republik indonesia memorandum saling pengertian ant ara
REPUBLIK INDONESIA MEMORANDUM SALING PENGERTIAN ANT ARA PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN FLORES TIMUR DAN KOTA OUREM TENTANG KERJA SAMA KOTA KEMBAR Kabupaten Flores Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Republik Indonesia, dan Kata Ourem, Portugal, selanjutnya masing-masing disebut sebagai Pihak dan bersama-sama sebagai Para Pihak; MENGAKUI terdapatnya 500 (lima ratus) tahun ikatan budaya antara warga Flores Timur dan Portugal; MEMPERHATIKAN adanya pengaruh Portugis dalam warisan budaya di Flores Timur; MEMPERHATIKAN lebih lanjut adanya upacara-upacara keagamaan Katolik di Flores Timur berasal dari tradisi Portugis, seperti prosesi Samana Sancta; BERKEINGINAN untuk membangun kerja sama kota kembar berdasarkan prinsip kesetaraan, saling pengertian, menghormati, dan manfaat di antara Para Pihak; SESUAI dengan hukum dan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku di negara masing-masing; TELAH MENCAPAI kesepakatan sebagai berikut: PASAL 1 TUJUAN Tujuan dari Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini (selanjutnya disebut sebagai MSP) adalah untuk membentuk suatu kerja sama kota kembar antara Para Pihak berdasarkan ikatan budaya yang unik antara masyarakat Flores Timur dan Portugal. PASAL 2 RUANG LINGKUP DAN WILAYAH KERJA SAMA Para Pihak sepakat untuk mengembangkan kerja sama sesuai dengan hukum dan peraturan perundangan negara masing-masing pada bidang-bidang berikut: 1. Kerja sama kebudayaan, yang dapat meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada, bidang-bidang kerja sama berikut: a. Restorasi dan pelestarian situs budaya benda, termasuk rumah ibadah dan situs-situs lainnya yang dibangun pada zaman Portugis; b. Pelestarian ekspresi budaya tradisional lainnya yang berasal dari tradisi Portugis; c. Promosi kerja sama kebudayaan dalam rangka mempertahankan dan memperkuat ikatan kebudayaan antara rakyat kedua negara, dan d. Peningkatan kapasitas di bidang budaya. 2. Kerja sama pariwisata, yang dapat meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada, bidang-bidang kerja sama berikut: a. Pariwisata keagamaan untuk beberapa situs keagamaan di Ourem (Fatima) dan I atau di Flores timur (Katedral Renha Rosari, Kapel Tua Ma, Kapel Tua Ana , Kapel Tua Manino, dan Kapel Tua Senhor); dan b. Promosi prosesi Samana Sancta, sebuah prosesi keagamaan tahunan pada hari Jumat Agung yang berasal dari tradisi Katolik Portugis. 3. Kerja sama pendidikan, yang akan dilakukan dengan melakukan, antara lain, pertukaran siswa dan guru, beasiswa, penelitian bersama bidang sejarah dan budaya. 4. Promosi dan pertukaran entitas bisnis antara Para Pihak. 5. Kerja sama bidang lain yang disetujui oleh Para Pihak. PASAL 3 IMPLEMENTASI 1. Untuk melaksanakan ruang lingkup dan bidang kerja sama sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 MSP ini, Para Pihak wajib menyepakati suatu pengaturan khusus yang memuat rincian seperti program, jadwal, kegiatan, pendanaan, dan personil. 2. Hal-hal lain yang mungkin timbul selama pelaksanaan MSP ini dan tidak diatur dalam MSP ini akan dibahas dan disepakati secara tertulis oleh Para Pihak dalam pengaturan terpisah. I , 1 1 PASAL 4 PENDANAAN 1. Pelaksanaan MSP ini didasarkan pada ketersediaan dana dan sumber daya lainnya; 2. Setiap Pihak dapat mencari sumber pembiayaan dari pihak ketiga untuk mendanai kegiatan yang dilakukan di bawah MSP ini, berdasarkan persetujuan tertulis dari Pihak lainnya. PASAL 5 KELOMPOK KERJA BERSAMA 1. Para Pihak dapat membentuk Kelompok Kerja Bersama untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan berdasarkan MSP in1, serta merekomendasikan kegiatan-kegiatan dan program-program untuk melaksanakan MSP ini. 2. Kelompok Kerja Bersama akan terdiri dari pejabat dari Para Pihak, dan diketuai bersama oleh Bupati Flores Timur dan Walikota Ourem, atau pejabat lain yang diberi kewenangan untuk mewakili mereka. 