Untitled - Ascofrance
Untitled - Ascofrance
T i rHE rn L • OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY BOTANY. BER VOL. X.Q MrssoriHi pryV^ Mir. LONDON: SOLD AT THE SOCIETY'S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON HOUSE; AND BY LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER, AND WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 1869. LIST OF PAPERS. Page AiTCHisoN; J. Laliiil;its E. M.D., F.R.C.S.R, F.L.S. T., Flora and Vegetable Products &c. From communica- Heinbich JaeschkK; tions received from the Rev. of the Moravian Mission 69 Barber, Mrs. M. E. On ' the Structure and Fertilization of Liparis Bowheri Bentham^ GeorgE; . .* Esq., P.L.S. Notes on Myrtacese Note on the Stigmatic Apparatus of Goodeno\ie8e Berkeley, Rev. M. On 455 J., 101 203 M.A,, F.L.S. a Collection of Fungi from Cuba. Part II., including those belonging to the Families Gasteromycetes, Conioinycetes, Hyphomycetes, Physoniycetes, and Ascomycetes BERKELEY; Rev. M. J., M.A., F.L.S., and Dr, M, A. Cmxis. Fungi Cubenses {Hy7neno7mjcetes) BvcHANAX, J., 280 Esq. Notes on the Botany of Mount Egmont and Neighbourhood, New Zealand, made in February 1867 Notes on the Botany ol the Province of Marlborough, made during a visit there in the months of November, December, and Januarv, 18G0-07 CoLLiNGwooD, Dr. C, On Nutmeg- and 57 G3 F.L.S. other Cultivation in Singapore Extract from a Letter from, on Borneo 341 , ft 45 Luminous Fungus from ,,.....,.,.,...».,.. 400 372 KEY. M. 719. R, BERKELEY ON CUBAN EUNGI. J. coNCENTRicuM, B. ^' StroTuate suhorbiculari atramentario C. tenero, pustulis concentrice dispositis rugoso. On bark in woods. Pebruary. 720. R. MXCRASPis, B. Patclies 1-2 lines across. Stromate orbiculari tenui convexulo atro C, <§• ruguloso apice rimis brevibus aperto. On May. leaves of Buhiacece, 721. R. LEPTOSPiLUM, B. medio hie illic (567-) (477, 779.) About one line across, C Stromate tenui orbiculari atro-fusco (lemum rimoso; ascis clavatis ; sporidiis ellipticis ob^' demum medio contractis. (537.) of LauracecE. May. Sporidia diplodioid tusis uniseptatis On one leaves spots not ; line broad. 722. R. RUFULUM, B. ^ Tenue, orbiculare, atro-rufum, rimis mi- C. nutis radiantibus rugosum. On (401, 770,) the upper surface of leaves. some Micropenis. E-esembling at Unfortunately there is no sight first fruit. Htsterium, Tode. 723. On IIysterium foliicolum, Fr, Syst. ii, p. 592. (621.) dead leaves. Hab. Chili, Madeira, Car. Inf , Europe. 724. II. CLusiiE, B, (^ arete ciuetura, lineare, septatis, Immersum, epidermide C, crassa curvatum trigonumque; sporidiis apud commissuram contractis. elevata ellipticis uni- (535.) On dead leaves of Clusia parasitica. October. Sporidia '0005 inch long, '0002 broad. Much smaller than the following species. 725. H. PLATYPLACUM, B, ^ C. Macula lata, pallida; peritheeio flexuoso epidermide elevata arete cincto; disco aperto fusco; ascis linearibus; sporidiis flocciformibus. On (4.23, 424.) dead leaves of Olusia, w OsTROPA, Fr. -726. C OsTROPA ALBo-ciNCTA, B. ^ connatis gregariis, apice obtusissimis, Pcritheciis eylindricis sub- rima pulvere niveo cincta. (U5-) On dead bark. Densely gregarious, subconnate, clothed ftt the base with a few indistinct flocci. Sporidia elongated, subcymbiform, '000(5 inch long, '00016 broad. An extremely beautiful species. Akgeltna, Mont. 727. Angelina Leprieurh, Mont. On barl^. Ilah. Guiana. I Syll. p. 188. Sporidia -OOIG (619.) inch long, -OOO* JAHRBÜCHER des VEREINS NASSAUISCHEN für NATURKUNDE Herausgegeben Dr. Professor am C. Königlichen Museums zu L. KIRSCHBAUM, Gymnasium und Inspector des naturhistorischen Wiesbaden, Secretär des Vereins für Naturkunde. Jahrgang XXIII und XXIV. Mit VI lithographirten und colorirten Tafeln. Wiesbaden. «Julius Niedner. Verlagshandlung. 