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Church Address: 941 Lexington St. Church Address: 941 Lexington St. Office Address: 725 Washington St. Office Address: 725 Washington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050 Santa Clara, CA 95050 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: Web-site: Mass Schedule Weekend: 5:00 pm (Vigil); 7:45am, 9:00 am, 5:30 pm (English) 10:30 am (Portuguese); 12:00 pm (Spanish) 1:30 pm (Cantonese); 3:00 pm (Mandarin) Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am; Tue & Thu 5:30 pm Celebrating The Year of MERCY January 03, 2016 ● The Epiphany of the Lord Mobile App: Saint Clare Visit us on Twitter @stclareparishsc Visit and like us on Facebook: St. Clare of Assisi Parish Office… 408-248-7786 Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, Pastor Rev. Pedro Perez Sención, Parochial Vicar In Residence: Rev. Canon Raphael Ueda Mary Park, Office Administrator Paty Rascon, Hispanic Ministry Madeline Rader, Principal Sacrament of the Sick If you or anyone you love is sick and unable to attend Mass, please call the office. St. Vincent de Paul…408-645-0506 Catechetical Ministry… 408-248-7786 Paty Rascon RCIA We warmly welcome those inquiring about becoming Catholic. For information, please call the office. Reconciliation Saturdays 4:30 pm or by appointment. Prayer Groups Spanish Charismatic Group Wednesdays 7 pm Spanish Prayer Group Thursdays 6:30 pm Portuguese Prayer Group Thursdays 7 pm Portuguese Charismatic Group last Friday of month Pastor’s Note Dear Parishioners, Sacramental Information Baptism Instead of my usual article, we are taking excerpts from an article by Diana Macalintal published in the November 24 issue of The Valley Catholic about the Year of Mercy. This is the second of three excerpts. Fr. Tad Contact the Parish office to arrange for baptismal preparation. Baptisms are celebrated monthly except during Lent. Spanish Prep Class: 1st Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 3rd Sat at 10 am English Prep Class: 2nd Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 4th Sat at 10 am Weddings Holy Door of Mercy In our Catholic tradition, the door or the threshold is a sacred place. When a new Church is built the doors are blessed, and many of our sacraments and rituals begin at these consecrated doors. In a Jubilee Year, the Church door holds special significance. The door is a sign of Christ who said, “I am the gate for the sheep…Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture” (John 10:7,9). Within the doors of the Church, God’s people find rest, safety, and nourishment. The door is a sign of the People of God who are commanded to “Go, and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). That is why the earliest Christians called themselves the People of the Way, and today we are called the Pilgrim Church for we are on a daily pilgrimage toward our heavenly home, and along the way we invite others to join in this journey. The door is also a liminal space where we move from one place to another. Thus, it is a sign of our conversion, of letting go of our old way of life and entering a new way of life in Christ. Whenever we walk through the Church doors, we remind ourselves that we have been changed to become more like Christ and daily we are called to change our lives that we may serve others in the name of Christ. The door is also the place of “passing over,” in remembrance of the night when the enslaved Israelites in Egypt placed the blood of the lamb on their doors and the Angel of Death passed over their homes, leaving them in safety. That was the night they were freed from slavery and saved from death. Thus, the door of the Church is a place of sal- Arrangements need to be made at least six months in advance. Call the Parish office. Rosary The Rosary is recited daily after the 8 am Mass and before the 5:30 pm Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Hispanic Community has a Rosary Hour every Monday at 6 pm in the Rectory Chapel. vation where we encounter God’s mercy; from here; we go out into the world to bring God’s mercy to others. On December 8, 2015, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door in Rome for the beginning of the Year of Mercy to symbolize the blessings that God wants to give to anyone who asks. He has invited every Catholic diocese in the world to establish a similar Holy Door in its Cathedral and in other churches designated by the local bishop. These doors will be places where the faithful can encounter God’s mercy and be strengthened to be merciful to others as God has been merciful to them. Bishop McGrath has established three Holy Doors in the Diocese of San Jose. These can be found at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph (San Jose) and at the churches of Our Lady of Guadalupe (San Jose) and Our Lady of Peace (Santa Clara). These doors were formally opened on or shortly after December 13, 2015. