Marie Ange Bordas


Marie Ange Bordas
M a r ie An ge B o rd a s
B ra z i l, 197 0
m a r i ean ge b @ g ma i l. c o m
MA Refugee Studies, University of East London, London, UK, 2008
Master Degree in “Image and Sound” at the School of Communications and Arts
of the São Paulo University, Brazil, 1995-2000.
One Year Certificate Program in Photography
International Center of Photography, New York, USA, 1997-1998.
Bachelor in Journalism at the School of Communications of the Federal University of
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1990-1993.
E x h ib i t io n s
Displacements Project
Unhcr Refugee Celebrations, São Paulo, June 2007
IASFM Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 2006
Caixa Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil, March to Mai 2006
IVMH Conference, New Delhi, India, September 2005
Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal/FotoRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2005
Contemporary Art Museum/World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 2005
Athos Bulcão Gallery, Brasília, Brazil, Novembro 2004
Maison Française, Nairobi, Kenya, January 2004
CIMADE International Refugee Shelter, Massy, France, January 2003
Bag Factory Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 2002.
S o lo Sh ows
“In Flux”, Matrix East, University of East London, London, UK,December 2008
“On the move”, Art for Change Gallery, New York, U.S.A, July 2003
“Solitudes”, Language, New York, U.S.A, April 2001
“Vestígios”, Paço das Artes Contemporary Art Museum, São Paulo, Brazil, August 2000
“Percursos”, Maria Antonia Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil, July 2000
“3 Installations”, Roebling Hall Gallery, Brooklyn, U.S.A, September 1998
“Vestígios”, São Pedro Gallery, Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 1998
G r a nt s / R e s id en c ie s
The Leverhulme Trust, London, UK, 2008, Artist in Residence at University of East London
Nominated for the KLM Paul Huf International Award, Nederlands, 2007
City Funds for the Arts (Fumproarte), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2003
Residency at Kuona Trust/Nairobi Museum, Nairobi, Kenya, October-December 2003
Residency at ORTUNG Symposium, Wagrain, Austria, June-July 2002
Residency at Fordsburg Artists Studios, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 2001-February 2002
Residency at the Hermit Foundation, Plasy, Czech Republic, August 1999
Grant APARTES for Young Brazilian Artists Improvement Overseas, 1997-1998
Research Grant for Master Degree by CAPES, São Paulo, Brazil, 1994-1995
Group Show s
VII Rencontres de la Photo de Bamako, Bamako, Mali, November/December 2007
Experiências da Imagem, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brésil, Mai 2007
Brazil-Haiti - Crossed sights, pictures by M.A Bordas, Maxence Denis and the children of Portau-Prince (Haiti) and Frechal Quilombo (Brazil), Brazilian Embassy, Paris, France, October 2006
Brazil-Haiti - Crossed sights, pictures by M.A Bordas, Maxence Denis and the children of Port-
au-Prince (Haiti) and Frechal Quilombo (Brazil), Pantheon Museum, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Mai
FotoRio, International Photo Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005
Torun Arts Festival, Torun, Poland, April 2005
RS Visual Arts Panorama, Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2005
Kuona Trust Artists, Nairobi Museum, Kenya, November 2003
ORTung , Galery 5020, Salzburg, Austria, January 2003
“Jeu Nocturne/ Nuit Blanche ”, Paris Project Room, Paris, France, October 5th 2002
ORTung Symposium, Wagrain, Austria, July 2002
International Refugee Day, UNHCR/South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, June 2002
Klein Karoo Arts Festival, Oudtshoorn, South Africa, Abril 2002
“Caminos de Hierro”, Travelling Exhibition, Spain, 2000
Artists Alliance, Clemente Valdez Cultural Center, New York, October 2000
“Summer Show”, Robin Rice Gallery, New York, Winter 1999
“Skin Deep”, Julie Saul Gallery, New York, November 98 – February 1999
“Contemporary Latin American Art”, Galerie Odalys, Caracas, Venezuela, October 1998
“CAPES Young Brazilian Artists”, Travelling Exhibition in Brazil, August/September 1998
“El Cuerpo en/de la Fotografia”, Contemporary Art Museum, San Jose, Costa Rica, July 1998
“International Center of Photography Show” - West Chelsea Arts Building, New York, 1998
R e ce n t P ho t o gr ap hy an d Me d ia P ar t i c ipa t iv e P roje c t s
Youth Voice – São Paulo, Brazil
Photography and Visual literacy project for children studying at Public Elementary Schools
in São Paulo. Sponsored by Nova Escola Magazine, Editora Abril. September to December 2006
The Living Together Project - Ampara East Coast, Sri Lanka
Photography and Media project developed with a group of 17 multi-ethnic/religious youth.
Sponsored by USAID/OTI. August to December 2005
Message in a Bottle Program - Kalmunai, Sri Lanka
Photography project for 20 children displaced by Tsunami living in temporary shelters.
Grant awarded by the Aisleby Fund/UK. September to December 2005
Crossed Sights Project (Olhares Cruzados), Brazil and Haiti
Photography workshops and cultural exchange between children living in Port-au-Prince,
Haiti and at Frechal Quilombo, Brazil. Sponsored by Photography Brazil Foreign Affairs
Ministry. September 2005 to Mai 2006
Displacements - South Africa, France, Kenya
Participative photography /art / media project with refugee communities. Sponsored by UNHCR,
IRC, Filmaid International, Fordsburg Studios (South Africa) and Nairobi Museum (Kenya).
October 2001 to March 2005