1§69 und 1S74». 92 Ich stelle diesen Pilz nach Fries hierhin, ich selbst Acrospermacei Fcki. habe ihn noch nicht lebend untersucht. b. kommen Bei mehreren Gattungen dieser Familie Conidien und Spermatien den meisten sind aber nur die Schlauchformen bekannt. vor, bei mehr oder weniger deutlich sind hier die Charakteristisch am verticalen Perithecien, mit Scheitel mehr oder weniger deutlicher Längsritze. Bis auf Mytilinidion welches ich, wegen seiner sonstigen nahen Verwandtschaft mit Lophium, hier nicht trennen wollte, besitzen alle lange, fadenförmige, gleichförmige, meist wasserhelle Endo, Tjr pus: Acrospermum. Alle sind Fäulnissbewohner. sporen. Ostropa 98. Mit 2fachem — p. 468. Länge der Schläuche, 0. Cinerea Fr. 1. f. S. wasserhell. — Sphaeria Sc. p. 401. v. — F. rh. 1755. — Fungi ascophori. Aesten von Fraxinus exe. und Syringa vulg. selten, Im heimer Wald und auf der Münchaue. 0. Cubicularis 2. Ebh. F. barbara Fr. Syst. myc.II. Tuberculostoma sphaerocephalum Sollm. in Hedw. 1864. Nr. 8 et in Ebb.. F. eur. 764. — exs. 338. Jugend in ihrer sind Endosporen und Spermatien lang, gleichförmig, faden- mit Spermatien gefüllt. förmig, erstere von der (Fries) Die Perithecien Generationswechsel. f. — — An — Sphaeria F. rh. 2035. Im Geisen- Jura, Morthier. Fr. Syst. myc. c. II. p. Tuberculostoma lageniforme Sollm. in Hedw. 1864. eur. 765. harten, dürren im Frühling. (Fungus ascophorus.) 477. p. 116. — An — e. Lib. ic. — dürren, har- Im exe. und Syringa vulgaris, selten, im Frühling. und im Park zu Eeichartshausen. Die Spermogonienform findet sich mit der Schlauchform gemischt, mit sehr ten Aesten von Fraxinus Walde bei Geisenheim langen, fadenförmigen Spermatien. 99. Oomyces Berkeley & Br. Ann. and. Mag. of. nt. Hist. 1851. Nur die Schlauchform bekannt. Schläuche und Sporen wie bei der vorigen Gattung. 1. Sphaeria 0. carneo-albus c-a. Lib. exs. 241. (Lib.) Berk. — tern von Aira caespitosa, selten, 100. Nur die & Br. — F. rh. 797. im Frühling. Acrospermum 1. An Im c. — Not. p. 18. Nr. 590. — dürren, noch stehenden Blät- Oestricher Wald. TodeMeckl. I. p. 8. Schlauchformen bekannt. Schläuche und Sporen wie bei der vorigen Gattung. 1. A. graminum Lib. exs. 33. — F. rh. von Poa pratensis, nicht häufig, im Frühling. Neuhof. 777.— An faulenden Blättern Auf den Wiesen unterhalb dem — — var. robustior In allen Theilen stärker als die Normalform. An den f. Blättern von Brachypodium sylvaticum, selten, im Frühling. An der Salzbach bei Bauenthal. 2. An A. COmpressum verschiedenen faulenden Frühling. Tode Meckl. Stengeln, I. p. 8. T. 2. F. 13. — F. besonders von Urtica dioica, rh. 776. häufig, — im ' THE NORTH AMEjRlGAl^ PYtElOMYGElES A CONTRIBUTION TO MYCOLOGIC BOTANY, J. B. B. M. WITH ELLIS EVEBHART. ORIGINAI, II,I,USTRATIONSt F. W. ANDERSON. PUBLISHED BY ELLIS & EVERHART, NEWFIEI,D, NEW JERSEY. 1892. 676 dsTROPA, Pr. Sumraa Veg. Scand. p. 401. ' Perithecia imtuersod, orbicular, of a corky, horn-like texture, firm, with a prominent papilla, rather large, with a longitudinal dehiscence and swollen lips. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia lying parallel, closely packed, typically multiseptate filiform, or multiguttulate, hyaline. Paraphyses slender. Placed by Dr. p. Rehm among the Discomycetes, (Die Pilze III, 185). 0. cinerea, (Pers.) Hysterium cinereum, Pers. Syn. p. 99. Sphezria dardara, Fr. S. M. II, p. 468. & Nest, g56.