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Whether you are a parishioner of long standing or new to the parish, if you are not registered, we invite you to do so as soon as possible. If there are changes to your status, please let us know. Please fill in the details below and place in the offertory basket or mail to the Parish Office. Name: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_______________________________ □ New Parishioner □ Moving (please remove from directory) □ New Address Zip: ______________ □ New Phone Number Weekly Stewardship Report Goal for Fiscal Year $374,400.00 e aus bec$172,800 e e l l b u hed vaila Budgeted to 12/13 res una sion sc$165,600.00 mis figu ate day sub d o Shortfall $ Up-t rly holi a e f o Fiscal year is July 1 through June 30 Calendar of Events Mon. 01/04 Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (patron saint of Catholic schools) Hispanic Rosary Group, 6:00 pm, Rectory BapƟsm Class (Sp) 7:00 pm, Rectory Tue 01/05 Feast of St. John Neumann (patron saint of Catholic educaƟon) RCIA InstrucƟon, 7:00 pm, Rectory Social JusƟce Mtg., 7:30 pm, Rectory Wed 01/06 Feast of St. Andre BesseƩe Hispanic CharismaƟc Prayer Group, 7:00 pm Lower Church Knights Mtg., 6:30 pm, North Hall Thu 01/07 Feast of St. Raymond of Penyafort (patron saint of lawyers) Portuguese Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Chapel Fri 01/08 Bible Study, 7:00 pm, Rectory Knights ExecuƟve Mtg., 7:00 pm, Rectory Collected to 12/ Thank YOU for your generosity! January 3-9, 2016 National Migration Week St. Vincent de Paul Society Mass Intentions January 02-09 Saturday Sunday 5:00 pm 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Richard M. Lira (L) Souls in Purgatory+ St. Clare Parishioners Gabriel Da Silva+, Maria Pestana (in thankgiving), Open Antonio & Ephegenia Rodrigues & Family+, Monday 8:00 am Jose Rocha+ Tuesday 5:30 pm Fermino Rocha+ Wednesday 8:00 am Souls in Purgatory+ Thursday 5:30 pm Joaquin Borja+ Friday 8:00 am Aida Augusta+ Saturday 8:00 am Louis D. Nimigean+ God bless everyone who donated, volunteered and made this a most memorable and beautiful holiday for 60 plus families. Families were given large boxes of groceries, new jackets and many toys for the children. Despite the cold and drizzle, there was a joyous twang in the air as families sipped on hot chocolate while waiting their turn. Happy New Year from St. Vincent de Paul Society! Sunday Children’s Programs “ Finding God” Cont inuous Fait h Format ion Program Religious Education here at St. Clare’s is more than just a Sacramental preparation program. Welcome Back! The Epiphany of the Lord The word "Epiphany" means “make known, reveal or manifest." It is said that the celebration originated in the Eastern Church during the third century to remember the three miracles that manifest the divinity of Christ; the visit of the three Magi (the revelation to the Gentiles), the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River (the Holy Spirit descends and God the Father’s voice is heard, declaring that Jesus is His Son), and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana (revealing the divinity of Christ). Only in the Roman liturgy under Pope St. Leo the Great (440461) did it become a specific feast for the "Adoration of the Magi". The Baptism of the lord is celebrated the Sunday following the Epiphany. It is traditionally celebrated the 12th day after Christmas - January 6th- but in the dioceses of the United States and other regions of the world it has been moved to the Sunday after January 1st. St. Clare School Pancake Breakfast and Open House St. Clare School is now accepting applications for Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth grade for the 2016-2017 school year. Please stop by our school office between the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. for enrollment information. Scholarship applications available upon request. OPEN HOUSE AND PANCAKE BREAKFAST! Please join us on Sunday, January 30th for our Annual Pancake Breakfast and Open House. Start your morning with delicious pancakes, sausage, and coffee. Our Annual Pancake Breakfast will begin at 8:00 A.M. After breakfast, all families are invited to visit our classrooms to learn more about our school's curriculum and community. Classroom visits will take place from 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. We look forward to meeting you! St. Clare School has been providing