3. Kelompok Kerja Bersama akan bertemu secara tahunan atau pada waktu lain yang dianggap perlu oleh Para Pihak, di Flores Timur atau Ourem secara bergantian . PASAL 6 HAK KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL 1. Setiap Pihak wajib melindungi dalam wilayahnya hak kekayaan intelektual dari Pihak lain sesuai dengan hukum nasional yang berlaku di negara masing-masing. 2. Para Pihak wajib mengadakan pengaturan terpisah untuk melindungi hak kekayaan intelektual yang dihasilkan dari pelaksanaan MSP ini. 3. Jika salah satu Pihak berkeinginan untuk mengungkapkan data dan I atau informasi rahasia yang diberikan oleh Pihak lainnya dalam rangka pelaksanaan MSP ini, Pihak yang akan mengungkapkan harus mendapatkan suatu persetujuan tertulis dari Pihak lainnya sebelum pengungkapan data dan I atau informasi tersebut. PASAL 7 PEMBATASAN AKTIVITAS PERSONIL Semua personil dari setiap Pihak yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan MSP ini harus memperhatikan, menghormati dan mematuhi hukum dan peraturan dari Pihak lain dan harus menghindari melakukan kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan MSP ini. PASAL 8 PENYELESAIAN SENG KET A Setiap sengketa yang timbul dari penafsiran dan I atau pelaksanaan MSP ini akan diselesaikan secara damai oleh Para Pihak melalui negosiasi dan konsultasi. PASAL 9 PERUBAHAN MSP ini dapat diubah atau direvisi dengan persetujuan tertulis dari Para Pihak . Perubahan atau revisi akan mulai berlaku pada tanggal sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Para Pihak dan merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari MSP ini . PASAL10 MULAI BERLAKU, MASA BERLAKU, DAN PENGAKHIRAN 1. 2. MSP ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal penandatanganan dan tetap berlaku untuk jangka waktu lima tahun, dan dapat diperpanjang atas persetujuan tertulis oleh Para Pihak. MSP ini dapat dihentikan setiap saat oleh salah satu Pihak dengan menyampaikan pemberitahuan secara tertulis selambat-lambatnya enam bulan sebelumnya. 3. Pengakhiran MSP ini tidak akan mempengaruhi keabsahan dari setiap program-program atau kegiatan-kegiatan yang sedang berjalan berdasarkan MSP ini hingga selesainya program-program dan I atau kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut. SEBAGAI BUKTI, para penanda ta ngan, yang telah diberi kuasa penuh oleh Pemerintah masing-masing, telah menandatangani MSP ini. Ditandatangani dalam rangkap dua di . J~~~Oa...... pada tanggal ... 23...... bulan ... M:e..L ..... Pada tahun dua ribu - ~~.a.~: dalam bahasa Indonesia, Portugis dan lnggris. Semua naskah memiliki kekuatan hukum yang sama. Dalam hal terjadi perbedaan penafsiran, naskah Bahasa lnggris yang berlaku. ..... UNTUK PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN FLORES TIMUR UNTUK PEMERINTAH KOTA OU REM Signed Signed Y-oseph Lagadoni Henn Bupati Flores Timur Paulo Fonseca Walikota Ou rem ·~ REPUBLIK INDONESIA Memoranda de Entendimento entre o Governo Municipal das Flores - Timor e o Municipio de Ourem no ambito da Cooperac;ao de Cidades lrmas 0 Municipio de Flores - Timor, Provincia Timorense de Nusa Tenggara, Republica da Indonesia e o Municipio de Ourem, Portugal , designado singularmente por "Parte" e em conjunto por "Partes". RECONHECENDO a ligac;ao cultural existente de 500 (quinhentos) anos entre os povos das Flores - Timor e Portugal; TENDO EM CONTA a existencia de influencia portuguesa na heranc;a cultural nas Flores Timar; TENDO EM CONTA a existencia de cenmornas religiosas cat61icas nas Flores - Timor baseadas na tradic;ao portuguesa, tais como a procissao da Semana Santa; TENDO EM CONTA 0 DESEJO de estabelecer uma cooperac;ao ente cidades irmas baseada nos principios da igualdade, entendimento mutuo, respeito e beneficios entre as partes; NOS TERMOS das leis e regulamentos em vigor nos seus respectivos paises; CHEGARAM a um entendimento no que diz respeito a: ARTIGO 1 OBJECTIVO 0 objective deste Memoranda de