g - Nordimeta


g - Nordimeta


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g - Nordimeta

g - Nordimeta • ALteZZA DI sALDAtURA: “Z 100 sm” 280 cm -“Z 100 m” 240 cm • gRUppO sALDANte: Profili in lega anti-corodal con resistenza cilindrica • DImeNsIONI: 80x320 cm • pesO: 440 kg • pOteNZA INstALLAtA: 2 ...

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g - Nordimeta

g - Nordimeta complet avant la livraison.

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FUtURA - Nordimeta

FUtURA - Nordimeta automatique “FUTURA 220 E”; une machine conçue pour un emballage parfait, une simplicité dans l’utilisation et la programmation pour obtenir des cycles complètement automatisés sans besoin de main-...

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Z 444 - Nordimeta

Z 444 - Nordimeta Is born a flexible machine, able to give a simple and practical the ability to customize the bands of mattresses according to your creativity.

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LINe g - Nordimeta

LINe g - Nordimeta ‘Hot-Melt create an impressive line looks good and easy to use, composed of several workstations.

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