quality Catholic education for students in grades K-8 in the city of Santa Clara for over 150 years. Our staff is dedicated to providing a worshipping, learning, caring, and growing environment for our students. St. Clare School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of their educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, athletic and other school administered programs. Support the 2015 – 2016 Annual School Fund Campaign Catechetical Office: Paty Rascon 408.248.7786 X 102 [email protected] Knights of Columbus Corner “Snapple says that lobsters form a conga line when they migrate. Maybe that's why the Knights of Columbus have Crab feeds; we don't like to mess up a good conga. Come join the Knights and we will show you how to put on a good crab feed this coming February 2016. Our goal for the 2015 – 2016 school year is $100,000.00 in new gifts! Your gift, whether great or small, will help us reach this goal and continue the good work we do educating students in the richness of the Catholic faith. Thank you for supporting our mission! 2016 Festival Treasure Cove Collection Begins We are very excited to let everyone know that we are now able to accept gently used items for our beloved Treasure Cove. Please clearly label as 2016 FESTIVAL Treasure Cove and deliver to the Parish Office. Thanks to all who have already reserved items for this purpose. If you have questions about the Knights, please contact Tony Colombo at [email protected] or call him at 408.244.2596. Mobile App for Our Parish We are excited to have unveiled a parish App. Available for download in the Android and Apples stores, it is a new and effective way for communication and connectedness. It is PACKED with prayer resources, educational resources, parish events, discussion boards and more. Please download the App and allow Push Notifications. Scripture Readings for THIS Sunday First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6 Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 LOOKING IN THE RIGHT PLACES “Appearances can be deceiving,” as the saying goes. As we celebrate the epiphania, the “appearing” of the eternal Word of God on earth, this is still true. What rapturous foresight must have filled Isaiah as he wrote the words we hear today. How, for four hundred years, they must have filled the hearts of the people of Israel with hope for the day when God’s glory would shine on them. How deceived some must have felt when the glory of God came to them in the lowliest and humblest of human lives. We have many expectations about how the divine presence will appear among us. But we can also set ourselves up, through these expectations, to miss the divine glory when it truly appears. We get caught up in looking for the star, forgetting that the star is not the divine sign, the babe is. It may take a persistent journey for us to come upon the true appearance of God’s glory in our lives: Jesus Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 2016 Calendars Are Available in the Vestibule Thank you to the mother and son real estate team of Carolyn Schulte and Dennis Jacobs for our complimentary calendars. Please take one and enjoy the beautiful pictures and references to liturgical events. Readings for the Week Monday 1 Jn 322-4:6; Ps 2; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday 1 Jn 4:19-5:4; Ps 72; Lk 4:14-22 Friday 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday 1 Jn 5:14-21 Ps 149; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday Is 42:1-4; 6-7; Ps 29; Acts 10:34-38 Lk 3:15-16; 21-22 Beyond the Parish Jan. 14 Catholic Professionals Speaker Event Location: Three Flames Restaurant, 1547 Meridian Ave., San Jose. 7 am—Mass: Msgr John Sandersfeld presiding 7:35 am Breakfast and Speaker Program January Speaker—Skip Vaccarello, CEO and Co-Founder of The Saratoga Group Topic: “Finding God in Silicon Valley” Reservations needed: $15/members; $20/non-members RSVP to 408.491.9229 or [email protected] Jan. 23 Walk for Life Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco, Info. Faire: 11 am; Rally: 12:30 pm Rally starts at Civic Center Plaza, walking down Market Street (2 miles) 2016 will mark the 12th anniversary of the Walk for Life West Coast. From the first year of 7,000 participants, the event has grown to 55,000 last year, making this one of the two largest pro-life events in America. Before the Walk, Archbishop Cordileone welcomes you to a Mass at 9:30 am at St. Mary’s Cathedral. For registration and information, call 415.658.1793 email: [email protected] or Feb. 05-07 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Give the gift of healing... If you or someone you know has been impacted by an abortion then a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat would be a life changing gift. This retreat is for singles, married couples, siblings, Grandparents or medical professionals. Retreats include: 2 night accommodations, all meals, and retreat materials. There is no cost to attend, however space is limited. To register visit, email us at [email protected] or call 408.837.0990. Feb. 06 Wedding Anniversary Celebration Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2016 to participate in the annual Wedding Anniversary Mass. A short reception will follow after. Contact Sylvia Blanch at [email protected] or at 408.983.0128 for more information. “When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one to a fellow creature.” Sydney Smith Boletim Paroquial Português Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda Embora os acontecimentos da História do nascimento do Messias nos transporte para a região geográfica de Israel a realidade é que quando Deus quiz-Se fazer um de nós e estar connosco foi para toda a Humanidade. As estrelas estão ao alcance de todos que querem ir visitar Jesus. Há sempre uma estrela que nos indica o processo de chegar a Jesus. Os Magos deixaram-se guiar por uma estrela e de lugares longícuos chegaram a Belém para prestar homenagem ao Messias ao esperado e ansiado por todos que acreditam e querem ser parte do plano de salvação de Deus. Epifania do Senhor que quer dizer manifestação do Senhor, é a Solenidade que celebramos hoje. Celebramos a vontade de um Deus que quer ser um de nós e estar connosco acessivel aos povos de todas as nações, sociedades e culturas. Esta Solenidade, também nos alerta a estar-mos atentos ás estrelas que nos levam aos herodes deste mundo. Os herodes de agora são todos que, munidos de poderes a eles confiados, geram: guerras, desavenças, crimes, injustiças, etc. Tal como os Magos voltaram por outros caminhos; também nós devemos escolher os caminhos que nos levam a Jesus. Procuremos veredas pelo qual sentimos a Sua presença, a Sua companhia e que certamente nos levarão á presença do Pai do Céu. Os atalhos que nos levam aos herodes, começam por acções maliciosas de prejudicar os outros, por vícios que nos transformam em farrapos humanos e descreditados pelos outros que connosco contactam, desvio de valores que nos levam á valorização humana e ao amar os outros. Os herodes deste mundo por mais disfarçados que sejam sempre são dedectados por nos tirarem a paz de alma e de nos afastarem do amor verdadeiro, quando assim, que nos deixemos levar pela estrela que nos leva a Jesus. Inventório de fim de Ano de 2015 Como Comunidade Portuguesa nesta paróquia multi-cultural de Saint Clare, chegamos ao fim deste ano, continuamos a ter a missa em português e por assim ser dêmos graças a Deus. Os serviços litúrgicos apareceram e foram planeados em acordo com os tempos do ano. Podiam ser mais vividos se cultivasse-mos mais o desejo de vir á igreja e de contribuir com os nossos talentos para o bem comum da nossa presença nesta paróquia. “Lembrem-se que o Espírito Santo de Deus a todos dá talentos segundo a Sua vontade” É obrigação de todos contribuirem e devolverem esses talentos para o bem comum de toda a comunidade. O Grupo de Leigos Portugueses, está continuamente a ser louvado por outras comunidades desta paróquia, pelo desempenho com que servem a comunidade. Lembremonos de dar graças a Deus por o poder-mos servir nos irmãos. Cumprindo o que fazemos, não mais é aos nossos leigos pedido. Lembrem-se que não existe crescimento só no cumprir, é preciso saber-se entregar na totalidade para haver verdadeiro crescimento pessoal e espiritual. Os sacerdotes: Padres Tad e Pedro devemos estar-lhes agradecidos pelo empenho que os dois demonstram em nos servir e guiar-nos espiritualmente e por assim ser estamos a eles agradecidos. Por este ano de 2015 saibamos dizer: “Seja louvado Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo e Sua e Nossa Mãe, Maria Santíssima. Um Santo e Alegre Domingo para todos!! Feliz e saudável Ano Novo de 2016. Boletín Parroquial Español Buscar en el Lugar Correcto “Las apariencias engañan” dice el refrán. Al celebrar la epifanía, la manifestación del Verbo de Dios eterno en la tierra, el refrán sigue siendo cierto. ¡Qué sublime premonición debe haber sentido Isaías al escribir las palabras que hoy escuchamos! Por cuatrocientos años, cómo habrán llenado los corazones del pueblo de Israel con esperanzas de que llegaría el día en que la gloria de Dios se derramaría sobre ellos. ¡Qué desilusionados deben haberse sentido algunos cuando la gloria de Dios les llegó en una vida humana de las más bajas y humildes! Tenemos muchas expectativas de cómo la presencia divina va a manifestarse entre nosotros. Pero también podemos exponernos, por culpa de esas expectativas, a perder de vista la gloria divina cuando se nos aparece de verdad. Nos entretenemos buscando la estrella, y nos olvidamos que la estrella no es la señal divina, sino el bebé. Puede que tengamos que persistir en el camino antes de llegar a encontrarnos con la apariencia real de la gloria de Dios en nuestra vida: Jesucristo. —Copyright, © J. S. Paluch Co. Celebración de Bodas de Plata y Oro La Diócesis de San José sigue invitando a las parejas que cumplen 5 (o menos), 25 y 50 años de casados, a celebrar su aniversario en la misa bilingüe (inglesespañol) que se celebrará el sábado 6 de febrero a las 2:00pm en la Catedral de San José. Seguida de una recepción. La fecha límite para registrarse es el 22 de enero con Sylvia Blanch en el Tel. (408) 983-0128 o regístrese en Información de nuestra Escuela “Saint Clare” La escuela esta aceptando aplicaciones para todos los grados – kinder hasta 8avo. grado - para el próximo ciclo escolar. También el domingo 30 de Enero, de 9:30am a 1:00 pm, la escuela abre sus puertas a quienes estén interesados en inscribir a sus hijos. Hay becas disponibles. Por favor pasen a la oficina de la escuela para mayor información. Bautismos Las clases de preparación en español son el 1er. lunes de cada mes, el bautizo se celebra el 3er. sábado del mes y la bienvenida o acogida del niño(a) es el domingo anterior al bautizo. Para mayor información llamar a la oficina. Tanto para el Bautismo como para la clase es necesario registrarse en la oficina. Horas de Oficina Mañana lunes 4 de enero iniciamos labores en el horario normal. En caso de emergencias llame al 408.904.9187 ¡Feliz Día de Reyes! Parish Information & Contacts Pastoral Staff St. Clare Parish Rectory Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm Emergency #: 408.904.9187 Facility Emergencies: Matt Dutra 408.904.9181 Mass Schedule Daily (Chapel) MWFSa TTH Weekend (Church) Saturday English Sunday English English - Family Portuguese Spanish Cantonese Mandarin Chinese Youth (Lower Church) English Reconciliation 8:00 am 5:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:30 pm Every Saturday 4:30 - 4:45pm Or by appointment Prayers for Vocations/ Benediction (Chapel) 4th Tues, 5:30 pm Pastor Parochial Vicar Office Administrator Catechetical Ministry & Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Webmaster Quinceanera Please call Paty Rascon for information about classes and liturgical celebration. St. Clare School 408.246.6797 408.246.6726 fax [email protected] Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm School Staff Principal: Madeline Rader Office Administrator: Cherell Rizzo Receptionist: Martha Ramirez (Ext. 104) (Ext. 105 ) (Ext. 106) (Ext. 102) Perig Vennetier [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Liturgy Liturgy Committee Altar Servers Environment Baptism Preparation Funeral Coordinator Quinceañera Coordinator Vocations Committee Children’s Liturgy RCIA Fr. Pedro 408.248.7786x105 Fr. Tad (Eng.) Rogelio Esquivel (Sp.) 408.629.9182 Robyn Schroeder [email protected] Maria Gamboa (Sp.) [email protected] Lucy Silva (Eng.) [email protected] Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected] Paty Rascon [email protected] Tom Bommarito 408.243.4647 Natalie Plecque (Eng.) [email protected] Gloria Hackleman (Sp.) [email protected] Diane Madruga [email protected] Community & Service Pastoral Council Finance Council Baptism See page 2 for preparation classes and baptism dates. For private baptisms, consultation with the priest is necessary. 408.248.7786 408.248.8150 (fax) Serra Club of Santa Clara St. Vincent De Paul Patrick Schneider Evelyn Amaya Tony Colombo Scott McLarty Gregory Shelby Joe D’Amore Jim Thorn Rigo Rascon Marcy Taylor Tom Bommarito Mick Gonzales [email protected] Anne McMahon Marah Grace Gebala Mary Correia John Sullivan [email protected] Sean McMahon Edwin Alabanza 408.243.4647 Extension 200 408.645.0506 Facilities Task Force Matt Dutra [email protected] Knights of Columbus Dave Vincent [email protected] 408.398.0399 Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI) Dolores Wriglesworth [email protected] Social Justice Committee Anne McMahon [email protected] Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Matt Dutra 408.998.3226 Hispanic Community Elania Tablada 408.984.3519 Evelyn Amaya 408.945.9129 Portuguese Community Connie Silveira 408.250.1138 Mandarin Community Rev. Carlos A. Olivera 408.509.6960 Louis Yueh [email protected] Simon Liao [email protected] Cantonese Community Melissa Poon [email protected] Lillian Lam [email protected]
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