Entendimento (designado por ME) e o de estabelecer uma cooperac;ao de cidade irma entre as Partes, tendo por base os lac;os culturais existentes entre o povo das Flores - Timor e Portugal. ARTIGO 2 AMBITO E AREAS DE COOPERACAO As Partes comprometem-se a desenvolver a cooperac;ao de acordo com as respectivas leis em vigor e nas seguintes areas: 1. Cooperac;ao cultural, que podera incluir, mas nao ficar limitada a, as seguintes areas de cooperac;ao: a. Renovac;ao e preservac;ao do site cultural existente, incluindo sites religiosos e outros que foram criados durante a era portuguesa; b. Preserva9ao de outras expressoes culturais tradicionais que derivam de tradi96es portuguesas; c. Promoc;ao de coopera9ao cultural de forma a manter e fortalecer os lac;os culturais entre os povos dos dois paises; d. Refor90 das capacidades no domfnio da cultura. 2. Cooperac;ao turistica, que podera incluir, mas nao limitar a, as seguintes areas de cooperac;ao: a. Turismo religioso em diversos sites religiosos em Ourem (Fatima) e/ou nas Flores Timor (Catedral Renha Rosari , Capela Tua Ma, Capela Tua Ana, Capela Tua Manino e Capela Tua Senhor); b. Promoc;ao da procissao da Semana Santa, procissao religiosa anual proveniente da tradic;ao cat61ica portuguesa . 3. Cooperac;ao educacional que sera feita atraves da realizac;ao, entre outros , de intercambios de estudantes e professores, bolsas de estudo , pesquisa conjunta nas areas da cultura e da hist6ria. 4. Promoc;ao e intercambio de entidades empresariais entre as duas Partes . 5. Outras areas de cooperac;ao a ser acordadas pelas Partes. ARTIGO 3 IMPLEMENTACAO 1. Para implementar o ambito e as areas de cooperac;ao conforme estipulado no artigo 2 do ME, as Partes devem concluir um acordo especial com a especificac;ao de detalhes como programas, horarios, actividades, financiamentos e pessoal. 2. Qualquer outro assunto que surja durante a implementac;ao deste ME e que nao esteja nele contemplado deve ser discutido e acordado, por escrito , pelas Partes em documento separado. ARTIGO 4 FINANCIAMENTO 1. A implementac;ao do ME estara sujeita a disponibilidade de fundos e outros recursos; 2. Cada Parte podera solicitar uma contribuic;ao financeira a terceiros de modo a financiar as actividades mencionadas neste ME, sendo que serao objecto de aprovac;ao escrita pela outra Parte. ARTIGO 5 GRUPO DE TRABALHO CONJUNTO 1. As Partes podem criar um grupo de trabalho conjunto para monitorizar e avaliar as actividades desenvolvidas ao abrigo deste ME, tal como as actividades e programas recomendados para a implementac;ao deste ME . 2. 0 Grupo de Trabalho Conjunto deve ser composto por funcionarios de ambas as Partes e co-presidido pelo presidente do municf pio de Ourem e pelo presidente do municfpio das Flores - Timor ou outro funcionario autorizado para o(s) representar. 3. 0 Grupo de Trabalho Conjunto reunira anualmente ou em qualquer outra altura definida por ambas as partes, nas Flores - Timor ou em Ourem, alternadamente . ARTIGO 6 DIREITOS DE PROPRIEDADE INTELECTUAL 1. Cada Parte, dentro do seu territ6rio, deve proteger os direitos de propriedade intelectual da outra Parte, de acordo com as leis em vigor no respectivo pais . 2. Ambas as Partes devem celebrar um acordo separado, de forma a proteger a propriedade intelectual resultante da implementac;ao deste ME . 3. Se qualquer uma das Partes pretender divulgar dados ou informa96es confidenciais facultados pela outra Parte para implementac;ao do ME, deve solicitar uma autorizac;ao escrita a outra Parte, antes da sua divulgac;ao. ARTIGO 7 LIMIT ACAO DE PESSOAL Todas as pessoas envolvidas na implementac;ao deste ME devem observar, respeitar e obedecer as leis e regulamentos da outra Parte e evitar efectuar qualquer actividade incompativel com os objectivos do ME. ARTIGO 8 RESOLU<;AO DE LITiGIOS Qualquer litfgio decorrente da interpreta9ao e/ou aplica9ao do presente ME deve ser resolvido de forma amigavel entre as Partes atraves da negociac;ao e consulta. ARTIGO 9 ALTERACOES Este documento pode ser aperfei9oado ou revisto por consentimento mutuo escrito das Partes. Esse aperfei9oamento ou revisao produzira efeitos em data a determinar pelas Partes e constituira parte integrante do ME. ARTIGO 10 ENTRADA EM VIGOR, DURACAO E TERMO 1. Este ME entra em vigor na data da sua assinatura, vigorara durante cinco anos e podera ser prolongado por consentimento m1.'