—Desm. PI. Crypt. Ed. Bxsicc. Moug. I, 621. Perithecia scattered, the base immersed in the wood or, more the bark, finally emergent, gray-cinereous, finally shining- rarely, in black, rather large, with a opening with an elongated cylindrical or prominent papilla, depressed-sphteroid, fissure extending nearly across. 180-200x7-10 filiform, //, Asci thickened at the apex, Sporidia filiform, 180 x 1^ ^, multiseptate, hyaline or yelParaphyses very slender, branching, evanescent. 8-spored. lowish-hyaline. Fries, in S. M. II, p. 468, doubtfully refers to this, species, specimens on wood of Ziiquidambar from Carolina. About as large as a hemp seed. The conical or papilliform ostiolum is rarely seen, the perithecium being generally split across the top like a Hysterium. 0. sphffirioides, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1829. Perithecia scattered or aggregated, but not confluent, rather large, orbicular-elliptical, erumpent, subcompressed, black, subrugose, opencleft, almost like the ostiokm of Tremato- ing with a short transverse sphoiria pertusa. On a piece of dry wood. 0. rn^ulosa, Schw. 1. c. New England (Torrey). 1830. Perithecia arranged in long, effused, confluent groups, the single perithecia scarcely distinct, carbonaceous, very black outside, brown, inside, striate-rimose, innate in the cinereous colored wood which raised into a tubercle, at length subdehiscent. surface of the perithecia On is The is generally flattened and rugulose. decorticated spots on a decaying log of Juglans cinerea, Erie Co., Pa. (Schw.). ; 677 Schw. 0. hysterioides, No. 1831. c. 1. Perithecia often longitudinalljr confluent, navicular, striate, black, often deformed; dehiscence transverse, lips subobtuse, adnate-erum- pent, visibly contracted towards the base, so that sometimes substipitate like a Lophium. it becomes Asci diffluent. Rare; on old bleached oak wood, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). 0. cinerascens, Schw. Perithecia wood thickly 1. c. No. 1832. minute, brown-black, raising the scattered, marked with a longitudinal cleft, elliptical, innate covered with a veil. The ostioloid cleft is slightly prominent. into tubercles, at first On bare wood not covered with of Liriodendron, which a crust, Bethlehem, Pa. is faintly cinerascent, but (>Schwi). The fructification of this and the three preceding Schweinitzian species is unknown. The specimens in Herb. Schw. are all sterile, and the species must be considered as very doubtful productions. AYLOGRAPHUM, Crypt. Ard. No. Lib. 272. Perithecia minute, sublinear, simple or somewhat branched, branaceous, opening with a narrow cleft or crack. 8-spored and aparaphysate. mem- Asci short, typically Sporidia ovate-oblong, uniseptate, hyaline or brown. * Sporidia hyaline. A. vkgum, Desin. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX, Hystevium micrographum, De Not. Micr. Exsicc. Desm. PI. Crypt. -de Franc. Ed. I, 1629. p. 362. Ital. dec. IV, fig. III. Perithecia innate-superficial, minute, black, straight or curved, simple or branching by confluence, amphigenous, scattered; lips closed, forming a narrow ridge or crust along the vertex of the perithecium. Asci ellipsoid, 25-35 x 12-15 and constricted, hyaline, [i. Sporidia obovate-oblong, uniseptate 10-12 x 4 fi. and decaying leaves of Ilex opaca, Newfield, N. and on decaying petioles of Sahal serrulata, Florida (Martin). On fallen A. Pinorum, Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. II, Ser. tom. 10, Exsicc. Desm. Perithecia PI. Crypt. Ed. when 314. I, 994. adnate-superficial, scattered straight or curved, simple or branching by closed p. J., dry, slightly open when fresh. or gregarious, linear, confluence, black; lips Asci clavate, 30-403: