Portuguese phrases - Travel With Chardoul
Portuguese phrases - Travel With Chardoul
Portuguese In The Restaurant English Phrase/word Portuguese Pronunciation I’d like / We’d like... Gostoría / Gostaríamos... Goosh-tah-ree-ah / Goosh-tah-ree-ah-moosh ...to reserve... ...de reservar... Deh-reh-zehr-var ...a table for one / two ...uma mesa para uma / dues Oo-mah may-zah pah-rah oo-mah / doo-ahsh Non-smoking Não fumar Now foo-mar Is this table free? Esta mesa está livre? Ehsh-tah meh-zah ish-tah lee-vreh? The menu (in English) please A ementa (am inglês), por favor Ah eh-mayn-tuh (ayn eenglaysh) poor fah-vor Service (not) included Serviço (não) incluido Sehr-vee-soo (now) een-klooee-doo Cover charge Coberto Koh-behr-too To go Para fora Pah-rah foh-rah With / without Com / sem Kohn / sayn And / or E / ou Ee / oh Specialty of the house Especialidade da casa Ish-peh-see-ah-lee-dah-deh dah kah-zah Half portion Mela dose May-ah doh-zeh Daily special Prato do dia Prat-too doo dee-ah Tourist menu Ementa turística Eh-mayn tah too-reesh-teekah Appetizers Entradas Ayn-trah-dahsh Bread Pão pow Cheese Queijo Kay-zhoo English Phrase/word Portuguese Pronunciation Sandwich Sandes Sahn-desh Soup Sopa Soh-pah Salad Salada Sah-lah-dah Meat Carne Kar-neh Poultry Aves Ah-vish Fish Peixe Pay-shee Seafood Marisco May-reesh-koo Fruit Fruta Froo-teh Vegetables Legumes Lay-goo-mish Dessert Sobremesa Soo-breh-may-zah Tap water Água da torneira Ah-gwah dah tor-nay-rah Mineral water Água mineral Ah-gwah mee-neh-rahl Milk Leite Lay-teh (orange) juice Sumo (de laranja) Soo-moo (deh lah-rahn-zhah Coffee Café Kah-feh Tea Chá shah Wine Vinho Veen-yoo Red / White Tinto / branco Teen-too / brang-koo Glass / bottle Copo / garrafo Koh-poo / gah-rah-fah Beer Imperial Ayn-peh-ree-ahl Cheers! Saüde! Sah-oo-deh More / another Maís / outro Maish / oh-troo The same O mesmo Oo mehsh-moo English Phrase/word Portuguese Pronunciation The bill please A conta, por favor Ah-kohn-tah poor fah-vor Tip Gorjeta Gor-zheh-tah Delicious! Delicioso! Deh-lee-see-oh-zoo Portuguese Phrases (for survival) English Phrase/word Portuguese Pronunciation Good day Bom dia Bohm dee-ah Do you speak English? Fala inglês? Fah-lah een-glaysh Yes / No Sim / Não Seeng / now I (don’t) understand (Não) compreendo (now) kohn-pree-ayn-doo Please Por favor Poor fah-vor Thank you (said by male) Obrigado Oh-bree-gah-doo thank you (said by female) Obrigada Oh-bree-gah-dah I’m sorry Desculpe Dish-kool-peh Excuse me (to pass) Com licença Kohn li-sehn-sah (No) problem (Não) há problema (now) ah proo-blay-mah Good Bom bohn Goodbye Adeus or Ciao Ah-dehoosh ; chow One / Two Um / Dois Oon / Doysh Three / Four Trés / Quarto Traysh / kwah-troo Five / Six Cinco / Seis Seeng-koo / saysh Seven / Eight Sete / Oito Seh- teh / oy-too Nine / Ten Nove / Dez Naw-veh / dehsh How much is it? Quanto é? Kwahn-too eh Write it? Escreva? Ish-kray-vah English Phrase/word Portuguese Pronunciation Is it free? É gratis? Eh grah-teesh Is it included? Está incluido? Ish-tah een-kloo-ee-doo Where can I find / buy...? Onde posso encontrar / comprar...? Ohn-deh paw-soo ayn-kohntrar / kohn-prar I’d like / We’d like... Gostaria / gostariamos... Goosh-tah-ree-ah / gooshtah-ree-ah-moosh... ...a room ...um quarto Oon kwar-too ...a ticket to _______ ...um bilhete para _______ Oon beel-yeh-teh pah-rah Is it possible? É possivei? Eh poo-see-vehi Where is ....? Onde é que é...? Ohn-deh eh keh eh ...the train station ...a estação de comboio Ah ish-tah-sow deh kohnboy-yoo ...the bus station ...a terminal de autocarros Ah tehr-moo-nahl deh awtoo-kah-roosh ...the tourist information office ...a informação turistica Ah-een-for-mah-sow tooreesh-tee-kah ...the toilet ...a casa de banho Ah kah-zah deh bahn-yoo Men Homens Aw-maynsh Women Mulheres Mool-yeh-rish Left / Right Esquerda / direita Ish-kehr-dah / dee-ray-tah Straight Em frento Ayn frayn-toh What time does this open / close? As que horas é que abre / fecha? Ahsh keh aw-rahsh eh keh ah-breh / feh-shah Just a moment Um momento Oon moo-mayn-too Now / Soon / Later Agora / em breve / mais tarde Ah-goh-rah / ayn bray-veh / maish tar-deh Today / Tomorrow Hoje / Ammanhã Oh-zheh / ah-ming-yah