.ltuo escrito das Partes . 2. Este ME podera ser denunciado a qualquer momenta por cada uma das partes, remetendo uma notificac;ao escrita com seis meses de antecedencia. 3. 0 termo deste ME nao afectara a validade de qualquer programa ou actividades dele decorrentes ate a sua conclusao. EM FE DE QUE os abaixo assinados, devidamente autorizados pelos seus governos, assinaram o presente ME. Assinado em duplicado. em ~aca rta 'a z3 de rnaiO no ano de 2012. nas linguas Indonesia, Portuguesa e lnglesa, sendo todos os textos igualmente autenticos. Em caso de divergencia de interpreta<;:ao prevalecera a versao inglesa. Pelo Municipio das Flores - Timor Pelo Municipio de Ourem Signed Signed V'oseph Lagadoni Herin Paulo Fonsec a I I - ' l . - l, REPUBLIX INDONESIA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF FLORES TIMUR AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF OUREM ON SISTER CITY COOPERATION The Municipality of Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province , Republic of Indonesia, and the Municipality of Ourem, Portugal, hereinafter referred to singularly as the Party and jointly as the Parties ; RECOGNIZING the existing 500 (five hundred) years of cultural bond between the people of Flores Timur and Portugal; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the existing of Portuguese-influenced cultural heritage in Flores Timur; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT further the existing of Catholic based religious ceremonies in Flores Timur derived from Portuguese tradition, such as the Samana Sancta procession ; DESIRING to establish sister city cooperation based on principles of equality, mutual understanding , respect and benefits between the Parties; PURSUANT to the prevailing laws and regulations of their respective countries ; HAVE REACHED an understanding as follows: ARTICLE 1 OBJECTIVE The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (her2inafter referred to as the MoU) is to establish a sister city cooperation between the Parties based on the unique cultural ties between the people of Flores Timur and Portugal. ARTICLE 2 SCOPE AND AREAS OF COOPERATION The Parties agree to develop cooperation in accordance with their respective countries' laws and regulations in the following areas: 1. Cultural cooperation, which may include, but not limited to, the following areas of cooperation : a. Restoration and preservation of the existing tangible cultural site, including religious and other sites that were built during the Portuguese era ; b. Preservation of other traditional cultural expression that was derived from Portuguese tradition; c. Promotion of cultural cooperation in order to maintain and strengthen the cultural ties between the people of the two countries; and d. Capacity building in the field of culture . 2. Tourism cooperation, which may include, but not limited to, the following areas of cooperation : a. Religious tourism for several religious sites in Ourem (Fatima) and I or in Flores Timus (Catheral Renha Rosari, Capela Tua Ma, Capela Tua Ana , Capela Tua Manino, and Capela Tua Senhor); and b. Promotion of Samana Sancta procession, an annual religious procession on Good Friday that was derived from Portuguese catholic tradition . 3. Education cooperation, which will be done by conducting, among others, exchange of students and teachers, scholarship, joint research in history and culture . 4. Promotion and exchange of business entities between the two Parties . 5. Other areas of cooperation to be agreed by the Parties . ARTICLE 3 IMPLEMENTATION 1. To implement the scope and areas of cooperation as stipulated in Article 2 of this MoU, the Parties shall conclude a special arrangement which specifying details such as program, schedule, activities , funding and personnel. 2. Any other issue that may arise during the implementation of this MoU and is not covered in this MoU shall be discussed and agreed in writing by the Parties in separate arrangement. ARTICLE 4 FUNDING 1. The implementation of this MoU will be subject to the availability of fund and other resources ; 2. Each Party may seek a third party financial contribution to fund the activities conducted under this MoU, subject to the written approval of the other Party. ARTICLE 5 JOINT WORKING GROUP 1. The Parties may set up a joint working group to monitor and evaluate the activities conducted under this MoU, as well as recommend activities and programs to carry out the implementation of this MoU. 2. The Joint Working Group shall be comprised of the officials from the Parties, and cochaired by the Regent of Flores Timur and mayor of Ourem or other official authorized to represent them . 3. The Joint Working Group will meet annually or at any other time deemed necessary by both Parties, in Flores Timur or Ourem alternately. ARTICLE 6 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 1. Each Party shall protect within its territory the intellectual property rights of the other Party in accordance with the domestic law in force in their respective country. 2. Both Parties shall conclude a separate arrangement to protect any intellectual property resulting from the implementation of this MoU. 3. If either Party wishes to disclose confidential data and I or information furnished by the other Party for the implementation of this MoU, the disclosing Party shall seek a written consent from the other Party prior to the disclosure of such data and I or information. ARTICLE 7 LIMITATION OF PERSONNEL All personnel of each Party engaged in the implementation of this MoU shall observe, respect and comply with the laws and regulations of the other Party and shall avoid conducting any activity inconsistent with the purposes and objectives of this MoU. ARTICLE 8 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any dispute arising out from the interpretation and I or implementation of this MoU shall be settled amicably by the Parties through negotiation and consultation. ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENT This MoU may be amended or revised by mutual written consent of the Parties. Such amendment or revision will come into effect on a date as may be mutually determined by the Parties and shall constitute an integral part of this MoU. ARTICLE 10 ENTRY INTO FORECE, DURATION AND TERMINATION 1. This MoU shall enter into force on the date of its signing and shall remain in force for a period of five years, and may be extended upon mutual written consent by the Parties. 2. This MoU may be terminated at any time by either Party by giving written notification at least six months in advance. 3. The termination of this MoU shall not affect the validity of any ongoing program and I or activities under this MoU until the completion of such program and I or activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective government, have signed this MoU . Signed in duRlicate in J4MrtCl::>n the ." 141 day of .... ~ .i In the year two thousand and . t.W.~.lf in Indonesia, Portuguese and Eng lish languages. All texts being equally authentic. In any case of any divergence of interpretation , the English text shall prevail. .... FOR THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF FLORES TIMUR FOR THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF OUREM Signed Signed Voseph Lagadoni Herin Regent of Flores Timur Paulo Fonseca Mayor of Ourem
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