Wood tdcpbooc being aid All Kinds COAL -J r.« 8' ••5 $4.00 cord $3.50 load First Grade COKE JOSEPH SANTAY BRIDGE PARTY SCHEDULED AT FRANK'S STORE PREST«0=LITE BATTERIES— For AH Cars and All Purposes Prescott Ca^einen Q y d e FV B r a n d y 4E COMPANY STATS ST2EBT PHOHE U8 OGDENSBURG BATTERY CO. TrJepesone 72€ '•m^F* j
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